/*! * UI development toolkit for HTML5 (OpenUI5) * (c) Copyright 2009-2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt. */ sap.ui.define([ 'sap/base/assert', 'sap/base/Log', 'sap/base/strings/formatMessage', 'sap/base/util/Properties' ], function(assert, Log, formatMessage, Properties) { "use strict"; /* global Promise */ /** * A regular expression that describes language tags according to BCP-47. * @see BCP47 "Tags for Identifying Languages" (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt) * * The matching groups are * 0=all * 1=language (shortest ISO639 code + ext. language sub tags | 4digits (reserved) | registered language sub tags) * 2=script (4 letters) * 3=region (2letter language or 3 digits) * 4=variants (separated by '-', Note: capturing group contains leading '-' to shorten the regex!) * 5=extensions (including leading singleton, multiple extensions separated by '-') * 6=private use section (including leading 'x', multiple sections separated by '-') * * [-------------------- language ----------------------][--- script ---][------- region --------][------------- variants --------------][----------- extensions ------------][------ private use -------] */ var rLocale = /^((?:[A-Z]{2,3}(?:-[A-Z]{3}){0,3})|[A-Z]{4}|[A-Z]{5,8})(?:-([A-Z]{4}))?(?:-([A-Z]{2}|[0-9]{3}))?((?:-[0-9A-Z]{5,8}|-[0-9][0-9A-Z]{3})*)((?:-[0-9A-WYZ](?:-[0-9A-Z]{2,8})+)*)(?:-(X(?:-[0-9A-Z]{1,8})+))?$/i; /** * Resource bundles are stored according to the Java Development Kit conventions. * JDK uses old language names for a few ISO639 codes ("iw" for "he", "ji" for "yi", "in" for "id" and "sh" for "sr"). * Make sure to convert newer codes to older ones before creating file names. * @const * @private */ var M_ISO639_NEW_TO_OLD = { "he" : "iw", "yi" : "ji", "id" : "in", "sr" : "sh", "nb" : "no" }; /** * Inverse of M_ISO639_NEW_TO_OLD. * @const * @private */ var M_ISO639_OLD_TO_NEW = { "iw" : "he", "ji" : "yi", "in" : "id", "sh" : "sr", "no" : "nb" }; /** * HANA XS Engine can't handle private extensions in BCP47 language tags. * Therefore, the agreed BCP47 codes for the technical languages 1Q and 2Q * don't work as Accept-Header and need to be send as URL parameters as well. * @const * @private */ var M_SUPPORTABILITY_TO_XS = { "en_US_saptrc" : "1Q", "en_US_sappsd" : "2Q" }; var rSAPSupportabilityLocales = /(?:^|-)(saptrc|sappsd)(?:-|$)/i; /** * Helper to normalize the given locale (in BCP-47 syntax) to the java.util.Locale format. * @param {string} sLocale locale to normalize * @returns {string} Normalized locale or undefined if the locale can't be normalized */ function normalize(sLocale) { var m; if ( typeof sLocale === 'string' && (m = rLocale.exec(sLocale.replace(/_/g, '-'))) ) { var sLanguage = m[1].toLowerCase(); sLanguage = M_ISO639_NEW_TO_OLD[sLanguage] || sLanguage; var sScript = m[2] ? m[2].toLowerCase() : undefined; var sRegion = m[3] ? m[3].toUpperCase() : undefined; var sVariants = m[4] ? m[4].slice(1) : undefined; var sPrivate = m[6]; // recognize and convert special SAP supportability locales (overwrites m[]!) if ( (sPrivate && (m = rSAPSupportabilityLocales.exec(sPrivate))) || (sVariants && (m = rSAPSupportabilityLocales.exec(sVariants))) ) { return "en_US_" + m[1].toLowerCase(); // for now enforce en_US (agreed with SAP SLS) } // Chinese: when no region but a script is specified, use default region for each script if ( sLanguage === "zh" && !sRegion ) { if ( sScript === "hans" ) { sRegion = "CN"; } else if ( sScript === "hant" ) { sRegion = "TW"; } } return sLanguage + (sRegion ? "_" + sRegion + (sVariants ? "_" + sVariants.replace("-","_") : "") : ""); } } /** * Returns the default locale (the locale defined in UI5 configuration if available, else "en") * @returns {string} The default locale */ function defaultLocale() { var sLocale; // use the current session locale, if available if (window.sap && window.sap.ui && sap.ui.getCore) { sLocale = sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getLanguage(); sLocale = normalize(sLocale); } // last fallback is english if no or no valid locale is given return sLocale || "en"; } /** * Calculate the next fallback locale for the given locale. * * Note: always keep this in sync with the fallback mechanism in Java, ABAP (MIME & BSP) * resource handler (Java: Peter M., MIME: Sebastian A., BSP: Silke A.) * @param {string} sLocale Locale