# Intrinio::FilingApi
All URIs are relative to *https://api-v2.intrinio.com*
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
[**get_all_filings**](FilingApi.md#get_all_filings) | **GET** /filings | All Filings
[**get_all_notes**](FilingApi.md#get_all_notes) | **GET** /filings/notes | All Filing Notes
[**get_filing_by_id**](FilingApi.md#get_filing_by_id) | **GET** /filings/{id} | Lookup Filing
[**get_filing_fundamentals**](FilingApi.md#get_filing_fundamentals) | **GET** /filings/{identifier}/fundamentals | All Fundamentals by Filing
[**get_note**](FilingApi.md#get_note) | **GET** /filings/notes/{identifier} | Filing Note by ID
[**get_note_html**](FilingApi.md#get_note_html) | **GET** /filings/notes/{identifier}/html | Filing Note HTML
[**get_note_text**](FilingApi.md#get_note_text) | **GET** /filings/notes/{identifier}/text | Filing Note Text
[**search_notes**](FilingApi.md#search_notes) | **GET** /filings/notes/search | Search Filing Notes
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::FilingApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_all_filings)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseFilings)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseFilings.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_all_filings_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/filings)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:FilingApi.md#get_all_filings)
## **get_all_filings**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_all_filings_v2)
> ApiResponseFilings get_all_filings(company, opts)
#### All Filings
Returns all Filings. Returns Filings matching parameters when supplied.
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
filing_api = Intrinio::FilingApi.new
company = "AAPL" # String | Filings for the given `company` identifier (ticker, CIK, LEI, Intrinio ID)
opts = {
report_type: nil, # String | Filter by report type. Separate values with commas to return multiple The filing report types.
start_date: Date.parse("2015-01-01"), # Date | Filed on or after the given date
end_date: nil, # Date | Filed before or after the given date
page_size: 100, # Integer | The number of results to return
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = filing_api.get_all_filings(company, opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling FilingApi->get_all_filings: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**company** | String| Filings for the given `company` identifier (ticker, CIK, LEI, Intrinio ID) |
**report_type** | String| Filter by report type. Separate values with commas to return multiple The filing <a href=\"/documentation/sec_filing_report_types\" target=\"_blank\">report types</a>. | [optional]
**start_date** | Date| Filed on or after the given date | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Filed before or after the given date | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::FilingApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_all_notes)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseFilingNotes)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseFilingNotes.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_all_notes_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/filings/notes)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:FilingApi.md#get_all_notes)
## **get_all_notes**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_all_notes_v2)
> ApiResponseFilingNotes get_all_notes(opts)
#### All Filing Notes
Return all Notes from all Filings, most-recent first. Returns notes matching parameters when supplied.
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
filing_api = Intrinio::FilingApi.new
opts = {
company: "AAPL", # String | A Company identifier (Ticker, CIK, LEI, Intrinio ID)
report_type: "10-Q", # String | Notes contained in filings that match the given report type
filing_start_date: Date.parse("2018-07-15"), # Date | Limit search to filings on or after this date
filing_end_date: Date.parse("2018-11-15"), # Date | Limit search to filings on or before this date
period_ended_start_date: Date.parse("2018-07-15"), # Date | Limit search to filings with a period end date on or after this date
period_ended_end_date: Date.parse("2018-11-15"), # Date | Limit search to filings with a period end date on or before this date
page_size: 100, # Integer | The number of results to return
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = filing_api.get_all_notes(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling FilingApi->get_all_notes: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**company** | String| A Company identifier (Ticker, CIK, LEI, Intrinio ID) | [optional]
**report_type** | String| Notes contained in filings that match the given <a href=\"/documentation/sec_filing_report_types\" target=\"_blank\">report type</a> | [optional]
**filing_start_date** | Date| Limit search to filings on or after this date | [optional]
**filing_end_date** | Date| Limit search to filings on or before this date | [optional]
**period_ended_start_date** | Date| Limit search to filings with a period end date on or after this date | [optional]
**period_ended_end_date** | Date| Limit search to filings with a period end date on or before this date | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::FilingApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_filing_by_id)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::Filing)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:Filing.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_filing_by_id_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/filings/{id})
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:FilingApi.md#get_filing_by_id)
## **get_filing_by_id**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_filing_by_id_v2)
> Filing get_filing_by_id(id)
#### Lookup Filing
Returns the Filing with the given `identifier`
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
filing_api = Intrinio::FilingApi.new
id = "fil_7Kn2P6" # String | The Intrinio ID of the Filing
result = filing_api.get_filing_by_id(id)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling FilingApi->get_filing_by_id: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | String| The Intrinio ID of the Filing |
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::FilingApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_filing_fundamentals)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseFilingFundamentals)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseFilingFundamentals.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_filing_fundamentals_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/filings/{identifier}/fundamentals)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:FilingApi.md#get_filing_fundamentals)
## **get_filing_fundamentals**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_filing_fundamentals_v2)
> ApiResponseFilingFundamentals get_filing_fundamentals(identifier, opts)
#### All Fundamentals by Filing
Returns all Fundamentals for the SEC Filing with the given `identifier`. Returns Fundamentals matching parameters when supplied.
