3.2.19 (Media Mark) 4d841ba3188ec7fb4d64ce5dbeffee4b3766dc72 o:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[Io:Sass::Tree::ImportNode :@imported_filenameI"#compass/layout/grid-background:ET;[:@template0: @linei: @options{:@imported_file0o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value[I"/* The base font size. */; T: @type: silent;[; i; @ o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode : @nameI"base-font-size; T: @expro:Sass::Script::Number ;i:@numerator_units[I"px; T:@denominator_units[; i :@originalI" 16px; F; @ : @guardedI" !default; T;[; i ; @ o; ;[I"M/* The base line height determines the basic unit of vertical rhythm. */; T;;;[; i ; @ o; ;I"base-line-height; T;o; ;i;[I"px; T;[; i ;I" 24px; F; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i ; @ o; ;[I";/* Set the default border style for rhythm borders. */; T;;;[; i; @ o; ;I" default-rhythm-border-style; T;o:Sass::Script::String ;I" solid; T;:identifier; i; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i; @ o; ;[I"1/* The default font size in all browsers. */; T;;;[; i; @ o; ;I"browser-default-font-size; T;o; ;i;[I"px; T;[; i;I" 16px; F; @ ;0;[; i; @ o; ;[I"U/* Set to false if you want to use absolute pixels in sizing your typography. */; T;;;[; i; @ o; ;I"relative-font-sizing; T;o:Sass::Script::Bool;T; i; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i; @ o; ;[I"/* Allows the `adjust-font-size-to` mixin and the `lines-for-font-size` function * to round the line height to the nearest half line height instead of the * nearest integral line height to avoid large spacing between lines. */; T;;;[; i; @ o; ;I"round-to-nearest-half-line; T;o;;F; i; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i; @ o; ;[I"e/* Ensure there is at least this many pixels * of vertical padding above and below the text. */; T;;;[; i; @ o; ;I"min-line-padding; T;o; ;i;[I"px; T;[; i;I"2px; F; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i; @ o; ;[I"v/* $base-font-size but in your output unit of choice. * Defaults to 1em when `$relative-font-sizing` is true. */; T;;;[; i ; @ o; ;I"font-unit; T;o:Sass::Script::Funcall ;I"if; T: @args[o:Sass::Script::Variable ;I"relative-font-sizing; T:@underscored_nameI"relative_font_sizing; T; i"; @ o; ;i;[I"em; T;[; i";I"1em; F; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i"; @ :@keywords{: @splat0; i"; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i"; @ o; ;[I")/* The basic unit of font rhythm. */; T;;;[; i$; @ o; ;I"base-rhythm-unit; T;o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o;# ;$o; ;I"base-line-height; T; I"base_line_height; T; i%; @ :@operand2o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i%; @ :@operator:div; i%; @ ;%o; ;I"font-unit; T; I"font_unit; T; i%; @ ;&: times; i%; @ ;0;[; i%; @ o; ;[I"h/* The leader is the amount of whitespace in a line. * It might be useful in your calculations. */; T;;;[; i'; @ o; ;I"base-leader; T;o;# ;$o;# ;$o;# ;$o; ;I"base-line-height; T; I"base_line_height; T; i); @ ;%o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i); @ ;&: minus; i); @ ;%o; ;I"font-unit; T; I"font_unit; T; i); @ ;&;(; i); @ ;%o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i); @ ;&;'; i); @ ;0;[; i); @ o; ;[I"z/* The half-leader is the amount of whitespace above and below a line. * It might be useful in your calculations. */; T;;;[; i+; @ o; ;I"base-half-leader; T;o;# ;$o; ;I"base-leader; T; I"base_leader; T; i-; @ ;%o; ;i;[;[; i-;I"2; F; @ ;&;'; i-; @ ;0;[; i-; @ o; ;[I"0/* True if a number has a relative unit. */; T;;;[; i/; @ o:Sass::Tree::FunctionNode ;I"relative-unit; T;[[o;;I" number; T; I" number; T; @ 0;"0;[o:Sass::Tree::ReturnNode ;o;# ;$o;# ;$o;# ;$o; ;I" unit; T;[o; ;I" number; T; I" number; T; i1; @ ;!{;"0; i1; @ ;%o; ;I"%; T;: string; i1; @ ;&:eq; i1; @ ;%o;# ;$o; ;I" unit; T;[o; ;I" number; T; I" number; T; i1; @ ;!{;"0; i1; @ ;%o; ;I"em; T;;,; i1; @ ;&;-; i1; @ ;&:or; i1; @ ;%o;# ;$o; ;I" unit; T;[o; ;I" number; T; I" number; T; i1; @ ;!{;"0; i1; @ ;%o; ;I"rem; T;;,; i1; @ ;&;-; i1; @ ;&;.; i1; @ ;[; i2; @ ; i0:@has_childrenT; @ o; ;[I"1/* True if a number has an absolute unit. */; T;;;[; i4; @ o;* ;I"absolute-unit; T;[[o;;I" number; T; I" number; T; @ 0;"0;[o;+ ;o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation : @operando;# ;$o; ;I"relative-unit; T;[o; ;I" number; T; I" number; T; i6; @ ;!