# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/devutils/rspec/spec_helper" require "logstash/filters/mutate" # running mutate which depends on grok outside a logstash package means # LOGSTASH_HOME will not be defined, so let's set it here # before requiring the grok filter unless LogStash::Environment.const_defined?(:LOGSTASH_HOME) LogStash::Environment::LOGSTASH_HOME = File.expand_path("../../../", __FILE__) end describe LogStash::Filters::Mutate do let(:config) { {} } subject { LogStash::Filters::Mutate.new(config) } let(:attrs) { { } } let(:event) { LogStash::Event.new(attrs) } before(:each) do subject.register end context "when doing uppercase of an array" do let(:config) do { "uppercase" => ["array_of"] } end let(:attrs) { { "array_of" => ["a", 2, "C"] } } it "should uppercase not raise an error" do expect { subject.filter(event) }.not_to raise_error end it "should convert only string elements" do subject.filter(event) expect(event["array_of"]).to eq(["A", 2, "C"]) end end context "when doing lowercase of an array" do let(:config) do { "lowercase" => ["array_of"] } end let(:attrs) { { "array_of" => ["a", 2, "C"] } } it "should lowercase all string elements" do expect { subject.filter(event) }.not_to raise_error end it "should convert only string elements" do subject.filter(event) expect(event["array_of"]).to eq(["a", 2, "c"]) end end end describe LogStash::Filters::Mutate do let(:config) { {} } subject { LogStash::Filters::Mutate.new(config) } let(:attrs) { { } } let(:event) { LogStash::Event.new(attrs) } before(:each) do subject.register end describe "#strip" do let(:config) do { "strip" => ["path"] } end let(:attrs) { { "path" => " /store.php " } } it "should cleam trailing spaces" do subject.filter(event) expect(event["path"]).to eq("/store.php") end context "when converting multiple attributed at once" do let(:config) do { "strip" => ["foo", "bar"] } end let(:attrs) { { "foo" => " /bar.php ", "bar" => " foo" } } it "should cleam trailing spaces" do subject.filter(event) expect(event["foo"]).to eq("/bar.php") expect(event["bar"]).to eq("foo") end end end end describe LogStash::Filters::Mutate do context "config validation" do describe "invalid convert type should raise a configuration error" do config <<-CONFIG filter { mutate { convert => [ "message", "int"] //should be integer } } CONFIG sample "not_really_important" do expect {subject}.to raise_error LogStash::ConfigurationError end end describe "invalid gsub triad should raise a configuration error" do config <<-CONFIG filter { mutate { gsub => [ "message", "toreplace"] } } CONFIG sample "not_really_important" do expect {subject}.to raise_error LogStash::ConfigurationError end end end describe "basics" do config <<-CONFIG filter { mutate { lowercase => ["lowerme","Lowerme", "lowerMe"] uppercase => ["upperme", "Upperme", "upperMe"] convert => [ "intme", "integer", "floatme", "float" ] rename => [ "rename1", "rename2" ] replace => [ "replaceme", "hello world" ] replace => [ "newfield", "newnew" ] update => [ "nosuchfield", "weee" ] update => [ "updateme", "updated" ] remove => [ "removeme" ] } } CONFIG event = { "lowerme" => "example", "upperme" => "EXAMPLE", "Lowerme" => "ExAmPlE", "Upperme" => "ExAmPlE", "lowerMe" => [ "ExAmPlE", "example" ], "upperMe" => [ "ExAmPlE", "EXAMPLE" ], "intme" => [ "1234", "7890.4", "7.9" ], "floatme" => [ "1234.455" ], "rename1" => [ "hello world" ], "updateme" => [ "who cares" ], "replaceme" => [ "who cares" ], "removeme" => [ "something" ] } sample event do expect(subject["lowerme"]).to eq 'example' expect(subject["upperme"]).to eq 'EXAMPLE' expect(subject["Lowerme"]).to eq 'example' expect(subject["Upperme"]).to eq 'EXAMPLE' expect(subject["lowerMe"]).to eq ['example', 'example'] expect(subject["upperMe"]).to eq ['EXAMPLE', 'EXAMPLE'] expect(subject["intme"] ).to eq [1234, 7890, 7] expect(subject["floatme"]).to eq [1234.455] expect(subject).not_to include("rename1") expect(subject["rename2"]).to eq [ "hello world" ] expect(subject).not_to include("removeme") expect(subject).to include("newfield") expect(subject["newfield"]).to eq "newnew" expect(subject).not_to include("nosuchfield") expect(subject["updateme"]).to eq "updated" end