=== Version 0.8.10 / 2013-5-3 * Enhancements * Updated populate_page_with to also check if the element is visible prior to setting value * Updated to use the latest watir-webdriver 0.6.4 === Version 0.8.9 / 2013-4-13 * Enhancements * Updated to use the latest watir-webdriver 0.6.3 * Updated to use the latest selenium-webdriver 2.32.1 * Fixes * Fixed an issue when you try to find an element using no identifier (Thanks Alex Rodionov) === Version 0.8.8 / 2013-4-5 * Enhancements * Added callback to widget classes to allow them to define their own accessors * Added more support for using css when locating elements using Watir-webdriver (Neal Lindsay) === Version 0.8.7 / 2013-3-31 * Enhancements * Added ability to find elements using any valid attribute === Version / 2013-3-4 * Enhancements * Added lable locators for checkbox, text area, select list, radio button and file field (Thanks Alex Rodionov) * Updated to use the latest selenium-webdriver 2.31.0 * Updated to use the latest page_navigation 0.7 === Version 0.8.6 / 2013-2-27 * Enhancements * Added support for the svg element * Fixes * Fixed issue with nested generic element calls === Version 0.8.5 / 2013-2-21 * Enhancements * Updated to use the latest selenium-webdriver 2.30 - support for Firefox 19 === Version 0.8.4 / 2013-1-26 * Enhancements * Extracted navigational methods into new gem named page_navigation === Version 0.8.3 / 2013-1-22 * Enhancements * Updated to use the latest selenium-webdriver 2.29 * Added :using_params parameter to both on_page and if_page methods * Fixes * Fixed issue where has_expected_title? displays misleading error message (X Zhang) * Fixed issue when getting basic Element element when using Selenium * Fixed issue when using plural class methods multiple times on same object === Version 0.8.2 / 2013-1-13 * Enhancements * Updated expected_element to ue the global default element wait by default * Updated routes to accept more than two entries in the array which are passed as arguments * Added new generated method for select_list to return options -> <name>_options (X Zhang) * Added scroll_into_view method to Element * Added *_element and *_elements methods to PageObject and Element for the following types * addr * address * article * aside * bdi * bdo * cite * code * dd * dfn * dt * em * figcaption * figure * footer * header * hgroup * kbd * mark * nav * noscript * rp * rt * ruby * samp * section * sub * summary * sup * var * wbr === Version 0.8.1 / 2012-12-28 * Fixes * Fixed issue when calling new multi-element class methods using a block === Version 0.8 / 2012-12-22 * Enhancements * Added the following class level methods to return all elements matching the locator * divs * buttons * text_fields * hidden_fields * text_areas * select_lists * links * checkboxes * radio_buttons * spans * tables * cells * images * forms * list_items * unordered_lists * ordered_lists * h1s * h2s * h3s * h4s * h5s * h6s * paragraphs * labels * file_fields * Added ability to register and use custom elements based on standard elements (William Powell) * Added generated method to return text for a table * Added generated method to return text for an unordered list * Added generated method to return text for an ordered list * Added html method to Element * Updated to use the latest selenium-webdriver 2.27.2 * Updated to use the latest watir-webdriver 0.6.2 === Version 0.7.6 / 2012-11-28 * Fixes * Fixed attach_to_window workes with partial url on Selenium (George Shakhnazaryan) * Fixed double click works on Selenium (William Powell) * Enhancements * Added css selector support for all elements when using Selenium (Brendan Mulholland) * Added callback to initialize_accessors method during initialization (Theodore Robert Campbell Jr) === Version / 2012-10-16 * Fixes * Fixed issue when passing symbol to page_url and calling multiple times === Version 0.7.5 / 2012-10-14 * Enhancements * Enhanced TabeleCell to return nil when there is no corresponding cell for a referenced column * Added css selector support for SelectList and Div * Added ability to pass clasname as string to visit_page, on_page, and if_page methods * Added params class instance variable to hold hash values that can be used in the page * Added ability to insert ERB into page_url string and have it access params === Version 0.7.4 / 2012-9-8 * Enhancements * Added ability to find text_fields with :css when using Selenium * Added selected_values method to SelectList to get values of all selected elements * Fixes * Fixed problem getting value from SelectList when it is in a Frame with Selenium === Version 0.7.3 / 2012-8-18 * Enhancements * Improved handling of alert and confirm Javascript popups (George Shakhnazaryan) * Added hover method to Element. Browser support is limited. * Added method to get the id of an Element * Added support for the following new elements Video === Version 0.7.2 / 2012-8-1 * Enhancements * Added ability to find list_item by :text * Added support for the following new elements Canvas Audio * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.25.0 * Updated to provide better support for table_row.find_index_by_title when tables have theads... (George Shakhnazaryan) === Version 0.7.1 / 2012-7-15 * Enhancements * Added support for the following new elements Area * Added the following aliased