# Release process This is vagrant-local' current release process, documented so people know what is currently done to release it. ## Prepare the release Github Actions now handles the release cycle. We are using SemVer Verision and Convential Commits to ensure that we can use our Commits in our CI/CD Workflow To push a fix, ie a the Patch digit in Version string, prefix your commit header with "fix: Some Commit Message" To push a feature, ie a the feature digit in Version string, prefix your commit header with "feat: Some Commit Message" Doing so will cause GitHub Actions to perform the following * Update the version in "lib/vagrant-local/version.rb" * Update the version in CHANGELOG.md * Create a Release and Corresponding tag * Push the package to the GPR and Ruby Gems The CHANGELOG.md will be automatically maintained in a similar format to Vagrant by the Github Action Release-Please: https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md