!!! 5 -# paulirish.com/2008/conditional-stylesheets-vs-css-hacks-answer-neither/ %html.no-js{ :lang => "en" } %head -# to specify a stylesheet other than application, send a local variable to the head partial, eg: :locals => {:stylesheet => "name_of_stylesheet"} = render_partial "boilerplate/head", :page_title => page_title, :site_title => site_title, :locals => {:stylesheet => "boilerplate"} %body{ :class => "#{page_title}" } #container %header#header = render_partial "boilerplate/header", :page_title => page_title #main{ :role => "main" } // TODO: decide if/how we're going to use flashes /= render_partial "boilerplate/flashes" = yield %footer#footer = render_partial "boilerplate/footer" -# include various Javascript goodness at the bottom of the page for faster page loading -# to specify a stylesheet other than application, send a local variable to the javascripts partial, eg: :locals => {:javascripts => "name_of_javascript"} = render_partial "boilerplate/javascripts", :locals => {:stylesheet => "boilerplate"}