module RAutomation module Adapter module Ffi class Window include WaitHelper include Locators # Locators of the window. attr_reader :locators # Possible locators are :title, :text, :hwnd, :pid, :class and :index. # Creates the window object. # @note this method is not meant to be accessed directly, but only through {RAutomation::Window#initialize}! # @param [Hash] locators for searching the window. # @option locators [String, Regexp] :title Title of the window # @option locators [String, Regexp] :text Visible text of the window # @option locators [String, Regexp] :class Internal class name of the window # @option locators [String, Fixnum] :hwnd Window handle in decimal format # @option locators [String, Fixnum] :pid Window process ID (PID) # @option locators [String, Fixnum] :index 0-based index to specify n-th window if all other criteria match # all other criteria match # @see RAutomation::Window#initialize def initialize(locators) extract(locators) end # Retrieves handle of the window. # @note Searches only for visible windows with having some text at all. # @see RAutomation::Window#hwnd def hwnd @hwnd ||= Functions.window_hwnd(@locators) end # @see RAutomation::Window#pid def pid Functions.window_pid(hwnd) end # @see RAutomation::Window#title def title Functions.window_title(hwnd) end # @see RAutomation::Window#activate def activate return if !exists? || active? restore if minimized? Functions.activate_window(hwnd) sleep 1 end # @see RAutomation::Window#active? def active? exists? && Functions.foreground_window == hwnd end # @see RAutomation::Window#text def text Functions.window_text(hwnd) end # @see RAutomation::Window#exists? def exists? result = hwnd && Functions.window_exists(hwnd) !!result end # @see RAutomation::Window#visible? def visible? Functions.window_visible(hwnd) end # @see RAutomation::Window#maximize def maximize Functions.show_window(hwnd, Constants::SW_MAXIMIZE) sleep 1 end # @see RAutomation::Window#minimize def minimize Functions.show_window(hwnd, Constants::SW_MINIMIZE) sleep 1 end # @see RAutomation::Window#minimized? def minimized? Functions.minimized(hwnd) end # @see RAutomation::Window#restore def restore Functions.show_window(hwnd, Constants::SW_RESTORE) sleep 1 end # Activates the window and sends keys to it. # # Refer to MSDN documentation at # for the keycodes. # @see RAutomation::Window#send_keys def send_keys(*keys) keys.each do |key| wait_until do activate active? end Functions.send_key(key, 0, 0, nil) Functions.send_key(key, 0, Constants::KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, nil) end end # @see RAutomation::Window#close def close Functions.close_window(hwnd) end # @see Button#initialize # @see RAutomation::Window#button def button(locator), locator) end # @see TextField#initialize # @see RAutomation::Window#text_field def text_field(locator), locator) end # Redirects all method calls not part of the public API to the {Functions} directly. # @see RAutomation::Window#method_missing def method_missing(name, *args) Functions.respond_to?(name) ? Functions.send(name, *args) : super end end end end end