module Oxidized require 'net/telnet' require 'oxidized/input/cli' class Telnet < Input RescueFail = {}.freeze include Input::CLI attr_reader :telnet def connect(node) @node = node @timeout = Oxidized.config.timeout @node.model.cfg['telnet'].each { |cb| instance_exec(&cb) } @log = + "/#{@node.ip}-telnet", 'w') if Oxidized.config.input.debug? port = vars(:telnet_port) || 23 telnet_opts = { 'Host' => @node.ip, 'Port' => port.to_i, 'Timeout' => @timeout, 'Model' => @node.model, 'Log' => @log } @telnet = telnet_opts begin login rescue Timeout::Error raise PromptUndetect, ['unable to detect prompt:', @node.prompt].join(' ') end connected? end def connected? @telnet && (not @telnet.sock.closed?) end def cmd(cmd_str, expect = @node.prompt) return send(cmd_str + "\n") unless expect Oxidized.logger.debug "Telnet: #{cmd_str} @#{}" args = { 'String' => cmd_str, 'Match' => expect, 'Timeout' => @timeout } @telnet.cmd args end def send(data) @telnet.write data end def output @telnet.output end private def expect(regex) @telnet.oxidized_expect expect: regex, timeout: @timeout end def disconnect disconnect_cli @telnet.close rescue Errno::ECONNRESET # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions ensure @log.close if Oxidized.config.input.debug? (@telnet.close rescue true) unless @telnet.sock.closed? end end end class Net::Telnet ## how to do this, without redefining the whole damn thing ## FIXME: we also need output (not sure I'm going to support this) attr_reader :output def oxidized_expect(options) model = @options["Model"] @log = @options["Log"] expects = [options[:expect]].flatten time_out = options[:timeout] || @options["Timeout"] || Oxidized.config.timeout? Timeout.timeout(time_out) do line = "" rest = "" buf = "" loop do c = @sock.readpartial(1024 * 1024) @output = c c = rest + c if Integer(c.rindex(/#{IAC}#{SE}/no) || 0) < Integer(c.rindex(/#{IAC}#{SB}/no) || 0) buf = preprocess(c[0...c.rindex(/#{IAC}#{SB}/no)]) rest = c[c.rindex(/#{IAC}#{SB}/no)..-1] elsif (pt = c.rindex(/#{IAC}[^#{IAC}#{AO}#{AYT}#{DM}#{IP}#{NOP}]?\z/no) || c.rindex(/\r\z/no)) buf = preprocess(c[]) rest = c[pt..-1] else buf = preprocess(c) rest = '' end if Oxidized.config.input.debug? @log.print buf @log.flush end line += buf line = model.expects line match = expects.find { |re| line.match re } return match if match end end end end