# iron_titan IronTitan - the Ruby gem for the Titan API The ultimate, language agnostic, container based job processing framework. This SDK is automatically generated by the [Swagger Codegen](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen) project: - API version: 0.2.15 - Package version: 0.2.15 - Build date: 2016-04-01T00:48:31.251Z - Build package: class io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen ## Installation ### Build a gem To build the Ruby code into a gem: ```shell gem build iron_titan.gemspec ``` Then either install the gem locally: ```shell gem install ./iron_titan-0.2.15.gem ``` or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. [RubyGems](https://rubygems.org/). Finally add this to the Gemfile: gem 'iron_titan', '~> 0.2.15' ### Install from Git If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository: https://github.com/YOUR_GIT_USERNAME/YOUR_GIT_REPO, then add the following in the Gemfile: gem 'iron_titan', :git => 'https://github.com/YOUR_GIT_USERNAME/YOUR_GIT_REPO.git' ### Include the Ruby code directly Include the Ruby code directly using `-I` as follows: ```shell ruby -Ilib script.rb ``` ## Getting Started Please follow the [installation](#installation) procedure and then run the following code: ```ruby # Load the gem require 'iron_titan' api_instance = IronTitan::CoreApi.new id = "id_example" # String | Job id begin #Delete the job. api_instance.job_id_delete(id) rescue IronTitan::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling CoreApi->job_id_delete: #{e}" end ``` ## Documentation for API Endpoints All URIs are relative to *https://localhost:8080/v1* Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- *IronTitan::CoreApi* | [**job_id_delete**](docs/CoreApi.md#job_id_delete) | **DELETE** /job/{id} | Delete the job. *IronTitan::CoreApi* | [**job_id_get**](docs/CoreApi.md#job_id_get) | **GET** /job/{id} | Gets job by id *IronTitan::CoreApi* | [**jobs_consume_get**](docs/CoreApi.md#jobs_consume_get) | **GET** /jobs/consume | Get next job. *IronTitan::CoreApi* | [**jobs_post**](docs/CoreApi.md#jobs_post) | **POST** /jobs | Enqueue Job *IronTitan::ImagesApi* | [**image_id_get**](docs/ImagesApi.md#image_id_get) | **GET** /image/{id} | Get information for image id. *IronTitan::ImagesApi* | [**images_get**](docs/ImagesApi.md#images_get) | **GET** /images | Get all image names. *IronTitan::JobsApi* | [**job_id_cancel_post**](docs/JobsApi.md#job_id_cancel_post) | **POST** /job/{id}/cancel | Cancel a job. *IronTitan::JobsApi* | [**job_id_delete**](docs/JobsApi.md#job_id_delete) | **DELETE** /job/{id} | Delete the job. *IronTitan::JobsApi* | [**job_id_fail_post**](docs/JobsApi.md#job_id_fail_post) | **POST** /job/{id}/fail | Mark job as failed. *IronTitan::JobsApi* | [**job_id_get**](docs/JobsApi.md#job_id_get) | **GET** /job/{id} | Gets job by id *IronTitan::JobsApi* | [**job_id_log_get**](docs/JobsApi.md#job_id_log_get) | **GET** /job/{id}/log | Get the log of a completed job. *IronTitan::JobsApi* | [**job_id_retry_post**](docs/JobsApi.md#job_id_retry_post) | **POST** /job/{id}/retry | Retry a job. *IronTitan::JobsApi* | [**job_id_success_post**](docs/JobsApi.md#job_id_success_post) | **POST** /job/{id}/success | Mark job as succeeded. *IronTitan::JobsApi* | [**job_id_touch_post**](docs/JobsApi.md#job_id_touch_post) | **POST** /job/{id}/touch | Extend job timeout. *IronTitan::JobsApi* | [**jobs_consume_get**](docs/JobsApi.md#jobs_consume_get) | **GET** /jobs/consume | Get next job. *IronTitan::JobsApi* | [**jobs_get**](docs/JobsApi.md#jobs_get) | **GET** /jobs | Peek at list of jobs. *IronTitan::JobsApi* | [**jobs_post**](docs/JobsApi.md#jobs_post) | **POST** /jobs | Enqueue Job ## Documentation for Models - [IronTitan::Error](docs/Error.md) - [IronTitan::ErrorBody](docs/ErrorBody.md) - [IronTitan::IdStatus](docs/IdStatus.md) - [IronTitan::Image](docs/Image.md) - [IronTitan::ImageWrapper](docs/ImageWrapper.md) - [IronTitan::ImagesWrapper](docs/ImagesWrapper.md) - [IronTitan::Job](docs/Job.md) - [IronTitan::JobWrapper](docs/JobWrapper.md) - [IronTitan::JobsWrapper](docs/JobsWrapper.md) - [IronTitan::NewJob](docs/NewJob.md) - [IronTitan::NewJobsWrapper](docs/NewJobsWrapper.md) - [IronTitan::Reason](docs/Reason.md) ## Documentation for Authorization All endpoints do not require authorization.