v0.4.1 fix for issue 55 Refactor AnySerializer acceptable class detection that does not use an exception v0.4.0 Implement `to_s` and Exception serialization v0.3.9 Thanks to mkristian, now uses jar_dependencies Upgrade to Jackson v2.7.1 fix for issue 51 dont create "new RubyJacksonModule()" when creating a Provider fix for reports of symbol table overflow in Jackson when using JrJackson in very long running daemons (Logstash) disable the FAIL_ON_SYMBOL_HASH_OVERFLOW setting v0.3.8 fix for issue 47 Update Jackson to v 2.6.3 Change error message to better report failure in issue 46 v0.3.7 fix for issue 46 Add references to RubyAnySerializer so Jackson can use it for Ruby objects nested in Java objects v0.3.6 fix for issue 45 use bytelist.begin instead of 0 generating from RubyString v0.3.5 give highest precedence to the to_json_data method v0.3.4 fix multi_json bug not serializing non-string keys v0.3.3 fix bigdecimal bug add require bigdecimal v0.3.2 update changelog v0.3.1 remove old jar v0.3.0 this is a major refactor. parse and generate performance improvements. see JrJackson::Ruby and JrJackson::Java modules pretty generation support. jruby and 1.7.22 jackson 2.6.1 v0.2.9 fix for issue 39 incorrect error when serializing BasicObject v0.2.8 fixes for issues-28,29,31 correction for Time#to_s new options to control date serialization optimizations suggested by @headius jar compiled for jruby 1.7.17 jruby 1.7.17 jackson 2.4.4 v0.2.7 fixes for issues-23,24 add to_time as option for serializing Time like objects jar compiled for jruby 1.7.11 v0.2.6 fix issue-20 allow jruby to convert Ruby StringIO into Java by not type checking passed arg this is because jruby 1.7.9 has changed the type of java object backing Ruby StringIO jar compiled for jruby 1.7.8 (jruby 1.7.9 in the maven repo has an error in the pom.xml) jruby 1.7.8, jruby 1.7.9 (tested) jackson 2.3.0 v0.2.5 fix issue-16 reduce the gem size by: change pom.xml to only include relevant java jars exclude benchmaking from the gemspec files jruby 1.7.5 jackson 2.2.3 v0.2.4 fix issue-15 return Ruby nil instead of Java null fix issue-14 remove all usage of Ruby.getGlobalRuntime pass the runtime from the calling Ruby ThreadContext into the deserializers and converters jruby 1.7.5 jackson 2.2.3 v0.2.3 fix issue-12 improve the serialization support for non Json Datatype Ruby objects now has support for serializing via toJava, to_h, to_hash, to_a, to_json fix for failing MultiJson unicode test jruby 1.7.4 jackson 2.2.3 v0.2.2 fix issue-13 compile Java for 1.6 compatibility documentation tweaks jruby 1.7.4 jackson 2.2.3 v0.2.1 documentation tweaks fix issue-7 add pluggable String and Symbol Converters for JSON values jruby 1.7.4 jackson 2.2.3 v0.2.0 extract all Java -> Ruby generation to reusable RubyUtils static class support BigDecimal remove JSON Api fixes issues 5, 6, 8, jruby 1.7.3 jackson 2.2.2 v0.1.1 fix Time regex v0.1.0 MutiJson compatibility switch to using almost all Java, i.e. define most of the ruby modules in Java jruby 1.7.3 jackson 2.1.4 v0.0.7 first release - minimal jruby wrapper around jackson 1.9.5 jars