require 'cms/module_installation' class BcmsKcfinder::InstallGenerator < Cms::ModuleInstallation add_migrations_directory_to_source_root __FILE__ # This module has no migrations, seed or routes as of now, so this install file is simple. # Keep these commented out for now in case they get added later #def copy_migrations # rake 'bcms_kcfinder:install:migrations' #end # Uncomment to add module specific seed data to a project. #def add_seed_data_to_project # copy_file "../bcms_kcfinder.seeds.rb", "db/bcms_kcfinder.seeds.rb" # append_to_file "db/seeds.rb", "load File.expand_path('../bcms_kcfinder.seeds.rb', __FILE__)\n" #end def add_routes mount_engine(BcmsKcfinder) end end