string in Java format (underscores) or null * @returns {string|null} Next fallback Locale or null if there is no more fallback * @private */ function nextFallbackLocale(sLocale) { // there is no fallback for the 'raw' locale or for null/undefined if ( !sLocale ) { return null; } // special (legacy) handling for zh_HK: try zh_TW (for Traditional Chinese) first before falling back to 'zh' if ( sLocale === "zh_HK" ) { return "zh_TW"; } // if there are multiple segments (separated by underscores), remove the last one var p = sLocale.lastIndexOf('_'); if ( p >= 0 ) { return sLocale.slice(0,p); } // invariant: only a single segment, must be a language // for any language but 'en', fallback to 'en' first before falling back to the 'raw' language (empty string) return sLocale !== 'en' ? 'en' : ''; } /** * Helper to normalize the given locale (java.util.Locale format) to the BCP-47 syntax. * @param {string} sLocale locale to convert * @returns {string} Normalized locale or undefined if the locale can't be normalized */ function convertLocaleToBCP47(sLocale) { var m; if ( typeof sLocale === 'string' && (m = rLocale.exec(sLocale.replace(/_/g, '-'))) ) { var sLanguage = m[1].toLowerCase(); sLanguage = M_ISO639_OLD_TO_NEW[sLanguage] || sLanguage; return sLanguage + (m[3] ? "-" + m[3].toUpperCase() + (m[4] ? "-" + m[4].slice(1).replace("_","-") : "") : ""); } } /** * A regular expression to split a URL into *
  1. a part before the file extension
  2. *
  3. the file extension itself
  4. *
  5. any remaining part after the file extension (query, hash - optional)
  6. *
. * * Won't match for URLs without a file extension. * * [------- prefix ------][----ext----][-------suffix--------] * ?[--query--]#[--hash--] */ var rUrl = /^((?:[^?#]*\/)?[^\/?#]*)(\.[^.\/?#]+)((?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)$/; /** * List of supported file extensions. * * Could be enriched in future or even could be made * extensible to support other formats as well. * @const * @private */ var A_VALID_FILE_TYPES = [ ".properties", ".hdbtextbundle" ]; /** * Helper to split a URL with the above regex. * Either returns an object with the parts or undefined. * @param {string} sUrl URL to analyze / split into pieces. * @returns {object} an object with properties for the individual URL parts */ function splitUrl(sUrl) { var m = rUrl.exec(sUrl); if ( !m || A_VALID_FILE_TYPES.indexOf( m[2] ) < 0 ) { throw new Error("resource URL '" + sUrl + "' has unknown type (should be one of " + A_VALID_FILE_TYPES.join(",") + ")"); } return { url : sUrl, prefix : m[1], ext : m[2], query: m[4], hash: (m[5] || ""), suffix : m[2] + (m[3] || "") }; } /** * @class Contains locale-specific texts. * * If you need a locale-specific text within your application, you can use the * resource bundle to load the locale-specific file from the server and access * the texts of it. * * Use {@link module:sap/base/i18n/ResourceBundle.create} to create an instance of sap/base/i18n/ResourceBundle * (.properties without any locale information, e.g. "mybundle.properties"), and optionally * a locale. The locale is defined as a string of the language and an optional country code * separated by underscore (e.g. "en_GB" or "fr"). If no locale is passed, the default * locale is "en" if the SAPUI5 framework is not available. Otherwise the default locale is taken from * the SAPUI5 configuration. * * With the getText() method of the resource bundle, a locale-specific string value * for a given key will be returned. * * With the given locale, the resource bundle requests the locale-specific properties file * (e.g. "mybundle_fr_FR.properties"). If no file is found for the requested locale or if the file * does not contain a text for the given key, a sequence of fall back locales is tried one by one. * First, if the locale contains a region information (fr_FR), then the locale without the region is * tried (fr). If that also can't be found or doesn't contain the requested text, the English file * is used (en - assuming that most development projects contain at least English texts). * If that also fails, the file without locale (base URL of the bundle) is tried. * * If none of the requested files can be found or none of them contains a text for the given key, * then the key itself is returned as text. * * Exception: Fallback for "zh_HK" is "zh_TW" before zh. * * @since 