class Xpp # XML 'event' types START_DOCUMENT = 'START_DOCUMENT' END_DOCUMENT = 'END_DOCUMENT' START_ELEMENT = 'START_ELEMENT' END_ELEMENT = 'END_ELEMENT' TEXT = 'TEXT' CDATA_SECTION = 'CDATA_SECTION' ENTITY_REF = 'ENTITY_REF' IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE = 'IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE' PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION = 'PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION' COMMENT = 'COMMENT' DOCTYPE = 'DOCTYPE' LOOK_FURTHER = 'LOOK_FURTHER' # 'Features', acutally just processing options attr :processNamespace, true attr :reportNamespaceAttributes, true # the entities that we will recognise attr :entityMap, true attr :unresolvedEntity # some information about where we are attr :line attr :column # is the current text whitespace? attr :whitespace # element information attr :type attr :emptyElement attr :name attr :qname attr :namespace attr :prefix attr :attributeName attr :attributeQName attr :attributeNamespace attr :attributePrefix attr :attributeValue attr :text attr :elementNamespacePrefixStack attr :elementNamespaceValueStack attr :elementNamespaceDefaultStack # open element information attr :elementName attr :elementQName attr :elementNamespace attr :elementPrefix def startDocument? @type.equal? START_DOCUMENT end def endDocument? @type.equal? END_DOCUMENT end def startElement? @type.equal? START_ELEMENT end def endElement? @type.equal? END_ELEMENT end def text? @type.equal? TEXT end def cdata? @type.equal? CDATA_SECTION end def entityRef? @type.equal? ENTITY_REF end def ignorableWhitespace? @type.equal? IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE end def processingInstruction? @type.equal? PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION end def comment? @type.equal? COMMENT end def doctype? @type.equal? DOCTYPE end def lookFurther? @type.equal? LOOK_FURTHER end #def whitespace? # # What is this all about -- FIX #if text? or ignorableWhitespace? or cdata? then #return @whitespace #end #raise "illegal type for whitespace query" #end def input=(v) if nil == v then @input = nil @inputBuffer = nil @inputBufferLength = 0 elsif v.kind_of? String then @input = nil @inputBuffer = v @inputBufferLength = v.length elsif v.kind_of? IO then @input = v @inputBuffer = nil @inputBufferLength = 0 else raise "illegalInput" end @nextInputBuffer = nil @inputBufferPosition = 0 @textBuffer = '' @line = 1 @column = 0 @compactNewLine = false @elementNamespacePrefixStack = [] @elementNamespaceValueStack = [] @elementNamespaceDefaultStack = [] @elementName = [] @elementQName = [] @elementNamespace = [] @elementPrefix = [] @whitespace = true @type = START_DOCUMENT @unresolvedEntity = false @name = nil @namespace = nil @attributeName = [] @attributeQName = [] @attributeNamespace = [] @attributePrefix = [] @attributeValue = [] @emptyElement = false end def nextEvent begin if (nil == @inputBuffer) and (nil == @input) then raise "no input defined" end @whitespace = true @unresolvedEntity = false @text = nil parseNextEvent return @type rescue RuntimeError => message if nil != @inputBuffer then message = sprintf("parse error: '%s' -- String input, line %d, column %d", message, @line, @column) elsif nil != @input then if @input.kind_of? File then message = sprintf("parse error: '%s' -- file '%s', line %d, column %d", message, @input.path, @line, @column) else message = sprintf("parse error: '%s' -- unnamed IO stream, line %d, column %d", message, @line, @column) end else message = sprintf("parse error: '%s' -- unknown source, line %d, column %d", message, @line, @column) end raise message end end private def initialize self.processNamespace = true self.reportNamespaceAttributes = false self.input = nil self.entityMap = {"amp"=>"&", "apos"=>"'", "gt"=>">", "lt"=>"<", "quot"=>"\""} end def expect(e) c = read if (nil == c) or (c != e) then msg = sprintf("unexpectedChar:: expect '%s' got '%s'\n", (''< @type = END_ELEMENT @emptyElement = false return end @prefix = nil @name = nil @qname = nil @namespace = nil @type = peekType case @type when END_DOCUMENT # nothing to do when ENTITY_REF parseEntity @text = @textBuffer @textBuffer = '' when START_ELEMENT parseStartElement when END_ELEMENT parseEndElement when TEXT parseText(?