#!/usr/bin/env ruby #encoding: utf-8 require_relative "../spec_helper" require 'rubygems' require 'reckon' require 'pp' require 'rantly' require 'rantly/rspec_extensions' require 'shellwords' require 'stringio' describe Reckon::LedgerParser do before do @ledger = Reckon::LedgerParser.new(date_format: '%Y/%m/%d') @entries = @ledger.parse(StringIO.new(EXAMPLE_LEDGER)) end describe "parse" do it "should match ledger csv output" do # ledger only parses dates with - or / as separator, and separator is required formats = ["%Y/%m/%d", "%Y-%m-%d"] types = [' ! ', ' * ', ' '] delimiters = [" ", "\t", "\t\t"] comment_chars = ';#%*|' currency_delimiters = delimiters + [''] currencies = ['', '$', '£'] property_of do Rantly do description = Proc.new do sized(15){string}.tr(%q{'`:*\\},'').gsub(/\s+/, ' ').gsub(/^[!;<\[( #{comment_chars}]+/, '') end currency = choose(*currencies) # to be consistent within the transaction single_line_comments = ";#|%*".split('').map { |n| "#{n} #{call(description)}" } comments = ['', '; ', "\t;#{call(description)}", " ; #{call(description)}"] date = Time.at(range(0, 1_581_389_644)).strftime(choose(*formats)) codes = [' ', " (#{string(:alnum).tr('()', '')}) "] account = Proc.new { choose(*delimiters) + call(description) } account_money = Proc.new do sprintf("%.02f", (float * range(5,10) + 1) * choose(1, -1)) end account_line = Proc.new do call(account) + \ choose(*delimiters) + \ currency + \ choose(*currency_delimiters) + \ call(account_money) + \ choose(*comments) end ledger = "#{date}#{choose(*types)}#{choose(*codes)}#{call(description)}\n" range(1,5).times do ledger += "#{call(account_line)}\n" end ledger += "#{call(account)}\n" ledger += choose(*single_line_comments) + "\n" ledger end end.check(1000) do |s| filter_format = lambda { |n| [n['date'], n['desc'], n['name'], sprintf("%.02f", n['amount'])] } headers = %w[date code desc name currency amount type commend] safe_s = Shellwords.escape(s) lp_csv = Reckon::LedgerParser.new(date_format: '%Y/%m/%d').to_csv(StringIO.new(s)).join("\n") actual = CSV.parse(lp_csv, headers: headers).map(&filter_format) ledger_csv = `echo #{safe_s} | ledger csv --date-format '%Y/%m/%d' -f - ` expected = CSV.parse(ledger_csv.gsub('\"', '""'), headers: headers).map(&filter_format) expected.length.times do |i| expect(actual[i]).to eq(expected[i]) end end end it 'should filter block comments' do ledger = < "Account1", :amount => 1000 }, { :name => "Account2", :amount => nil } ]).should == [ { :name => "Account1", :amount => 1000 }, { :name => "Account2", :amount => -1000 } ] end it "it should balance out missing account values" do @ledger.send(:balance, [ { :name => "Account1", :amount => 1000 }, { :name => "Account2", :amount => 100 }, { :name => "Account3", :amount => -200 }, { :name => "Account4", :amount => nil } ]).should == [ { :name => "Account1", :amount => 1000 }, { :name => "Account2", :amount => 100 }, { :name => "Account3", :amount => -200 }, { :name => "Account4", :amount => -900 } ] end it "it should work on normal values too" do @ledger.send(:balance, [ { :name => "Account1", :amount => 1000 }, { :name => "Account2", :amount => -1000 } ]).should == [ { :name => "Account1", :amount => 1000 }, { :name => "Account2", :amount => -1000 } ] end end # Data EXAMPLE_LEDGER = (<<-LEDGER).strip = /^Expenses:Books/ (Liabilities:Taxes) -0.10 ~ Monthly Assets:Bank:Checking $500.00 Income:Salary 2004-05-01 * Checking balance Assets:Bank:Checking $1,000.00 Equity:Opening Balances 2004-05-01 * Checking balance Assets:Bank:Checking €1,000.00 Equity:Opening Balances 2004-05-01 * Checking balance Assets:Bank:Checking 1,000.00 SEK Equity:Opening Balances 2004/05/01 * Investment balance Assets:Brokerage 50 AAPL @ $30.00 Equity:Opening Balances ; blah !account blah !end D $1,000 2004/05/14 * Pay day Assets:Bank:Checking $500.00 Income:Salary 2004/05/27 Book Store Expenses:Books $20.00 Liabilities:MasterCard 2004/05/27 (100) Credit card company Liabilities:MasterCard $20.24 Assets:Bank:Checking LEDGER end