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
filing_api = Intrinio::FilingApi.new
identifier = "fil_B73xBG" # String | A Filing identifier
opts = {
statement_code: nil, # String | Filters fundamentals by statement code
type: nil, # String | Filters fundamentals by type
fiscal_year: nil, # Integer | Filters fundamentals by fiscal year
fiscal_period: nil, # String | Filters fundamentals by fiscal period
start_date: nil, # Date | Returns fundamentals on or after the given date
end_date: nil, # Date | Returns fundamentals on or before the given date
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = filing_api.get_filing_fundamentals(identifier, opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling FilingApi->get_filing_fundamentals: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**identifier** | String| A Filing identifier |
**statement_code** | String| Filters fundamentals by statement code | [optional]
**type** | String| Filters fundamentals by type | [optional]
**fiscal_year** | Integer| Filters fundamentals by fiscal year | [optional]
**fiscal_period** | String| Filters fundamentals by fiscal period | [optional]
**start_date** | Date| Returns fundamentals on or after the given date | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Returns fundamentals on or before the given date | [optional]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::FilingApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_note)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::FilingNote)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:FilingNote.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_note_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/filings/notes/{identifier})
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:FilingApi.md#get_note)
## **get_note**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_note_v2)
> FilingNote get_note(identifier, opts)
#### Filing Note by ID
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
filing_api = Intrinio::FilingApi.new
identifier = "xbn_3fghz" # String | The Intrinio ID of the filing note
opts = {
content_format: "text" # String | Returns content in html (as filed) or plain text
result = filing_api.get_note(identifier, opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling FilingApi->get_note: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**identifier** | String| The Intrinio ID of the filing note |
**content_format** | String| Returns content in html (as filed) or plain text | [optional] [default to text]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::FilingApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_note_html)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:String)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:primitive)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_note_html_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/filings/notes/{identifier}/html)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:FilingApi.md#get_note_html)
## **get_note_html**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_note_html_v2)
> String get_note_html(identifier)
#### Filing Note HTML
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
filing_api = Intrinio::FilingApi.new
identifier = "xbn_3fghz" # String | The Intrinio ID of the filing note
result = filing_api.get_note_html(identifier)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling FilingApi->get_note_html: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**identifier** | String| The Intrinio ID of the filing note |
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::FilingApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_note_text)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:String)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:primitive)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_note_text_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/filings/notes/{identifier}/text)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:FilingApi.md#get_note_text)
## **get_note_text**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_note_text_v2)
> String get_note_text(identifier)
#### Filing Note Text
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
filing_api = Intrinio::FilingApi.new
identifier = "xbn_3fghz" # String | The Intrinio ID of the filing note
result = filing_api.get_note_text(identifier)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling FilingApi->get_note_text: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**identifier** | String| The Intrinio ID of the filing note |
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::FilingApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:search_notes)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseFilingNotesSearch)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseFilingNotesSearch.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:search_notes_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/filings/notes/search)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:FilingApi.md#search_notes)
## **search_notes**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/search_notes_v2)
> ApiResponseFilingNotesSearch search_notes(query, opts)
#### Search Filing Notes
Searches for Filing Notes using the `query`
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
filing_api = Intrinio::FilingApi.new
query = "inflation" # String | Search for notes that contain all or parts of this text
opts = {
filing_start_date: Date.parse("2018-07-15"), # Date | Limit search to filings on or after this date
filing_end_date: Date.parse("2018-11-30"), # Date | Limit search to filings on or before this date
page_size: 100 # Integer | The number of results to return
result = filing_api.search_notes(query, opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling FilingApi->search_notes: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**query** | String| Search for notes that contain all or parts of this text |
**filing_start_date** | Date| Limit search to filings on or after this date | [optional]
**filing_end_date** | Date| Limit search to filings on or before this date | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 100]
### Return type