require 'usps_flags' require 'usps_flags/burgees/config' require 'usps_flags/burgees/errors' # Main class for generating burgees. class USPSFlags::Burgees require 'usps_flags/burgees/builtins' require 'usps_flags/burgees/customs' # List of available burgees. def self.available (USPSFlags::Burgees::Builtins.available + USPSFlags::Burgees::Customs.available).uniq end # Constructor for generating burgees. # # @example Generate Birmingham's burgee # burgee = do |b| # b.type = :birmingham # b.outfile = "/path/to/svg/output.svg" # end # # burgee.svg #=> Generates SVG file at "/path/to/svg/output.svg" def initialize @squadron = nil @outfile = nil # @width = 3000 # @height = 2000 @title = nil @generated_at ="%Y%m%d.%H%S%z") yield self if block_given? @title ||= title(@squadron) end attr_accessor :squadron attr_accessor :outfile # attr_accessor :width # attr_accessor :height attr_accessor :title attr_accessor :outfile # Generates the constructed file as SVG. # # @return [String] Returns the SVG file output path, or the svg data if no path was specified. def svg raise USPSFlags::Errors::UnknownBurgee unless USPSFlags::Burgees.available.include?(@squadron) @svg = <<~SVG #{USPSFlags::Core.headers(title: @title)} #{core(@squadron)} #{USPSFlags::Core.footer} SVG USPSFlags::Helpers.output(@svg, outfile: @outfile) end private def core(burgee) if custom?(burgee) USPSFlags::Burgees::Customs.get(burgee) elsif builtin?(burgee) USPSFlags::Burgees::Builtins.get(burgee) end end def custom?(burgee) USPSFlags::Burgees::Customs.available.include?(burgee) end def builtin?(burgee) USPSFlags::Burgees::Builtins.available.include?(burgee) end def title(burgee) burgee_string = burgee.to_s burgee_title = if burgee_string.match(/_/) burgee_string.gsub("_", " ").split(" ").map { |word| word.capitalize }.join(" ") + " Burgee" else "#{burgee_string.capitalize} Burgee" end end end