{;"0; i6; @ ;%o; ;I" unitless; T;[o; ;I" number; T; I" number; T; i6; @ ;!{;"0; i6; @ ;&;.; i6; @ ;&:not; i6; @ ;[; i6; @ ; i5;/T; @ u:Sass::Tree::IfNode[o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o:Sass::Script::Variable : @nameI"relative-font-sizing:ET:@underscored_nameI"relative_font_sizing; T: @linei9: @options{:@operand2o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation : @operando:Sass::Script::Funcall ;I"relative-unit; T: @args[o; ;I"font-unit; T; I"font_unit; T; i9; @ :@keywords{: @splat0; i9; @ :@operator:not; i9; @ ;:and; i9; @ 0[o:Sass::Tree::WarnNode : @expro:&Sass::Script::StringInterpolation : @beforeo:Sass::Script::String : @valueI"<$relative-font-sizing is true but $font-unit is set to ; T: @type: string; i:; @ : @mido; ;I"font-unit; T; I"font_unit; T; i:; @ : @aftero; ;I"# which is not a relative unit.; T;;; i:; @ ; i:; @ :@children[; i:; @ o; ;[I"?/* Establishes a font baseline for the given font-size. */; T;;;[; i=; @ o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ;I"establish-baseline; T;[[o;;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i>; @ ;"0;[o; ;[I"/* IE 6 refuses to resize fonts set in pixels and it weirdly resizes fonts * whose root is set in ems. So we set the root font size in percentages of * the default font size. */; T;;;[; i?; @ o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode : @rule[I" * html; T: @tabsi:@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence: @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence;:[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence ;:[o:Sass::Selector::Universal:@namespace0; iB:@filenameI"; F: @subject0: @sourceso:Set: @hash{; iB;?@ o;< ;:[o:Sass::Selector::Element ;[I" html; T;>0; iB;?@ ;@0;Ao;B;C{; iB;?@ ; iB;?@ ;[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode ;[I"font-size; T;o;# ;$o; ;ii;[I"%; T;[; iC;I" 100%; F; @ ;%o;# ;$o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; iC; @ ;%o; ;I"browser-default-font-size; T; I"browser_default_font_size; T; iC; @ ;&;'; iC; @ ;&;(; iC; @ ;7i:@prop_syntax:new;[; iC; @ ; iB;/T; @ o;5 ;6[I" html; T;7i;8o;9;:[o;;;:[o;< ;:[o;D ;[I" html; T;>0; iE;?I"; F;@0;Ao;B;C{; iE;?@5; iE;?@5;[o;E ;[I"font-size; T;o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; iF; @ ;7i;F;G;[; iF; @ o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;I"adjust-leading-to; T;[o; ;i;[;@; iG;I"1; F; @ o; ;I"if; T;[o; ;I"relative-font-sizing; T; I"relative_font_sizing; T; iG; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; iG; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; iG; @ ;!{;"0; iG; @ ;!{;"0;[; iG; @ ; iE;/T; @ ; i>;/T; @ o; ;[I"/* Resets the line-height to 1 vertical rhythm unit. * Does not work on elements whose font-size is different from $base-font-size. * * @deprecated This mixin will be removed in the next release. * Please use the `adjust-leading-to` mixin instead. */; T;;;[; iK; @ o;4 ;I"reset-baseline; T;[;"0;[o;H ;I"adjust-leading-to; T;[o; ;i;[;@; iQ;I"1; F; @ o; ;I"if; T;[o; ;I"relative-font-sizing; T; I"relative_font_sizing; T; iQ; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; iQ; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; iQ; @ ;!{;"0; iQ; @ ;!{;"0;[; iQ; @ ; iP;/T; @ o; ;[I"/* Show a background image that can be used to debug your alignments. * Include the $img argument if you would rather use your own image than the * Compass default gradient image. */; T;;;[; iT; @ o;4 ;I"debug-vertical-alignment; T;[[o;;I"img; T; I"img; T; @ o;;F; iW; @ ;"0;[u;3E[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @nameI"img:ET:@underscored_nameI"img;T: @lineiX: @options{u:Sass::Tree::IfNode[00[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode : @nameI"baseline-grid-background:ET: @args[o:Sass::Script::Variable ;I"base-rhythm-unit;T:@underscored_nameI"base_rhythm_unit;T: @linei[: @options{:@keywords{: @splat0:@children[; i[; @ [o:Sass::Tree::PropNode ;[I"background;T: @valueo:Sass::Script::Funcall ;I"image-url;T: @args[o; ;I"img;T;I"img;T; iY; @ :@keywords{: @splat0; iY; @ : @tabsi:@prop_syntax:new:@children[; iY; @ ; iW;/T; @ o; ;[I"/* Adjust a block to have a different font size and line height to maintain the * rhythm. $lines specifies how many multiples of the baseline rhythm each line * of this font should use up. It does not have to be an integer, but it * defaults to the smallest integer that is large enough to fit the font. * Use $from-size to adjust from a font-size other than the base font-size. */; T;;;[; i_; @ o;4 ;I"adjust-font-size-to; T;[[o;;I" to-size; T; I" to_size; T; @ 0[o;;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; @ o; ;I"lines-for-font-size; T;[o; ;I" to-size; T; I" to_size; T; id; @ ;!{;"0; id; @ [o;;I"from-size; T; I"from_size; T; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; id; @ ;"0;[u;3U[o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation : @operando:Sass::Script::Variable : @nameI"relative-font-sizing:ET:@underscored_nameI"relative_font_sizing; T: @lineie: @options{:@operator:not; ie;@ :@operand2o; ;o; ; I"from-size; T; I"from_size; T; ie;@ ;o; ; I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; ie;@ ;:neq; ie;@ ;:and; ie;@ 0[o:Sass::Tree::WarnNode : @expro:Sass::Script::String : @valueI"^$relative-font-sizing is false but a relative font size was passed to adjust-font-size-to; T: @type: string; if;@ :@children[; if;@ o;E ;[I"font-size; T;o;# ;$o;# ;$o; ;I"font-unit; T; I"font_unit; T; ih; @ ;%o; ;I" to-size; T; I" to_size; T; ih; @ ;&;(; ih; @ ;%o; ;I"from-size; T; I"from_size; T; ih; @ ;&;'; ih; @ ;7i;F;G;[; ih; @ o;H ;I"adjust-leading-to; T;[o; ;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; ii; @ o; ;I"if; T;[o; ;I"relative-font-sizing; T; I"relative_font_sizing; T; ii; @ o; ;I" to-size; T; I" to_size; T; ii; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; ii; @ ;!{;"0; ii; @ ;!{;"0;[; ii; @ ; id;/T; @ o; ;[I"%/* Adjust a block to have different line height to maintain the rhythm. * $lines specifies how many multiples of the baseline rhythm each line of this * font should use up. It does not have to be an integer, but it defaults to the * smallest integer that is large enough to fit the font. */; T;;;[; il; @ o;4 ;I"adjust-leading-to; T;[[o;;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; @ 0[o;;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; ip; @ ;"0;[o;E ;[I"line-height; T;o; ;I" rhythm; T;[o; ;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; iq; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; iq; @ ;!{;"0; iq; @ ;7i;F;G;[; iq; @ ; ip;/T; @ o; ;[I""/* Calculate rhythm units. */; T;;;[; it; @ o;* ;I" rhythm; T;[[o;;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; @ o; ;i;[;@; iv;I"1; F; @ [o;;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; iw; @ [o;;I" offset; T; I" offset; T; @ o; ;i;[;@; ix;I"0; F; @ ;"0;[ u;3U[o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation : @operando:Sass::Script::Variable : @nameI"relative-font-sizing:ET:@underscored_nameI"relative_font_sizing; T: @lineiz: @options{:@operator:not; iz;@ :@operand2o; ;o; ; I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; iz;@ ;o; ; I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; iz;@ ;:neq; iz;@ ;:and; iz;@ 0[o:Sass::Tree::WarnNode : @expro:Sass::Script::String : @valueI"^$relative-font-sizing is false but a relative font size was passed to the rhythm function; T: @type: string; i{;@ :@children[; i{;@ o; ;I" rhythm; T;o;# ;$o;# ;$o; ;I"font-unit; T; I"font_unit; T; i}; @ ;%o;# ;$o;# ;$o; ;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; i}; @ ;%o; ;I"base-line-height; T; I"base_line_height; T; i}; @ ;&;(; i}; @ ;%o; ;I" offset; T; I" offset; T; i}; @ ;&;); i}; @ ;&;(; i}; @ ;%o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i}; @ ;&;'; i}; @ ;0;[; i}; @ o; ;[I"4/* Round the pixels down to nearest integer. */; T;;;[; i~; @ u;3[o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o:Sass::Script::Funcall : @nameI" unit:ET: @args[o:Sass::Script::Variable ;I" rhythm; T:@underscored_nameI" rhythm; T: @linei: @options{:@keywords{: @splat0; i;@ :@operand2o:Sass::Script::String : @valueI"px; T: @type:identifier; i;@ :@operator:eq; i;@ 0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;I" rhythm; T: @expro; ;I" floor; T; [o; ;I" rhythm; T; I" rhythm; T; i{;@ ;{;0; i{;@ : @guarded0:@children[; i{;@ o;+ ;o; ;I" rhythm; T; I" rhythm; T; i}; @ ;[; i}; @ ; iy;/T; @ o; ;[I"Z/* Calculate the minimum multiple of rhythm units needed to contain the font-size. */; T;;;[; i; @ o;* ;I"lines-for-font-size; T;[[o;;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; @ 0;"0;[o; ;I" lines; T;o; ;I"if; T;[o; ;I"round-to-nearest-half-line; T; I"round_to_nearest_half_line; T; i; @ o;# ;$o; ;I" ceil; T;[o;# ;$o;# ;$o; ;i;[;@; i;I"2; F; @ ;%o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ ;&;(; i; @ ;%o; ;I"base-line-height; T; I"base_line_height; T; i; @ ;&;'; i; @ ;!{;"0; i; @ ;%o; ;i;[;@; i;I"2; F; @ ;&;'; i; @ o; ;I" ceil; T;[o;# ;$o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ ;%o; ;I"base-line-height; T; I"base_line_height; T; i; @ ;&;'; i; @ ;!{;"0; i; @ ;!{;"0; i; @ ;0;[; i; @ u;3[o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o; ;o; ;o:Sass::Script::Variable : @nameI" lines:ET:@underscored_nameI" lines; T: @linei: @options{:@operand2o; ;I"base-line-height; T; I"base_line_height; T; i; @ :@operator: times; i; @ ; o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ ;: minus; i; @ ; o; ;o; ;I"min-line-padding; T; I"min_line_padding; T; i; @ ; o:Sass::Script::Number : @valuei:@numerator_units[:@denominator_units[; i:@originalI"2; F; @ ;;; i; @ ;:lt; i; @ 0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;I" lines; T: @expro; ;o; ;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; i; @ ; o:Sass::Script::Funcall ;I"if; T: @args[o; ;I"round-to-nearest-half-line; T; I"round_to_nearest_half_line; T; i; @ o; ;f0.5;[;@; i;I"0.5; F; @ o; ;i;[;@; i;I"1; F; @ :@keywords{: @splat0; i; @ ;: plus; i; @ : @guarded0:@children[; i; @ o;+ ;o; ;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; i; @ ;[; i; @ ; i;/T; @ o; ;[I"L/* Apply leading whitespace. The $property can be margin or padding. */; T;;;[; i; @ o;4 ;I" leader; T;[[o;;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; @ o; ;i;[;@; i;I"1; F; @ [o;;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i; @ [o;;I" property; T; I" property; T; @ o; ;I" margin; T;;; i; @ ;"0;[o;E ;[o; ;I" property; T; I" property; T; i; @ I" -top; T;o; ;I" rhythm; T;[o; ;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; i; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ ;!{;"0; i; @ ;7i;F;G;[; i; @ ; i;/T; @ o; ;[I"//* Apply leading whitespace as padding. */; T;;;[; i; @ o;4 ;I"padding-leader; T;[[o;;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; @ o; ;i;[;@; i;I"1; F; @ [o;;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i; @ ;"0;[o;E ;[I"padding-top; T;o; ;I" rhythm; T;[o; ;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; i; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ ;!{;"0; i; @ ;7i;F;G;[; i; @ ; i;/T; @ o; ;[I"./* Apply leading whitespace as margin. */; T;;;[; i; @ o;4 ;I"margin-leader; T;[[o;;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; @ o; ;i;[;@; i;I"1; F; @ [o;;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i; @ ;"0;[o;E ;[I"margin-top; T;o; ;I" rhythm; T;[o; ;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; i; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ ;!{;"0; i; @ ;7i;F;G;[; i; @ ; i;/T; @ o; ;[I"M/* Apply trailing whitespace. The $property can be margin or padding. */; T;;;[; i; @ o;4 ;I" trailer; T;[[o;;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; @ o; ;i;[;@; i;I"1; F; @ [o;;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i; @ [o;;I" property; T; I" property; T; @ o; ;I" margin; T;;; i; @ ;"0;[o;E ;[o; ;I" property; T; I" property; T; i; @ I" -bottom; T;o; ;I" rhythm; T;[o; ;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; i; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ ;!{;"0; i; @ ;7i;F;G;[; i; @ ; i;/T; @ o; ;[I"0/* Apply trailing whitespace as padding. */; T;;;[; i; @ o;4 ;I"padding-trailer; T;[[o;;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; @ o; ;i;[;@; i;I"1; F; @ [o;;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i; @ ;"0;[o;E ;[I"padding-bottom; T;o; ;I" rhythm; T;[o; ;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; i; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ ;!