end describe "case handling of multibyte unicode strings will only change ASCII" do config <<-CONFIG filter { mutate { lowercase => ["lowerme"] uppercase => ["upperme"] } } CONFIG event = { "lowerme" => [ "АБВГД\0MMM", "こにちわ", "XyZółć", "NÎcË GÛŸ"], "upperme" => [ "аБвгд\0mmm", "こにちわ", "xYzółć", "Nîcë gûÿ"], } sample event do # ATM, only the ASCII characters will case change expect(subject["lowerme"]).to eq [ "АБВГД\0mmm", "こにちわ", "xyzółć", "nÎcË gÛŸ"] expect(subject["upperme"]).to eq [ "аБвгд\0MMM", "こにちわ", "XYZółć", "NîCë Gûÿ"] end end describe "remove multiple fields" do config ' filter { mutate { remove => [ "remove-me", "remove-me2", "diedie", "[one][two]" ] } }' sample( "remove-me" => "Goodbye!", "remove-me2" => 1234, "diedie" => [1, 2, 3, 4], "survivor" => "Hello.", "one" => { "two" => "wee" } ) do expect(subject["survivor"]).to eq "Hello." expect(subject).not_to include("remove-me") expect(subject).not_to include("remove-me2") expect(subject).not_to include("diedie") expect(subject["one"]).not_to include("two") end end describe "remove on non-existent field" do config ' filter { mutate { remove => "[foo][bar]" } }' sample( "abc" => "def" ) do insist { subject["abc"] } == "def" end end describe "remove with dynamic fields (%{})" do config ' filter { mutate { remove => [ "field_%{x}" ] } }' sample( "x" => "one", "field_one" => "value" ) do reject { subject }.include?("field_one") end end describe "convert one field to string" do config ' filter { mutate { convert => [ "unicorns", "string" ] } }' sample("unicorns" => 1234) do expect(subject["unicorns"]).to eq "1234" end end describe "convert strings to boolean values" do config <<-CONFIG filter { mutate { convert => { "true_field" => "boolean" } convert => { "false_field" => "boolean" } convert => { "true_upper" => "boolean" } convert => { "false_upper" => "boolean" } convert => { "true_one" => "boolean" } convert => { "false_zero" => "boolean" } convert => { "true_yes" => "boolean" } convert => { "false_no" => "boolean" } convert => { "true_y" => "boolean" } convert => { "false_n" => "boolean" } convert => { "wrong_field" => "boolean" } } } CONFIG event = { "true_field" => "true", "false_field" => "false", "true_upper" => "True", "false_upper" => "False", "true_one" => "1", "false_zero" => "0", "true_yes" => "yes", "false_no" => "no", "true_y" => "Y", "false_n" => "N", "wrong_field" => "none of the above" } sample event do expect(subject["true_field"] ).to eq(true) expect(subject["false_field"]).to eq(false) expect(subject["true_upper"] ).to eq(true) expect(subject["false_upper"]).to eq(false) expect(subject["true_one"] ).to eq(true) expect(subject["false_zero"] ).to eq(false) expect(subject["true_yes"] ).to eq(true) expect(subject["false_no"] ).to eq(false) expect(subject["true_y"] ).to eq(true) expect(subject["false_n"] ).to eq(false) expect(subject["wrong_field"]).to eq("none of the above") end end describe "gsub on a String" do config ' filter { mutate { gsub => [ "unicorns", "but extinct", "and common" ] } }' sample("unicorns" => "Magnificient, but extinct, animals") do expect(subject["unicorns"]).to eq "Magnificient, and common, animals" end end describe "gsub on an Array of Strings" do config ' filter { mutate { gsub => [ "unicorns", "extinct", "common" ] } }' sample("unicorns" => [ "Magnificient extinct animals", "Other extinct ideas" ] ) do expect(subject["unicorns"]).to eq [ "Magnificient common animals", "Other common ideas" ] end end describe "gsub on multiple fields" do config ' filter { mutate { gsub => [ "colors", "red", "blue", "shapes", "square", "circle" ] } }' sample("colors" => "One red car", "shapes" => "Four red squares") do expect(subject["colors"]).to eq "One blue car" expect(subject["shapes"]).to eq "Four red circles" end end describe "gsub on regular expression" do config ' filter { mutate { gsub => [ "colors", "\d$", "blue"] } }' sample("colors" => "red3") do expect(subject["colors"]).to eq "redblue" end end describe "regression - mutate should lowercase a field created by grok" do config <<-CONFIG filter { grok { match => { "message" => "%{WORD:foo}" } } mutate { lowercase => "foo" } } CONFIG sample "HELLO WORLD" do expect(subject["foo"]).to eq "hello" end end describe "LOGSTASH-757: rename should do nothing with a missing field" do config <<-CONFIG filter { mutate { rename => [ "nosuchfield", "hello" ] } } CONFIG sample "whatever" do expect(subject).not_to include("nosuchfield") expect(subject).not_to include("hello") end end describe "rename with dynamic origin field (%{})" do config <<-CONFIG filter { mutate { rename => [ "field_%{x}", "destination" ] } } CONFIG sample("field_one" => "value", "x" => "one") do reject { subject }.include?