module Ftl def self.help_message %Q{ Usage: [bold]ftl[/] \[\] \[\] commands: start, kill, list, edit, connect, servers, tags, images, snapshots, volumes examples: ftl launch ninja # Launches an instance named 'ninja' ftl list # Shows running instances and status ftl connect ninja # Connects to instance named 'ninja' ftl kill ninja # Kills instances matching name /ninja/ ftl kill i-123456 # Kills instance with id i-123456 ftl spot ninja 0.02 # Request spot instance using template :ninja for $0.02 ftl cancel sir-123456 # Cancel spot instance with id sir-123456 ftl spots # Shows AWS spot requests ftl images # Shows AWS images ftl snapshots # Shows AWS snapshots ftl tags # Shows AWS tags ftl volumes # Shows AWS volumes ftl headers servers # Show possible headers for servers ftl headers volumes # Show possible headers for volumes ftl edit # Edit ftl.yml with your $EDITOR ftl images # Show AMIs associated with your account ftl ninja # Execute the (specified in ftl.yml) on the remote server instance ftl