{;"0; i; @ ;7i;F;G;[; i; @ ; i;/T; @ o; ;[I"//* Apply trailing whitespace as margin. */; T;;;[; i; @ o;4 ;I"margin-trailer; T;[[o;;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; @ o; ;i;[;@; i;I"1; F; @ [o;;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i; @ ;"0;[o;E ;[I"margin-bottom; T;o; ;I" rhythm; T;[o; ;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; i; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ ;!{;"0; i; @ ;7i;F;G;[; i; @ ; i;/T; @ o; ;[I"V/* Shorthand mixin to apply whitespace for top and bottom margins and padding. */; T;;;[; i; @ o;4 ;I" rhythm; T;[ [o;;I" leader; T; I" leader; T; @ o; ;i;[;@; i;I"0; F; @ [o;;I"padding-leader; T; I"padding_leader; T; @ o; ;i;[;@; i;I"0; F; @ [o;;I"padding-trailer; T; I"padding_trailer; T; @ o; ;i;[;@; i;I"0; F; @ [o;;I" trailer; T; I" trailer; T; @ o; ;i;[;@; i;I"0; F; @ [o;;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i; @ ;"0;[ o;H ;I" leader; T;[o; ;I" leader; T; I" leader; T; i; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ ;!{;"0;[; i; @ o;H ;I"padding-leader; T;[o; ;I"padding-leader; T; I"padding_leader; T; i; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ ;!{;"0;[; i; @ o;H ;I"padding-trailer; T;[o; ;I"padding-trailer; T; I"padding_trailer; T; i; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ ;!{;"0;[; i; @ o;H ;I" trailer; T;[o; ;I" trailer; T; I" trailer; T; i; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ ;!{;"0;[; i; @ ; i;/T; @ o; ;[I"/* Apply a border and whitespace to any side without destroying the vertical * rhythm. The whitespace must be greater than the width of the border. */; T;;;[; i; @ o;4 ;I"apply-side-rhythm-border; T;[ [o;;I" side; T; I" side; T; @ 0[o;;I" width; T; I" width; T; @ o; ;i;[I"px; T;[; i;I"1px; F; @ [o;;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; @ o; ;i;[;@; i;I"1; F; @ [o;;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i; @ [o;;I"border-style; T; I"border_style; T; @ o; ;I" default-rhythm-border-style; T; I" default_rhythm_border_style; T; i; @ ;"0;[u;3b[o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation : @operando:Sass::Script::Variable : @nameI"relative-font-sizing:ET:@underscored_nameI"relative_font_sizing; T: @linei: @options{:@operator:not; i;@ :@operand2o; ;o; ; I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i;@ ;o; ; I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i;@ ;:neq; i;@ ;:and; i;@ 0[o:Sass::Tree::WarnNode : @expro:Sass::Script::String : @valueI"c$relative-font-sizing is false but a relative font size was passed to apply-side-rhythm-border; T: @type: string; i;@ :@children[; i;@ o;E ;[I" border-; To; ;I" side; T; I" side; T; i; @ ;o;;I"; F;;; @ ;7i;F;G;[o;E ;[I" style; T;o; ;I"border-style; T; I"border_style; T; i; @ ;7i;F;G;[; i; @ o;E ;[I" width; T;o;# ;$o;# ;$o; ;I"font-unit; T; I"font_unit; T; i; @ ;%o; ;I" width; T; I" width; T; i; @ ;&;(; i; @ ;%o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ ;&;'; i; @ ;7i;F;G;[; i; @ ; i; @ ;/To;E ;[I" padding-; To; ;I" side; T; I" side; T; i; @ ;o; ;I" rhythm; T;[o; ;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; i; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ ;!{I" offset; To; ;I" width; T; I" width; T; i; @ ;"0; i; @ ;7i;F;G;[; i; @ ; i;/T; @ o; ;[I"=/* Apply borders and whitespace equally to all sides. */; T;;;[; i; @ o;4 ;I"rhythm-borders; T;[ [o;;I" width; T; I" width; T; @ o; ;i;[I"px; T;[; i;I"1px; F; @ [o;;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; @ o; ;i;[;@; i;I"1; F; @ [o;;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i; @ [o;;I"border-style; T; I"border_style; T; @ o; ;I" default-rhythm-border-style; T; I" default_rhythm_border_style; T; i; @ ;"0;[u;3X[o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation : @operando:Sass::Script::Variable : @nameI"relative-font-sizing:ET:@underscored_nameI"relative_font_sizing; T: @linei: @options{:@operator:not; i;@ :@operand2o; ;o; ; I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i;@ ;o; ; I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i;@ ;:neq; i;@ ;:and; i;@ 0[o:Sass::Tree::WarnNode : @expro:Sass::Script::String : @valueI"Y$relative-font-sizing is false but a relative font size was passed to rhythm-borders; T: @type: string; i;@ :@children[; i;@ o;E ;[I" border; T;o;;I"; F;;; @ ;7i;F;G;[o;E ;[I" style; T;o; ;I"border-style; T; I"border_style; T; i; @ ;7i;F;G;[; i; @ o;E ;[I" width; T;o;# ;$o;# ;$o; ;I"font-unit; T; I"font_unit; T; i; @ ;%o; ;I" width; T; I" width; T; i; @ ;&;(; i; @ ;%o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ ;&;'; i; @ ;7i;F;G;[; i; @ ; i; @ ;/To;E ;[I" padding; T;o; ;I" rhythm; T;[o; ;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; i; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ ;!