("field_one") insist { subject }.include?("destination") end end describe "rename with dynamic destination field (%{})" do config <<-CONFIG filter { mutate { rename => [ "origin", "field_%{x}" ] } } CONFIG sample("field_one" => "value", "x" => "one") do reject { subject }.include?("origin") insist { subject }.include?("field_one") end end describe "convert should work on nested fields" do config <<-CONFIG filter { mutate { convert => [ "[foo][bar]", "integer" ] } } CONFIG sample({ "foo" => { "bar" => "1000" } }) do expect(subject["[foo][bar]"]).to eq 1000 expect(subject["[foo][bar]"]).to be_a(Fixnum) end end describe "convert should work within arrays" do config <<-CONFIG filter { mutate { convert => [ "[foo][0]", "integer" ] } } CONFIG sample({ "foo" => ["100", "200"] }) do expect(subject["[foo][0]"]).to eq 100 expect(subject["[foo][0]"]).to be_a(Fixnum) end end #LOGSTASH-1529 describe "gsub on a String with dynamic fields (%{}) in pattern" do config ' filter { mutate { gsub => [ "unicorns", "of type %{unicorn_type}", "green" ] } }' sample("unicorns" => "Unicorns of type blue are common", "unicorn_type" => "blue") do expect(subject["unicorns"]).to eq "Unicorns green are common" end end #LOGSTASH-1529 describe "gsub on a String with dynamic fields (%{}) in pattern and replace" do config ' filter { mutate { gsub => [ "unicorns2", "of type %{unicorn_color}", "%{unicorn_color} and green" ] } }' sample("unicorns2" => "Unicorns of type blue are common", "unicorn_color" => "blue") do expect(subject["unicorns2"]).to eq "Unicorns blue and green are common" end end #LOGSTASH-1529 describe "gsub on a String array with dynamic fields in pattern" do config ' filter { mutate { gsub => [ "unicorns_array", "of type %{color}", "blue and green" ] } }' sample("unicorns_array" => [ "Unicorns of type blue are found in Alaska", "Unicorns of type blue are extinct" ], "color" => "blue" ) do expect(subject["unicorns_array"]).to eq [ "Unicorns blue and green are found in Alaska", "Unicorns blue and green are extinct" ] end end describe "merge string field into inexisting field" do config ' filter { mutate { merge => [ "list", "foo" ] } }' sample("foo" => "bar") do expect(subject["list"]).to eq ["bar"] expect(subject["foo"]).to eq "bar" end end describe "merge string field into empty array" do config ' filter { mutate { merge => [ "list", "foo" ] } }' sample("foo" => "bar", "list" => []) do expect(subject["list"]).to eq ["bar"] expect(subject["foo"]).to eq "bar" end end describe "merge string field into existing array" do config ' filter { mutate { merge => [ "list", "foo" ] } }' sample("foo" => "bar", "list" => ["baz"]) do expect(subject["list"]).to eq ["baz", "bar"] expect(subject["foo"]).to eq "bar" end end describe "merge non empty array field into existing array" do config ' filter { mutate { merge => [ "list", "foo" ] } }' sample("foo" => ["bar"], "list" => ["baz"]) do expect(subject["list"]).to eq ["baz", "bar"] expect(subject["foo"]).to eq ["bar"] end end describe "merge empty array field into existing array" do config ' filter { mutate { merge => [ "list", "foo" ] } }' sample("foo" => [], "list" => ["baz"]) do expect(subject["list"]).to eq ["baz"] expect(subject["foo"]).to eq [] end end describe "merge array field into string field" do config ' filter { mutate { merge => [ "list", "foo" ] } }' sample("foo" => ["bar"], "list" => "baz") do expect(subject["list"]).to eq ["baz", "bar"] expect(subject["foo"]).to eq ["bar"] end end describe "merge string field into string field" do config ' filter { mutate { merge => [ "list", "foo" ] } }' sample("foo" => "bar", "list" => "baz") do expect(subject["list"]).to eq ["baz", "bar"] expect(subject["foo"]).to eq "bar" end end end