methods to their corresponding Accessors method a => link hidden => hidden_field img => image li => list_item ol => ordered_list p => paragraph radio => radio_button select => select_list td => cell textarea => text_area ul => unordered_list * Added the following methods to return generic Element objects abbr address article aside bdi bdo cite code dd dfn dt em figcaption figure footer header hgroup kbd mark nav noscript rp rt ruby samp section sub summary sup var wbr === Version 0.7.0 / 2012-6-30 * Enhancements * Updated Table [] method to return a row that has matching partial text in any column (Thanks George Shakhnazaryan) * Updated TableRow [] method to return column that matching partial text in any column (Thanks George Shakhnazaryan) * Added if_page to PageFactory (Thanks Gregory Shayko) * Added index_property for accessing sets of related fields (Thanks robkid) * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.24.0 === Version 0.6.9 / 2012-6-12 * Enhancements * Added select_value method to SelectList * Updated link to be able to identify by title * Updated div to be able to identify by title * Updated text_field to be able to identify by text and label * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.22.2 * Fixes * Fixed populate_page_with to work with text areas (Thanks ramyav85) === Version 0.6.8 / 2012-6-3 * Enhancements * Updated [] method on Table to return nil when bad row header is provided * Updated [] method on TableRow to return nil when bad column header is provided * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.6.1 * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.22.1 * Fixes Modified text area methods so it clears before setting new text Fixed clear method on SelectList when using Selenium to clear multi selects === Version 0.6.7 / 2012-5-16 * Enhancements * Added flash method to Element to temporarily change the background color * Added when_not_present method to Element * Added default override for page level waits - PageObject.default_page_wait * Added default override for element level waits - PageObject.default_element_wait * Added the ability to find a TableRow by providing a String to the [] method from Table * Added the ability to find a TableCell by providing a String to the [] method from TableRow * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.5.8 * Fixes * Improved logic around selecting options from select lists * TableCell now handles enabled? call gracefully === Version 0.6.6 / 2012-4-26 * Enhancements * Added ability to find span's by title * Changed order of initialization so initialize_page is called after goto * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.5.5 * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.21.2 * Fixes * Fixed the problem with determining the existance of an Selenium element === Version 0.6.5 / 2012-4-12 * Enhancements * Added a page level element method to return a generic Element object * Added a method to retrieve all file fields on a page * Updated all accessor methods to take a default identifier of {:index => 0} * Updated all page level element locators to take a default identifier of {:index => 0} * Updated all page level multi-element locators to take a default identifier of {} * Updated deprecation warning to print to stderr (Thanks Josh Adell) * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.21.0 === Version 0.6.4 / 2012-3-27 * Enhancements * Added support for finding the following elements by :css Button Link * Added support for the label element (Thanks Paul Clewell) * Added method to fetch generic element (Thanks Jim Holmes) * Added direct_url alias for page_url * Added visit alias for visit_page * Added on alias for on_page * Added element_with_focus method to return the element that has focus * Changed Elements.element_class_for so parameters can be strings or symbols * Changed page_url to accept a symbol that will cause it to call a corresponding method * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.5.4 === Version 0.6.3 / 2012-3-1 * Enhancements * Added #expected_title method to PageObject * Added #expected_element method to PageObject * Added #execute_script method to PageObject * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.20.0 * Fixes * Updates to the README - Thanks to p0deje and ivaravko WARNING: This change breaks existing code * Changed the generated getter for select_list to return the text instead of the value === Version 0.6.2 / 2012-2-12 * Enhancements * Added #wait_for_ajax support for the jQuery framework * Added #wait_for_ajax support for the Prototype framework * Added the ability to add new Javascript Frameworks to PageObject via the #add_framework method * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.19.0 * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.5.3 * Fixes * Fixed [] methods on OrderedList and UnorderedList so it only gets direct children * Fixed items methods on OrderedList and UnorderedList so it returns count of direct children === Version 0.6.1 / 2012-1-18 * Enhancements * Added #disabled? method to Element * Added #selected_options method to SelectList * Added #include? and #selected? to SelectList * Added #append to TextField * generates a method to determine if an element exists (Thanks Nicholas Munson) * better message when calling platform method via method_missing (Thanks Alex Rodionov) * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.17.0 === Version 0.6 / 2012-1-10 * Enhancements * Added ?