module ForemanApi
  module Resources
    class Medium < ForemanApi::Base
      def self.doc
        @doc ||= ForemanApi.doc['resources']["media"]

      # @param [Hash] params a hash of params to be passed to the service
      # @option params [String] order For example, name asc, or name desc
      # @option params [String] page Paginate results
      # @option params [String] per_page Number of entries per request
      # @option params [String] search Filter results
      # @param [Hash] headers additional http headers
      # @return [Array] First item: parsed data; second item: raw body
      def index(params = {}, headers = {})
        perform_call(__method__, params, headers)

      # @param [Hash] params a hash of params to be passed to the service
      # @option params [String] id
      # @param [Hash] headers additional http headers
      # @return [Array] First item: parsed data; second item: raw body
      def show(params = {}, headers = {})
        perform_call(__method__, params, headers)

      # @param [Hash] params a hash of params to be passed to the service
      # @option params [Hash] medium
      #   allowed keys are:
      #   * operatingsystem_ids [Array]
      #   * name [String] Name of media
      #   * os_family [String] The family that the operating system belongs to.  available families:   archlinux  debian  gentoo  redhat  solaris  suse  windows 
      #   * path [String] The path to the medium, can be a url or a valid nfs server (exclusive of the architecture).  for example$version/os/$arch where $arch will be substituted for the host’s actual os architecture and $version, $major and $minor will be substituted for the version of the operating system.  solaris and debian media may also use $release.
      # @param [Hash] headers additional http headers
      # @return [Array] First item: parsed data; second item: raw body
      def create(params = {}, headers = {})
        perform_call(__method__, params, headers)

      # @param [Hash] params a hash of params to be passed to the service
      # @option params [String] id
      # @option params [Hash] medium
      #   allowed keys are:
      #   * operatingsystem_ids [Array]
      #   * name [String] Name of media
      #   * os_family [String, nil] The family that the operating system belongs to.  available families:   archlinux  debian  gentoo  redhat  solaris  suse  windows 
      #   * path [String] The path to the medium, can be a url or a valid nfs server (exclusive of the architecture).  for example$version/os/$arch where $arch will be substituted for the host’s actual os architecture and $version, $major and $minor will be substituted for the version of the operating system.  solaris and debian media may also use $release.
      # @param [Hash] headers additional http headers
      # @return [Array] First item: parsed data; second item: raw body
      def update(params = {}, headers = {})
        perform_call(__method__, params, headers)

      # @param [Hash] params a hash of params to be passed to the service
      # @option params [String] id
      # @param [Hash] headers additional http headers
      # @return [Array] First item: parsed data; second item: raw body
      def destroy(params = {}, headers = {})
        perform_call(__method__, params, headers)