{I" offset; To; ;I" width; T; I" width; T; i; @ ;"0; i; @ ;7i;F;G;[; i; @ ; i;/T; @ o; ;[I""/* Apply a leading border. */; T;;;[; i; @ o;4 ;I"leading-border; T;[ [o;;I" width; T; I" width; T; @ o; ;i;[I"px; T;[; i;I"1px; F; @ [o;;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; @ o; ;i;[;@; i;I"1; F; @ [o;;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i; @ [o;;I"border-style; T; I"border_style; T; @ o; ;I" default-rhythm-border-style; T; I" default_rhythm_border_style; T; i; @ ;"0;[o;H ;I"apply-side-rhythm-border; T;[ o; ;I"top; T;;; i; @ o; ;I" width; T; I" width; T; i; @ o; ;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; i; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ o; ;I"border-style; T; I"border_style; T; i; @ ;!{;"0;[; i; @ ; i;/T; @ o; ;[I"#/* Apply a trailing border. */; T;;;[; i; @ o;4 ;I"trailing-border; T;[ [o;;I" width; T; I" width; T; @ o; ;i;[I"px; T;[; i;I"1px; F; @ [o;;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; @ o; ;i;[;@; i;I"1; F; @ [o;;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i; @ [o;;I"border-style; T; I"border_style; T; @ o; ;I" default-rhythm-border-style; T; I" default_rhythm_border_style; T; i; @ ;"0;[o;H ;I"apply-side-rhythm-border; T;[ o; ;I" bottom; T;;; i; @ o; ;I" width; T; I" width; T; i; @ o; ;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; i; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ o; ;I"border-style; T; I"border_style; T; i; @ ;!{;"0;[; i; @ ; i;/T; @ o; ;[I"3/* Apply both leading and trailing borders. */; T;;;[; i; @ o;4 ;I"horizontal-borders; T;[ [o;;I" width; T; I" width; T; @ o; ;i;[I"px; T;[; i;I"1px; F; @ [o;;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; @ o; ;i;[;@; i;I"1; F; @ [o;;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i; @ [o;;I"border-style; T; I"border_style; T; @ o; ;I" default-rhythm-border-style; T; I" default_rhythm_border_style; T; i; @ ;"0;[o;H ;I"leading-border; T;[ o; ;I" width; T; I" width; T; i; @ o; ;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; i; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ o; ;I"border-style; T; I"border_style; T; i; @ ;!{;"0;[; i; @ o;H ;I"trailing-border; T;[ o; ;I" width; T; I" width; T; i; @ o; ;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; i; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ o; ;I"border-style; T; I"border_style; T; i; @ ;!{;"0;[; i; @ ; i;/T; @ o; ;[I"0/* Alias for `horizontal-borders` mixin. */; T;;;[; i; @ o;4 ;I"h-borders; T;[ [o;;I" width; T; I" width; T; @ o; ;i;[I"px; T;[; i;I"1px; F; @ [o;;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; @ o; ;i;[;@; i;I"1; F; @ [o;;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; @ o; ;I"base-font-size; T; I"base_font_size; T; i; @ [o;;I"border-style; T; I"border_style; T; @ o; ;I" default-rhythm-border-style; T; I" default_rhythm_border_style; T; i; @ ;"0;[o;H ;I"horizontal-borders; T;[ o; ;I" width; T; I" width; T; i; @ o; ;I" lines; T; I" lines; T; i; @ o; ;I"font-size; T; I"font_size; T; i; @ o; ;I"border-style; T; I"border_style; T; i; @ ;!