class ProconBypassMan::Procon::ButtonCollection # #0) Input report ID #1) Timer. Increments very fast. Can be used to estimate excess Bluetooth latency. #2 high nibble) Battery level. 8=full, 6=medium, 4=low, 2=critical, 0=empty. LSB=Charging. #2 low nibble) Connection info. (con_info >> 1) & 3 - 3=JC, 0=Pro/ChrGrip. con_info & 1 - 1=Switch/USB powered. #3) ZR R SR(right) SL(right) A B X Y #4) Grip (none) Cap Home ThumbL ThumbR + - #5) ZL L SL(left) SR(left) Left Right Up Down #6) analog[0] Left analog stick data #7) analog[1] Left analog stick data #8) analog[2] Left analog stick data #9) analog[3] Right analog stick data #a) analog[4] Right analog stick data #b) analog[5] Right analog stick data BYTES_MAP = { 0 => nil, 1 => nil, 2 => nil, 3 => [:zr, :r, :sr, :sl, :a, :b, :x, :y], 4 => [:grip, :_undefined_key, :cap, :home, :thumbl, :thumbr, :plus, :minus], 5 => [:zl, :l, :sl, :sr, :left, :right, :up, :down], 6 => [], 7 => [], 8 => [], }.freeze BUTTONS_MAP = BYTES_MAP.reduce({}) { |acc, value| next acc if value[1].nil? value[1].reverse.each.with_index do |button, index| next(acc) if button == :grip || button == :_undefined_key acc[button] = { byte_position: value[0], bit_position: index } end acc }.freeze BUTTONS = ProconBypassMan::Procon::ButtonCollection::BUTTONS_MAP.keys.freeze LEFT_ANALOG_STICK = { byte_position: 6..8 } # @param [Array] buttons # @return [Array] def self.normalize(buttons) { |x| !!ProconBypassMan::Procon::ButtonCollection::BUTTONS_MAP[x] } end end