<, false) @text = @textBuffer @textBuffer = '' if 0 == @elementName.length then if(@whitespace) then @type = IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE end end when CDATA_SECTION printf("\nCDATA... WOW I *am* used\n") # how is this ever called? @type = parseLookFurther else @type = parseLookFurther end end def parseLookFurther # this could be a comment, processing instruction, or CDATA section expect(?<) demand = nil delimiter = nil # **first** (not last) character in delimting string @text = @textBuffer @textBuffer = '' c = read if ?? == c then result = PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION demand = nil delimiter = ?? elsif ?! == c then cc = peekAt0 if ?- == cc then result = COMMENT demand = '--' delimiter = ?- elsif ?[ == cc then result = CDATA_SECTION demand = '[CDATA[' delimiter = ?] else result = DOCTYPE demand = 'DOCTYPE' delimiter = nil end else # this should never happen because we'll get an illegal name execption # first raise "illegal <{c}" end if nil != demand then demand.each_byte do | d | expect d end end if DOCTYPE == result then parseDoctype else while true do c = read if nil == c then raise "unexpectedEOF" end if ((?? == delimiter) or (c == delimiter)) and (peekAt0 == delimiter) and (peekAt1 == ?>) then if ?? == delimiter then @text << c end break end @text << c end read read end return result end def parseDoctype depth = 1 quoted = false @text = '' while true do c = read case c when ?', ?" # for the sake of vim ' quoted = !quoted when ?< if not quoted then depth += 1 end when ?> if not quoted then depth -= 1 if 0 == depth then return end end when nil raise "unexpectedEOF" end @text << c end end def peekType c = peekAt0 case c when nil, 0 return END_DOCUMENT when ?& return ENTITY_REF when ?< case peekAt1 when ?/ return END_ELEMENT when ?[ return CDATA_SECTION when ??, ?! return LOOK_FURTHER else return START_ELEMENT end else return TEXT end end def parseEntity @compactNewLine = false expect(?&) @name = '' while true do c = read if ?; == c then break end if nil == c then raise "unexpectedEOF" end @name << c end if ?\# == @name[0] then if ?x == @name[1] then c = @name[2..@name.length].hex else c = @name[1..@name.length].to_i end @textBuffer << c @whitespace &= (c <= ?\s) else value = entityMap[@name] if nil != value then @textBuffer << value @whitespace = false else @unresolvedEntity = true end end end def parseStartElement #read the "<" that got us here expect(?<) @qname = readName @textBuffer = '' while true do skipWhitespace c = peekAt0 if nil == c then raise "unexpectedEOF" end if ?/ == c then @emptyElement = true read skipWhitespace expect(?>) break end if ?> == c then @emptyElement = false read break end aName = readName @textBuffer = '' if (nil == aName) or (0 == aName.length) then raise "nameExpected" end skipWhitespace expect(?=) skipWhitespace delimiter = read if (?' != delimiter) and (?" != delimiter) then # for vim: ' raise "invalidDelimiter" end value = parseText(delimiter, true) @textBuffer = '' # skip the end delimiter read if processNamespace then @attributeQName.push aName else @attributeName.push aName @attributeQName.push aName @attributeNamespace.push nil @attributePrefix.push nil end @attributeValue.push value end if processNamespace then handleNamespaces else @name = @qname @namespace = nil @prefix = nil end if not @emptyElement then @elementName.push @name @elementQName.push @qname @elementNamespace.push @namespace @elementPrefix.push @prefix end #read end def parseEndElement if 0 == @elementName.length then raise "elementStackEmpty" end # read the ") @name = @elementName.pop @prefix = @elementPrefix.pop @namespace = @elementNamespace.pop @elementNamespacePrefixStack.pop @elementNamespaceValueStack.pop @elementNamespaceDefaultStack.pop end def readName c = peekAt0 if !nameStartChar(c) then raise "nameExpected" end while true do appendToTextBuffer(read) c = peekAt0 if !nameChar(c) then break end end return @textBuffer end # is this method correct?? verify FIX ME def nameStartChar(c) if ((c < ?A) or (?Z < c)) and ((c < ?a) or (?z < c)) then if (c != ?