{;"0;[; i; @ ; i;/T; @ ; I""@import "compass/layout/grid-background"; // The base font size. $base-font-size: 16px !default; // The base line height determines the basic unit of vertical rhythm. $base-line-height: 24px !default; // Set the default border style for rhythm borders. $default-rhythm-border-style: solid !default; // The default font size in all browsers. $browser-default-font-size: 16px; // Set to false if you want to use absolute pixels in sizing your typography. $relative-font-sizing: true !default; // Allows the `adjust-font-size-to` mixin and the `lines-for-font-size` function // to round the line height to the nearest half line height instead of the // nearest integral line height to avoid large spacing between lines. $round-to-nearest-half-line: false !default; // Ensure there is at least this many pixels // of vertical padding above and below the text. $min-line-padding: 2px !default; // $base-font-size but in your output unit of choice. // Defaults to 1em when `$relative-font-sizing` is true. $font-unit: if($relative-font-sizing, 1em, $base-font-size) !default; // The basic unit of font rhythm. $base-rhythm-unit: $base-line-height / $base-font-size * $font-unit; // The leader is the amount of whitespace in a line. // It might be useful in your calculations. $base-leader: ($base-line-height - $base-font-size) * $font-unit / $base-font-size; // The half-leader is the amount of whitespace above and below a line. // It might be useful in your calculations. $base-half-leader: $base-leader / 2; // True if a number has a relative unit. @function relative-unit($number) { @return unit($number) == "%" or unit($number) == "em" or unit($number) == "rem" } // True if a number has an absolute unit. @function absolute-unit($number) { @return not (relative-unit($number) or unitless($number)); } @if $relative-font-sizing and not relative-unit($font-unit) { @warn "$relative-font-sizing is true but $font-unit is set to #{$font-unit} which is not a relative unit."; } // Establishes a font baseline for the given font-size. @mixin establish-baseline($font-size: $base-font-size) { // IE 6 refuses to resize fonts set in pixels and it weirdly resizes fonts // whose root is set in ems. So we set the root font size in percentages of // the default font size. * html { font-size: 100% * ($font-size / $browser-default-font-size); } html { font-size: $font-size; @include adjust-leading-to(1, if($relative-font-sizing, $font-size, $base-font-size)); } } // Resets the line-height to 1 vertical rhythm unit. // Does not work on elements whose font-size is different from $base-font-size. // // @deprecated This mixin will be removed in the next release. // Please use the `adjust-leading-to` mixin instead. @mixin reset-baseline { @include adjust-leading-to(1, if($relative-font-sizing, $base-font-size, $base-font-size)); } // Show a background image that can be used to debug your alignments. // Include the $img argument if you would rather use your own image than the // Compass default gradient image. @mixin debug-vertical-alignment($img: false) { @if $img { background: image-url($img); } @else { @include baseline-grid-background($base-rhythm-unit); } } // Adjust a block to have a different font size and line height to maintain the // rhythm. $lines specifies how many multiples of the baseline rhythm each line // of this font should use up. It does not have to be an integer, but it // defaults to the smallest integer that is large enough to fit the font. // Use $from-size to adjust from a font-size other than the base font-size. @mixin adjust-font-size-to($to-size, $lines: lines-for-font-size($to-size), $from-size: $base-font-size) { @if not $relative-font-sizing and $from-size != $base-font-size { @warn "$relative-font-sizing is false but a relative font size was passed to adjust-font-size-to"; } font-size: $font-unit * $to-size / $from-size; @include adjust-leading-to($lines, if($relative-font-sizing, $to-size, $base-font-size)); } // Adjust a block to have different line height to maintain the rhythm. // $lines specifies how many multiples of the baseline rhythm each line of this // font should use up. It does not have to be an integer, but it defaults to the // smallest integer that is large enough to fit the font. @mixin adjust-leading-to($lines, $font-size: $base-font-size) { line-height: rhythm($lines, $font-size); } // Calculate rhythm units. @function rhythm( $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $offset: 0 ) { @if not $relative-font-sizing and $font-size != $base-font-size { @warn "$relative-font-sizing is false but a relative font size was passed to the rhythm function"; } $rhythm: $font-unit * ($lines * $base-line-height - $offset) / $font-size; // Round the pixels down to nearest integer. @if unit($rhythm) == px { $rhythm: floor($rhythm); } @return $rhythm; } // Calculate the minimum multiple of rhythm units needed to contain the font-size. @function lines-for-font-size($font-size) { $lines: if($round-to-nearest-half-line, ceil(2 * $font-size / $base-line-height) / 2, ceil($font-size / $base-line-height)); @if $lines * $base-line-height - $font-size < $min-line-padding * 2 { $lines: $lines + if($round-to-nearest-half-line, 0.5, 1); } @return $lines; } // Apply leading whitespace. The $property can be margin or padding. @mixin leader($lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $property: margin) { #{$property}-top: rhythm($lines, $font-size); } // Apply leading whitespace as padding. @mixin padding-leader($lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size) { padding-top: rhythm($lines, $font-size); } // Apply leading whitespace as margin. @mixin margin-leader($lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size) { margin-top: rhythm($lines, $font-size); } // Apply trailing whitespace. The $property can be margin or padding. @mixin trailer($lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $property: margin) { #{$property}-bottom: rhythm($lines, $font-size); } // Apply trailing whitespace as padding. @mixin padding-trailer($lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size) { padding-bottom: rhythm($lines, $font-size); } // Apply trailing whitespace as margin. @mixin margin-trailer($lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size) { margin-bottom: rhythm($lines, $font-size); } // Shorthand mixin to apply whitespace for top and bottom margins and padding. @mixin rhythm($leader: 0, $padding-leader: 0, $padding-trailer: 0, $trailer: 0, $font-size: $base-font-size) { @include leader($leader, $font-size); @include padding-leader($padding-leader, $font-size); @include padding-trailer($padding-trailer, $font-size); @include trailer($trailer, $font-size); } // Apply a border and whitespace to any side without destroying the vertical // rhythm. The whitespace must be greater than the width of the border. @mixin apply-side-rhythm-border($side, $width: 1px, $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $border-style: $default-rhythm-border-style) { @if not $relative-font-sizing and $font-size != $base-font-size { @warn "$relative-font-sizing is false but a relative font size was passed to apply-side-rhythm-border"; } border-#{$side}: { style: $border-style; width: $font-unit * $width / $font-size; }; padding-#{$side}: rhythm($lines, $font-size, $offset: $width); } // Apply borders and whitespace equally to all sides. @mixin rhythm-borders($width: 1px, $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $border-style: $default-rhythm-border-style) { @if not $relative-font-sizing and $font-size != $base-font-size { @warn "$relative-font-sizing is false but a relative font size was passed to rhythm-borders"; } border: { style: $border-style; width: $font-unit * $width / $font-size; }; padding: rhythm($lines, $font-size, $offset: $width); } // Apply a leading border. @mixin leading-border($width: 1px, $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $border-style: $default-rhythm-border-style) { @include apply-side-rhythm-border(top, $width, $lines, $font-size, $border-style); } // Apply a trailing border. @mixin trailing-border($width: 1px, $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $border-style: $default-rhythm-border-style) { @include apply-side-rhythm-border(bottom, $width, $lines, $font-size, $border-style); } // Apply both leading and trailing borders. @mixin horizontal-borders($width: 1px, $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $border-style: $default-rhythm-border-style) { @include leading-border($width, $lines, $font-size, $border-style); @include trailing-border($width, $lines, $font-size, $border-style); } // Alias for `horizontal-borders` mixin. @mixin h-borders($width: 1px, $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $border-style: $default-rhythm-border-style) { @include horizontal-borders($width, $lines, $font-size, $border-style); } ; T;/T; @ ; i