1.58 * @alias module:sap/base/i18n/ResourceBundle * @public * @hideconstructor */ function ResourceBundle(sUrl, sLocale, bIncludeInfo, bAsync){ this.sLocale = this._sNextLocale = normalize(sLocale) || defaultLocale(); this.oUrlInfo = splitUrl(sUrl); this.bIncludeInfo = bIncludeInfo; // list of custom bundles this.aCustomBundles = []; // declare list of property files that are loaded this.aPropertyFiles = []; this.aLocales = []; // load the most specific, existing properties file if (bAsync) { var resolveWithThis = function() { return this; }.bind(this); return loadNextPropertiesAsync(this).then(resolveWithThis, resolveWithThis); } loadNextPropertiesSync(this); } /** * Enhances the resource bundle with a custom resource bundle. The bundle * can be enhanced with multiple resource bundles. The last enhanced resource * bundle wins against the previous ones and the original ones. This function * can be called several times. * * @param {module:sap/base/i18n/ResourceBundle} oCustomBundle an instance of a sap/base/i18n/ResourceBundle * @private * * @function * @name module:sap/base/i18n/ResourceBundle.prototype._enhance */ ResourceBundle.prototype._enhance = function(oCustomBundle) { if (oCustomBundle instanceof ResourceBundle) { this.aCustomBundles.push(oCustomBundle); } else { // we report the error but do not break the execution Log.error("Custom resource bundle is either undefined or not an instanceof sap/base/i18n/ResourceBundle. Therefore this custom resource bundle will be ignored!"); } }; /** * Returns a locale-specific string value for the given key sKey. * * The text is searched in this resource bundle according to the fallback chain described in * {@link module:sap/base/i18n/ResourceBundle}. If no text could be found, the key itself is used as text. * * If the second parameteraArgs is given, then any placeholder of the form "{n}" * (with n being an integer) is replaced by the corresponding value from aArgs * with index n. Note: This replacement is applied to the key if no text could be found. * For more details on the replacement mechanism refer to {@link module:sap/base/strings/formatMessage}. * * @param {string} sKey Key to retrieve the text for * @param {string[]} [aArgs] List of parameter values which should replace the placeholders "{n}" * (n is the index) in the found locale-specific string value. Note that the replacement is done * whenever aArgs is given, no matter whether the text contains placeholders or not * and no matter whether aArgs contains a value for n or not. * @param {boolean} bIgnoreKeyFallback If set, undefined is returned when the key is not found in any bundle or fallback bundle, instead of the key string. * @returns {string} The value belonging to the key, if found; Otherwise the key itself or undefined depending on bIgnoreKeyFallback. * * @function * @public */ ResourceBundle.prototype.getText = function(sKey, aArgs, bIgnoreKeyFallback){ // 1. try to retrieve text from properties (including custom properties) var sValue = this._getTextFromProperties(sKey, aArgs); if (sValue != null) { return sValue; } // 2. try to retrieve text from fallback properties (including custom fallback properties) sValue = this._getTextFromFallback(sKey, aArgs); if (sValue != null) { return sValue; } assert(false, "could not find any translatable text for key '" + sKey + "' in bundle '" + this.oUrlInfo.url + "'"); if (bIgnoreKeyFallback){ return undefined; } else { return this._formatValue(sKey, sKey, aArgs); } }; /** * Enriches the input value with originInfo if this.bIncludeInfo is truthy. * Uses args to format the message. * @param {string} sValue the given input value * @param {string} sKey the key within the bundle * @param {array} [aArgs] arguments to format the message * @returns {string} formatted string, null if sValue is not a string * @private */ ResourceBundle.prototype._formatValue = function(sValue, sKey, aArgs){ if (typeof sValue === "string") { if (aArgs) { sValue = formatMessage(sValue, aArgs); } if (this.bIncludeInfo) { /* eslint-disable no-new-wrappers */ sValue = new String(sValue); /* eslint-enable no-new-wrappers */ sValue.originInfo = { source: "Resource Bundle", url: this.oUrlInfo.url, locale: this.sLocale, key: sKey }; } } return sValue; }; /** * Recursively loads synchronously the fallback locale's properties and looks up the value by key. * The custom