_) and (c != ?:) then return false end end return true end # is this method correct?? verify FIX ME def nameChar(c) if nil == c then return false end if ((?A <= c) and (c <= ?Z)) then return true end if ((?a <= c) and (c <= ?z)) then return true end if ((?0 <= c) and (c <= ?9)) then return true end if (?_ == c) then return true end if (?- == c) then return true end if (?. == c) then return true end if (?: == c) then return true end return false end def handleNamespaces # This is called by parseStartElement to deal with namespaces. Updates knows # name spaces based on the attributes in this start element. Then sets up # the namespaces for this element itself (i.e. process the qname). i = 0 defaultNamespace = @elementNamespaceDefaultStack.last qnames = @attributeQName @attributeQName = [] values = @attributeValue @attributeValue = [] prefixList = [] valueList = [] while i < qnames.length do qname = qnames[i] value = values[i] i += 1 if 'xmlns' == qname then prefix = 'xmlns' name = nil namespace = lookupNamespace prefix defaultNamespace = value else pieces = qname.split(':', 2) if 2 == pieces.length then namespace = value prefix = pieces[0] name = pieces[1] if 0 == prefix.length then raise "illegalEmptyAtributePrefix" end if 0 == name.length then raise "illegalEmptyAttributeName" end else # this is a un-prefixed non-xmlns attribute @attributeQName.push qname @attributeName.push qname @attributeNamespace.push nil @attributePrefix.push nil @attributeValue.push value next end end # only prefixed attributes beyond here if nil == namespace then raise "illegalEmptyNamespace" end if "xmlns" != prefix then anyQualifiedAttributes = true @attributeQName.push qname @attributeName.push name @attributeNamespace.push namespace @attributePrefix.push prefix @attributeValue.push value else if (nil != name) and ((nil == namespace) or (0 == namespace.length)) then raise "illegalNamespace" end prefixList.push name valueList.push value if @reportNamespaceAttributes then @attributeQName.push qname @attributeName.push name @attributeNamespace.push namespace @attributePrefix.push prefix @attributeValue.push value #why??? # anyQualifiedAttributes = true end end end @elementNamespacePrefixStack.push prefixList @elementNamespaceValueStack.push valueList @elementNamespaceDefaultStack.push defaultNamespace if anyQualifiedAttributes then # run over the attributes and make sure we have them qualified for i in 0..(@attributeName.length-1) do prefix = @attributePrefix[i] if nil != prefix then @attributeNamespace[i] = lookupNamespace prefix end end end # handle namespaces for the element name pieces = @qname.split(':', 2) if 2 == pieces.length then @name = pieces[1] @prefix = pieces[0] @namespace = lookupNamespace @prefix else @name = @qname @namespace = defaultNamespace @prefix = nil end end def lookupNamespace(prefix) if nil == prefix then raise "illegalPrefix" end if'xml' == prefix then return '' end if'xmlns' == prefix then return '' end i = @elementNamespacePrefixStack.length - 1 while 0 <= i do j = @elementNamespacePrefixStack[i].index(prefix) if nil != j then return @elementNamespaceValueStack[i][j] end i -= 1 end raise "unknownNamespacePrefix" end def parseText(delimiter, resolve) c = peekAt0 while (nil != c) and (delimiter != c) do if ?& == c then if !resolve then break end parseEntity if @unresolvedEntity then raise "unresolvedEntity" end else appendToTextBuffer(read) end c = peekAt0 end return @textBuffer end def appendToTextBuffer(c) if ((?\r == c) or (?\n == c)) and startElement? then if (?\n == c) and @compactNewLine then @compactNewLine = false return end @compactNewLine = (?\r == c) c = startElement? ? ?\s : ?\n else @compactNewLine = false end @textBuffer << c @whitespace &= (c <= ?\s) return @textBuffer end def skipWhitespace while true do c = peekAt0 if (nil == c) or (?\s < c) then return end read end end end