Feature: Reek can be controlled using command-line options In order to change Reek's default behaviour As a developer I want to supply options on the command line Scenario: return non-zero status on bad option When I run reek --no-such-option Then the exit status indicates an error And it reports the error "Error: invalid option: --no-such-option" And there is no output on stdout Scenario: display the current version number When I run reek --version Then it succeeds And it reports the current version Scenario: return given status code when using --failure-exit-code Given the smelly file 'smelly.rb' When I run reek smelly.rb --failure-exit-code 23 Then the exit status is 23 Scenario: return given status code when using --success-exit-code Given the clean file "clean.rb" When I run reek clean.rb --success-exit-code 42 Then the exit status is 42 Scenario: display the help information When I run reek --help Then it succeeds And it reports: """ Usage: reek [options] [files] Examples: reek lib/*.rb reek -s lib cat my_class.rb | reek See https://github.com/troessner/reek for detailed help. Configuration: -c, --config FILE Read configuration options from FILE --smell SMELL Only look for a specific smell. Call it like this: reek --smell MissingSafeMethod source.rb Check out https://github.com/troessner/reek/blob/v6.0.1/docs/Code-Smells.md for a list of smells --stdin-filename FILE When passing code in via pipe, assume this filename when checking file or directory rules in the config. Generate a todo list: -t, --todo Generate a todo list Report format: -f, --format FORMAT Report smells in the given format: html text (default) yaml json xml Text format options: --[no-]color Use colors for the output (default: true) -V, --[no-]empty-headings Show headings for smell-free source files (default: false) -U, --[no-]documentation Show link to related documentation page for each smell (default: true) --[no-]show-configuration-path Show which configuration file Reek is using (default: false) -n, --[no-]line-numbers Show line numbers in the output (default: true) -s, --single-line Show location in editor-compatible single-line-per-smell format -P, --[no-]progress Show progress of each source as it is examined (default: true) --sort-by SORTING Sort reported files by the given criterium: smelliness ("smelliest" files first) none (default - output in processing order) --force-exclusion Force excluding files specified in the configuration `exclude_paths` even if they are explicitly passed as arguments Exit codes: --success-exit-code CODE The exit code when no smells are found (default: 0) --failure-exit-code CODE The exit code when smells are found (default: 2) Utility options: -h, --help Show this message -l, --list List all available smell detectors -v, --version Show version """ Scenario: List all available smell detectors When I run reek --list Then it succeeds And it reports: """ All available smell detectors: Attribute BooleanParameter ClassVariable ControlParameter DataClump DuplicateMethodCall FeatureEnvy InstanceVariableAssumption IrresponsibleModule LongParameterList LongYieldList ManualDispatch MissingSafeMethod ModuleInitialize NestedIterators NilCheck RepeatedConditional SubclassedFromCoreClass TooManyConstants TooManyInstanceVariables TooManyMethods TooManyStatements UncommunicativeMethodName UncommunicativeModuleName UncommunicativeParameterName UncommunicativeVariableName UnusedParameters UnusedPrivateMethod UtilityFunction Check out https://github.com/troessner/reek/blob/v6.0.1/docs/Code-Smells.md for a details on each detector """