safubot - an event-driven chatbot framework for Ruby
Safubot is a chatbot framework for Twitter and XMPP which aims to abstract away the idiosyncracies of the underlying APIs, allowing you to focus on writing request-processing logic. Of course, if you want to use service-specific features (such as responding to timeline tweets) it lets you do that too!
gem install safubot
Safubot uses MongoDB for storage. It's easy to install and pretty awesome!
Sample Usage
require 'safubot' class NiftyBot < Safubot::Bot def initialize # Check the MongoMapper docs ( if you want # to do something more sophisticated than an authless localhost connection. super(:database => "niftybot") # This creates a Safubot::Twitter::Bot instance at @twitter enable_twitter({ :username => "niftybot", :consumer_key => CONSUMER_KEY, :consumer_secret => CONSUMER_SECRET, :oauth_token => OAUTH_TOKEN, :oauth_token_secret => OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET }) # Similarly, this makes a Safubot::XMPP::Bot instance at @xmpp enable_xmpp({ :jid => "", :password => JABBER_PASSWORD }) # A Request can be sourced from a: # * Twitter mention # * Twitter DM # * XMPP chat message # The "respond" method will reply using the appropriate medium. on(:request) do |req| if req.text.match /nifty/i respond req, "Yep, I'm a nifty bot! :3" else raise ArgumentError, "This isn't nifty at all! :(" end end # Any unhandled errors encountered during request processing # will come through here. on(:request_error) do |req, e| respond req, "#{e}" end end end # This will fork the Twitter/XMPP streaming processes as needed # and then wait for them. You can call run_nowait if you want # a non-blocking form.
Safubot::Log behaves as a Logger instance and will write to stdout by default. You can also tell it to write to a file:
Safubot::Log.path = "/some/cool/logfile"
Specific Examples
Find the last processed request from a user
on(:request) do |req| req.user.requests.where(:processed => true).sort(:created_at.desc).first end
Update our twitter account
@twitter.on(:ready) do @twitter.client.update("Hello there, wonderful scary world of Twitter! I am so *not* a spambot.") end
Reply to a non-request timeline tweet
@twitter.on(:timeline) do |tweet| if tweet.raw['user']['screen_name'] == "unnali" @twitter.reply tweet, "Is HaeSeun OSS yet? :O" end end
Start an unprompted conversation with an XMPP user
@xmpp.on(:ready) do @xmpp.tell('^_^', "You'd best be maintaining safubot!") end
I've yet to determine how to make multiple libraries with their own EventMachine loops play nice together, so the TweetStream and Blather clients are currently run in their own processes. Keep in mind the effect this will have on the execution context of your event handlers. MongoDB is your friend!