require 'open3' require 'slop' require 'builder' require 'pp' require 'detect_language' require_relative 'language_identifier/version' require_relative 'language_identifier/kaf_builder' require_relative 'language_identifier/cli' require_relative 'language_identifier/detector' require_relative 'language_identifier/backend/detect_language_com' if RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby' require_relative 'language_identifier/backend/language_detection' require_relative 'language_identifier/backend/opennlp' end module Opener ## # Language identifier class that can detect various languages such as Dutch, # German and Swedish. # # @!attribute [r] options # @return [Hash] # class LanguageIdentifier attr_reader :options ## # Hash containing the default options to use. # # @return [Hash] # DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { args: [], kaf: true, }.freeze ## # @param [Hash] options # # @option options [Array] :args Arbitrary arguments to pass to the # underlying kernel. # # @option options [TrueClass|FalseClass] :kaf When set to `true` the # results will be displayed as KAF. # def initialize(options = {}) @options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options) @detector = ENV['BACKEND'], ENV['FALLBACK'] end ## # Processes the input and returns an Array containing the output of STDOUT, # STDERR and an object containing process information. # # @param [String] input The text of which to detect the language. # @return [Array] # def run input, params = {} output = @detector.detect input output = build_kaf input, output if options[:kaf] return output end alias identify run protected ## # Builds a KAF document containing the input and the correct XML language # tag based on the output of the kernel. # # @param [String] input The input text. # @param [String] language The detected language # @return [String] # def build_kaf(input, language) builder =, language) return builder.to_s end end # LanguageIdentifier end # Opener