_elements methods to ElementLocator so you can find all elements that match an identifier * Added ?_elements methods to NestedElements so you can find all elements nested within others * Added #navigate_to to PageFactory to navigate to a page through previous pages * Added #continue_navigation_to to PageFactory which begins at @current_page * Added routes to PageFactory to collect routes through the site * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.16.0 === Version 0.5.5 / 2011-12-27 * Enhancements * Added ability to find Checkbox by :value * Added ability to find HiddenField by :value * Added ability to find a parent of an Element * Added #fire_event method to Element * Added #focus method to Element * Fixes * Updated #populate_page_with to no longer attempt to set a value in a field that is disabled === Version 0.5.4 / 2011-12-18 * Enhancements * Added deprecation warning to the method_missing method on Element. This ability will be removed in 0.6 * Added full support for file_field element * Added ability to find TextField by :title * Added ability to find Form by :action * Added ability to find Image by :alt * Added ability to find Image by :src === Version 0.5.3 / 2011-12-11 * Enhancements * Added new module PagePopulator with single method populate_page_with * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.15.0 * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.4.1 * Fixes * Updated prompt method to make it compatible with latest dependencies === Version 0.5.2 / 2011-11-30 * Enhancements * Added ability to find image buttons by src * Added ability to find image button by alt * Added first_row and last_row methods to Table * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.14.0 * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.3.9 === Version 0.5.1 / 2011-11-18 * Enhancements * Added instance level in_frame method * Support for nesting all *_element instance methods inside in_frame call * Support for nesting alerts inside an in_frame call * Support for nesting confirms inside an in_frame call * Support for nesting prompts inside an in_frame call === Version 0.5 / 2011-11-06 * Enhancements * Validated support for JRuby * Removed dependency on Mixology * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.10.0 * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.3.8 === Version 0.4.4 / 2011-10-26 * Enhancements * Can now find Radio buttons by value * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.9.1 * Fixes * Properly change context back to top level after interaction inside a frame with Watir === Version 0.4.3 / 2011-10-07 * Enhancements * The new watir and selenium fix a fairly serious problem when working with modals and attaching to windows * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.8.0 * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.3.5 === Version 0.4.2 / 2011-10-01 * Enhancements * Proper handling of <button> elements * Changed PageFactory so it also sets and instance variable @current_page to the newly created page === Version 0.4.1 / 2011-09-30 * Fixes * Fixed error when loading plugins using Selenium === Version 0.4 / 2011-09-24 * Enhancements * Added all of the h4 locators * Added all of the h5 locators * Added all of the h6 locators * Added all of the paragraph locators * Added the Paragraph class * Added #click to Element * Added #style to Element * Added #inspect to Element * Added #current_url to PageObject * Added #clear_cookies to PageObject * Added #save_screenshot to PageObject * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.7.0 * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.3.4 === Version 0.3.2 / 2011-09-22 * Enhancements * Element#when_present now returns the element object * Element#when_visible now returns the element object * Element#when_not_visible now returns the element object * Added #clear method for TextArea * Added support for Heading element * Added all of the h1 locators * Added all of the h2 locators * Added all of the h3 locators * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.6.0 === Version 0.3.1 / 2011-09-08 * Enhancements * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.3.3 === Version 0.3.0 / 2011-09-04 * Enhancements * Changed namespace for selenium and watir to include webdriver * Support for locating the following elements when nested * Link * Button * TextField * HiddenField * TextArea * SelectList * Checkbox * RadioButton * Div * Span * Table * TableCell * Image * Form * OrderedList * UnorderedList * ListItem * Added #modal_dialog to PageObject to override the default modal dialog behavior * Changed element keys to include _webdriver * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.5.0 === Version 0.2.5 / 2011-08-19 * Enhancements * #attach_to_window takes an optional block - will return to calling window after block executes * Added the following instance methods to PageObject via ElementLocators * #button_element * #text_field_element * #hidden_field_element * #text_area_element * #select_list_element * #link_element * #checkbox_element * #radio_button_element * #div_element * #span_element * #table_element * #cell_element * #image_element * #form_element * #list_item_element * #unordered_list_element * #ordered_list_element * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.4.0 * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.3.2 === Version 0.2.4 / 2011-08-08 * Enhancements * Can now find span by :text * Can now find button by :value * Added #forward and #back methods to PageObject * Added #right_click and #double_click methods to Element * Added #value= to TextField and TextArea * Added #select to SelectList * Added #check, #uncheck, and #checked? to CheckBox * Added #select, #clear, and #selected? to RadioButton * Can properly pass blocks to all accessor methods * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.3.0 === Version 0.2.3 / 2011-08-01 * Enhancements * Can now find a TableCell by its' text * If we receive an error calling #attach_to_window, wait one second and try again * Will call callback method #initialize_page method if it exists on a page object * Renamed all *_<element_type> methods to *_element. Created alias for backward compatibility * Delegating unknown method calls on Element to the driver element object * Improved block handling when passed to element creation method * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.3.2 === Version 0.2.2 / 2011-07-31 * Enhancements * Can find frame by name * Added #clear method to Element * Removed #switch_to_from from PageObject * Added #in_frame to Accessors to handle frame and iframe access * Fixes * Clearing value from text_field before setting value on Selenium === Version 0.2.1 / 2011-07-29 * Enhancements * Added ability to locate div by the contained text * Added #attach_to_window so a page object and operate on another window * Added #switch_to_frame to allow one to switch to a frame * Added #send_keys to PageObject::Elements::Element * Added #refresh to page object * Work toward making drivers pluggable * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.2.0 * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.2.8 === Version 0.2 / 2011-07-24 * Enhancements * Async handling * Added #wait_until to page object to support async events at page level * Added the following methods to PageObject::Elements::Element * #when_present * #when_visible * #when_not_visible * #wait_until * Handling popups * Added #alert to page object to override default alert popup behavior * Added #confirm to page object to override default confirm popup behavior * Added #prompt to page object to override default prompt popup behavior * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.1.0 === Version 0.1.1 / 2011-07-16 * Enhancements * Support for identifying hidden fields by text when using Selenium * Support for identifying links by href when using Selenium * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.0.1 * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.2.6 === Version 0.1 / 2011-07-01 * Enhancements * Support for using multiple identifiers when locating the following element: * Link * TextField * HiddenField * TextArea * SelectList * CheckBox * RadioButton * Button * Div * Span * Table * TableCell * Image * Form * ListItem * UnorderedList * OrderedList * Selenium support for using index for the following elements: * Link * TextField * HiddenField * TextArea * SelectList * CheckBox * RadioButton * Button * Div * Span * Table * Image * Form * ListItem * UnorderedList * OrderedList * Support name for identification across all elements in Watir * Added [] method to SelectList to index Options * Added options method to Select List * Added support for the following elements * Option * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 0.2.2 * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.2.5 === Version 0.0.5 / 2011-06-15 * Enhancements * Added rows method to Table to return number or rows * Added columns method to TableRow to return the number of columns * Table now supports Enumerable to iterate over the TableRows * TableRow now supports Enumerable to iterate over TableCells * Added items method to UnorderedList to return number of ListItems * Added items method to OrderedList to return number of ListItems * UnorderedList now supports Enumerable to iterate over the ListItems * OrderedList now supports Enumerable to iterate over the ListItems * All element methods now take an optional block that can be executed passing a browser * Created PageFactory module to add factory methods to your step definitions * Thanks Alister Scott for the idea === Version 0.0.4 / 2011-06-13 * Enhancements * Added support for the following elements * hidden field * form * list item * unordered list * ordered list === Version 0.0.3 / 2011-06-02 * Enhancements * Added support for the following elements * span * image * Added the following methods to Element * value * == * tag_name * attribute * click * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 0.2.1 * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.2.4 === Version 0.0.2 / 2011-05-30 * Enhancements * Added support for the following elements * div * button * table * table row * table cell * Added text method to element === Version 0.0.1 / 2011-05-22 * Enhancements * Support for the following elements * check box * link * radio button * select list * text field * Support for the following page level functions * text * html * title