bundles are checked first in reverse order. * @param {string} sKey the key within the bundle * @param {array} [aArgs] arguments to format the message * @returns {string} the formatted value if found, null otherwise * @private */ ResourceBundle.prototype._getTextFromFallback = function(sKey, aArgs){ var sValue, i; // loop over the custom bundles before resolving this one // lookup the custom resource bundles (last one first!) for (i = this.aCustomBundles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { sValue = this.aCustomBundles[i]._getTextFromFallback(sKey, aArgs); // value found - so return it! if (sValue != null) { return sValue; // found! } } // value for this key was not found in the currently loaded property files, // load the fallback locales while ( typeof sValue !== "string" && this._sNextLocale != null ) { var oProperties = loadNextPropertiesSync(this); // check whether the key is included in the newly loaded property file if (oProperties) { sValue = oProperties.getProperty(sKey); if (typeof sValue === "string") { return this._formatValue(sValue, sKey, aArgs); } } } return null; }; /** * Recursively loads locale's properties and looks up the value by key. * The custom bundles are checked first in reverse order. * @param {string} sKey the key within the bundle * @param {array} [aArgs] arguments to format the message * @returns {string} the formatted value if found, null otherwise * @private */ ResourceBundle.prototype._getTextFromProperties = function(sKey, aArgs){ var sValue = null, i; // loop over the custom bundles before resolving this one // lookup the custom resource bundles (last one first!) for (i = this.aCustomBundles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { sValue = this.aCustomBundles[i]._getTextFromProperties(sKey, aArgs); // value found - so return it! if (sValue != null) { return sValue; // found! } } // loop over all loaded property files and return the value for the key if any for (i = 0; i < this.aPropertyFiles.length; i++) { sValue = this.aPropertyFiles[i].getProperty(sKey); if (typeof sValue === "string") { return this._formatValue(sValue, sKey, aArgs); } } return null; }; /** * Checks whether a text for the given key can be found in the first loaded * resource bundle or not. Neither the custom resource bundles nor the * fallback chain will be processed. * * This method allows to check for the existence of a text without triggering * requests for the fallback locales. * * When requesting the resource bundle asynchronously this check must only be * used after the resource bundle has been loaded. * * @param {string} sKey Key to check * @returns {boolean} true if the text has been found in the concrete bundle * * @function * @public */ ResourceBundle.prototype.hasText = function(sKey) { return this.aPropertyFiles.length > 0 && typeof this.aPropertyFiles[0].getProperty(sKey) === "string"; }; /* * Tries to load properties files asynchronously until one could be loaded * successfully or until there are no more fallback locales. */ function loadNextPropertiesAsync(oBundle) { if ( oBundle._sNextLocale != null ) { return tryToLoadNextProperties(oBundle, true).then(function(oProps) { // if props could not be loaded, try next fallback locale return oProps || loadNextPropertiesAsync(oBundle); }); } // no more fallback locales: give up return Promise.resolve(null); } /* * Tries to load properties files synchronously until one could be loaded * successfully or until there are no more fallback locales. */ function loadNextPropertiesSync(oBundle) { while ( oBundle._sNextLocale != null ) { var oProps = tryToLoadNextProperties(oBundle, false); if ( oProps ) { return oProps; } } return null; } /* * Checks whether the given locale is supported by checking it * against an array of supported locales. * If the array is not given or is empty, any locale is supported. */ function isSupported(sLocale, aSupportedLocales) { return !aSupportedLocales || aSupportedLocales.length === 0 || aSupportedLocales.indexOf(sLocale) >= 0; } /* * Tries to load the properties file for the next fallback locale. * * If there is no further fallback locale or when requests for the next fallback locale are * suppressed by configuration or when the file cannot be loaded, null is returned. * * @param {ResourceBundle} oBundle ResourceBundle to extend * @param {boolean} [bAsync=false] Whether