Jasminerice =========== Utilizing [Jasmine](http://pivotal.github.com/jasmine/) and taking full advantage of the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline. Jasminerice removes any excuse YOU have for not testing your out of control sprawl of CoffeeScript files. This project rocks and uses the MIT-LICENSE. Headless Testing ---------------- See [guard-jasmine](https://github.com/netzpirat/guard-jasmine) for details. Installation ------------ This is a gem specifically for Rails 3.1. Just include it in your `Gemfile`: ```ruby group :development, :test do gem "jasminerice" end ``` The engine is automatically mounted into your application in the development and test environments. If you'd like to change that behavior, you can change which groups the gem is included in via the gemfile. Optionally, you can run the installer ```bash rails g jasminerice::install ``` This will add the required `spec.js.coffee` together with a sample spec and fixture to help get you started. Usage ----- ### CoffeeScripts Create a file `spec/javascripts/spec.js.coffee` with the following content: #=require_tree ./ In the case where you need access to all your application javascript assets then create the file `spec/javascripts/spec.js.coffee` with the following contents: #=require_tree ./ #=require_tree ../../app/assets/javascripts This pulls in all your specs from the `javascripts` directory into Jasmine: ```bash spec/javascripts/*_spec.js.coffee spec/javascripts/*_spec.js spec/javascripts/*_spec.js.erb ``` The Rails 3.1 asset pipeline using [Sprockets](https://github.com/sstephenson/sprockets) and [Tilt](https://github.com/rtomayko/tilt) ensure conversion. As well you can use the `#require` dependency mechanisms in your specs to pull dependencies. Here's an example `spec/javascripts/foo_spec.js.coffee`: ```coffeescript #= require foo #= require bar describe "Foo", -> it "it is not bar", -> v = new Foo() expect(v.bar()).toEqual(false) describe "Bar", -> it "it is not foo", -> v = new Bar() expect(v.foo()).toEqual(false) ``` ### Stylesheets For including stylesheets in your specs, Jasminerice uses `spec/javascripts/spec.css`. Use Sprockets directives to include the right css files: ```css /* *= require application */ ``` ### Fixtures Jasminerice makes files located in the `spec/javascripts/fixtures` directory available as fixture. For example, a file `spec/javascripts/fixtures/baz.html.haml` with the following content: ```haml %h2 Test Fixture %p Using fixtures ``` is made available under the URL `/jasmine/fixtures/baz`. Since Jasminerice automatically makes a patched version of [jasmine-jquery](https://github.com/velesin/jasmine-jquery) available in your specs, you can load the `baz` fixture in your spec with: ```coffeescript loadFixtures 'baz' ``` ### Helper Methods You can declare Jasminerice::HelperMethods (perhaps put inside lib/) to make helpers available to jasminerice fixtures. ### Start server Now start your server ```bash rails s ``` Goto ```bash http://localhost:3000/jasmine ``` and there are your specs. ### Compatibility with Require.js If you use [Require.js](http://requirejs.org/) in your project and need to load your modules in your jasmine specs, there is an option to prevent jasminerice from automatically executing the test runner before the modules are defined. This enables you to start the execution manually whenever you want in your `spec/javascripts/spec.js.coffee` file: #= require your/specs/and/other/stuff # at the end of this file add: jasmine.rice.autoExecute = false define 'jasmine.waitsfor.requirejs', -> require ['jasmine.waitsfor.requirejs'], -> jasmine.getEnv().execute() The shown example defines a dummy module in require.js that is required immediately on the next line. This is a simple hack to wait until require.js has initialized all modules and start the jasmine runner after that. Of course you can use `jasmine.rice.autoExecute = false` also for all other cases where you need to control when your specs should be executed! Author ------ * Brad Phelan (bradphelan@xtargets.com)