the resource should be loaded asynchronously * @returns The newly loaded properties (sync mode) or a Promise on the properties (async mode); * value / Promise fulfillment will be null when the properties for the * next fallback locale should not be loaded or when loading failed or when there * was no more fallback locale * @private */ function tryToLoadNextProperties(oBundle, bAsync) { // get the next fallback locale and calculate the next but one locale var sLocale = oBundle._sNextLocale; oBundle._sNextLocale = nextFallbackLocale(sLocale); var aSupportedLanguages = window.sap && window.sap.ui && sap.ui.getCore && sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getSupportedLanguages(); if ( sLocale != null && isSupported(sLocale, aSupportedLanguages) ) { var oUrl = oBundle.oUrlInfo, sUrl, mHeaders; if ( oUrl.ext === '.hdbtextbundle' ) { if ( M_SUPPORTABILITY_TO_XS[sLocale] ) { // Add technical support languages also as URL parameter (as XS engine can't handle private extensions in Accept-Language header) sUrl = oUrl.prefix + oUrl.suffix + '?' + (oUrl.query ? oUrl.query + "&" : "") + "sap-language=" + M_SUPPORTABILITY_TO_XS[sLocale] + (oUrl.hash ? "#" + oUrl.hash : ""); } else { sUrl = oUrl.url; } // Alternative: add locale as query: // url: oUrl.prefix + oUrl.suffix + '?' + (oUrl.query ? oUrl.query + "&" : "") + "locale=" + sLocale + (oUrl.hash ? "#" + oUrl.hash : ""), mHeaders = { "Accept-Language": convertLocaleToBCP47(sLocale) || "" }; } else { sUrl = oUrl.prefix + (sLocale ? "_" + sLocale : "") + oUrl.suffix; } var vProperties = Properties.create({ url: sUrl, headers: mHeaders, async: !!bAsync, returnNullIfMissing: true }); var addProperties = function(oProps) { if ( oProps ) { oBundle.aPropertyFiles.push(oProps); oBundle.aLocales.push(sLocale); } return oProps; }; return bAsync ? vProperties.then( addProperties ) : addProperties( vProperties ); } return bAsync ? Promise.resolve(null) : null; } /** * Creates and returns a new instance of {@link module:sap/base/i18n/ResourceBundle} * using the given URL and locale to determine what to load. * * @public * @function * @param {object} [mParams] Parameters used to initialize the resource bundle * @param {string} [mParams.url=''] URL pointing to the base .properties file of a bundle (.properties file without any locale information, e.g. "mybundle.properties") * @param {string} [mParams.locale] Optional language (aka 'locale') to load the texts for. * Can either be a BCP47 language tag or a JDK compatible locale string (e.g. "en-GB", "en_GB" or "fr"); * Defaults to the current session locale if sap.ui.getCore is available, otherwise to 'en' * @param {boolean} [mParams.includeInfo=false] Whether to include origin information into the returned property values * @param {boolean} [mParams.async=false] Whether the first bundle should be loaded asynchronously * Note: Fallback bundles loaded by {@link #getText} are always loaded synchronously. * @returns {module:sap/base/i18n/ResourceBundle|Promise} A new resource bundle or a Promise on that bundle (in asynchronous case) * @SecSink {0|PATH} Parameter is used for future HTTP requests */ ResourceBundle.create = function(mParams) { mParams = Object.assign({url: "", locale: undefined, includeInfo: false}, mParams); // Note: ResourceBundle constructor returns a Promise in async mode! return new ResourceBundle(mParams.url, mParams.locale, mParams.includeInfo, !!mParams.async); }; /** * Determine sequence of fallback locales, starting from the given locale and * optionally taking the list of supported locales into account. * * Callers can use the result to limit requests to a set of existing locales. * * @param {string} sLocale Locale to start the fallback sequence with, should be a BCP47 language tag * @param {string[]} [aSupportedLocales] List of supported locales (in JDK legacy syntax, e.g. zh_CN, iw) * @returns {string[]} Sequence of fallback locales in JDK legacy syntax, decreasing priority * * @private * @ui5-restricted sap.fiori, sap.support launchpad */ ResourceBundle._getFallbackLocales = function(sLocale, aSupportedLocales) { var sTempLocale = normalize(sLocale), aLocales = []; while ( sTempLocale != null ) { if ( isSupported(sTempLocale, aSupportedLocales) ) { aLocales.push(sTempLocale); } sTempLocale = nextFallbackLocale(sTempLocale); } return aLocales; }; return ResourceBundle; });