"use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; exports.VariableDeclaration = VariableDeclaration; exports.Loop = Loop; exports.BlockStatement = BlockStatement; function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj["default"] = obj; return newObj; } } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } var _traversal = require("../../../traversal"); var _traversal2 = _interopRequireDefault(_traversal); var _helpersObject = require("../../../helpers/object"); var _helpersObject2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helpersObject); var _util = require("../../../util"); var util = _interopRequireWildcard(_util); var _types = require("../../../types"); var t = _interopRequireWildcard(_types); var _lodashObjectValues = require("lodash/object/values"); var _lodashObjectValues2 = _interopRequireDefault(_lodashObjectValues); var _lodashObjectExtend = require("lodash/object/extend"); var _lodashObjectExtend2 = _interopRequireDefault(_lodashObjectExtend); function isLet(node, parent) { if (!t.isVariableDeclaration(node)) return false; if (node._let) return true; if (node.kind !== "let") return false; // https://github.com/babel/babel/issues/255 if (isLetInitable(node, parent)) { for (var i = 0; i < node.declarations.length; i++) { var declar = node.declarations[i]; declar.init = declar.init || t.identifier("undefined"); } } node._let = true; node.kind = "var"; return true; } function isLetInitable(node, parent) { return !t.isFor(parent) || !t.isFor(parent, { left: node }); } function isVar(node, parent) { return t.isVariableDeclaration(node, { kind: "var" }) && !isLet(node, parent); } function standardizeLets(declars) { var _arr = declars; for (var _i = 0; _i < _arr.length; _i++) { var declar = _arr[_i]; delete declar._let; } } var metadata = { group: "builtin-advanced" }; exports.metadata = metadata; function VariableDeclaration(node, parent, scope, file) { if (!isLet(node, parent)) return; if (isLetInitable(node) && file.transformers["es6.spec.blockScoping"].canTransform()) { var nodes = [node]; for (var i = 0; i < node.declarations.length; i++) { var decl = node.declarations[i]; if (decl.init) { var assign = t.assignmentExpression("=", decl.id, decl.init); assign._ignoreBlockScopingTDZ = true; nodes.push(t.expressionStatement(assign)); } decl.init = file.addHelper("temporal-undefined"); } node._blockHoist = 2; return nodes; } } function Loop(node, parent, scope, file) { var init = node.left || node.init; if (isLet(init, node)) { t.ensureBlock(node); node.body._letDeclarators = [init]; } var blockScoping = new BlockScoping(this, this.get("body"), parent, scope, file); return blockScoping.run(); } function BlockStatement(block, parent, scope, file) { if (!t.isLoop(parent)) { var blockScoping = new BlockScoping(null, this, parent, scope, file); blockScoping.run(); } } exports.Program = BlockStatement; function replace(node, parent, scope, remaps) { var remap = remaps[node.name]; if (!remap) return; var ownBinding = scope.getBindingIdentifier(node.name); if (ownBinding === remap.binding) { node.name = remap.uid; } else { // scope already has it's own binding that doesn't // match the one we have a stored replacement for if (this) this.skip(); } } var replaceVisitor = { ReferencedIdentifier: replace, AssignmentExpression: function AssignmentExpression(node, parent, scope, remaps) { var ids = this.getBindingIdentifiers(); for (var name in ids) { replace(ids[name], node, scope, remaps); } } }; function traverseReplace(node, parent, scope, remaps) { if (t.isIdentifier(node)) { replace(node, parent, scope, remaps); } if (t.isAssignmentExpression(node)) { var ids = t.getBindingIdentifiers(node); for (var name in ids) { replace(ids[name], parent, scope, remaps); } } scope.traverse(node, replaceVisitor, remaps); } var letReferenceBlockVisitor = { Function: function Function(node, parent, scope, state) { this.traverse(letReferenceFunctionVisitor, state); return this.skip(); } }; var letReferenceFunctionVisitor = { ReferencedIdentifier: function ReferencedIdentifier(node, parent, scope, state) { var ref = state.letReferences[node.name]; // not a part of our scope if (!ref) return; // this scope has a variable with the same name so it couldn't belong // to our let scope if (scope.getBindingIdentifier(node.name) !== ref) return; state.closurify = true; } }; var hoistVarDeclarationsVisitor = { enter: function enter(node, parent, scope, self) { if (this.isForStatement()) { if (isVar(node.init, node)) { var nodes = self.pushDeclar(node.init); if (nodes.length === 1) { node.init = nodes[0]; } else { node.init = t.sequenceExpression(nodes); } } } else if (this.isFor()) { if (isVar(node.left, node)) { node.left = node.left.declarations[0].id; } } else if (isVar(node, parent)) { return self.pushDeclar(node).map(t.expressionStatement); } else if (this.isFunction()) { return this.skip(); } } }; var loopLabelVisitor = { LabeledStatement: function LabeledStatement(node, parent, scope, state) { state.innerLabels.push(node.label.name); } }; var continuationVisitor = { enter: function enter(node, parent, scope, state) { if (this.isAssignmentExpression() || this.isUpdateExpression()) { var bindings = this.getBindingIdentifiers(); for (var name in bindings) { if (state.outsideReferences[name] !== scope.getBindingIdentifier(name)) continue; state.reassignments[name] = true; } } } }; var loopNodeTo = function loopNodeTo(node) { if (t.isBreakStatement(node)) { return "break"; } else if (t.isContinueStatement(node)) { return "continue"; } }; var loopVisitor = { Loop: function Loop(node, parent, scope, state) { var oldIgnoreLabeless = state.ignoreLabeless; state.ignoreLabeless = true; this.traverse(loopVisitor, state); state.ignoreLabeless = oldIgnoreLabeless; this.skip(); }, Function: function Function() { this.skip(); }, SwitchCase: function SwitchCase(node, parent, scope, state) { var oldInSwitchCase = state.inSwitchCase; state.inSwitchCase = true; this.traverse(loopVisitor, state); state.inSwitchCase = oldInSwitchCase; this.skip(); }, enter: function enter(node, parent, scope, state) { var replace; var loopText = loopNodeTo(node); if (loopText) { if (node.label) { // we shouldn't be transforming this because it exists somewhere inside if (state.innerLabels.indexOf(node.label.name) >= 0) { return; } loopText = "" + loopText + "|" + node.label.name; } else { // we shouldn't be transforming these statements because // they don't refer to the actual loop we're scopifying if (state.ignoreLabeless) return; // if (state.inSwitchCase) return; // break statements mean something different in this context if (t.isBreakStatement(node) && t.isSwitchCase(parent)) return; } state.hasBreakContinue = true; state.map[loopText] = node; replace = t.literal(loopText); } if (this.isReturnStatement()) { state.hasReturn = true; replace = t.objectExpression([t.property("init", t.identifier("v"), node.argument || t.identifier("undefined"))]); } if (replace) { replace = t.returnStatement(replace); this.skip(); return t.inherits(replace, node); } } }; var BlockScoping = (function () { /** * Description */ function BlockScoping(loopPath, blockPath, parent, scope, file) { _classCallCheck(this, BlockScoping); this.parent = parent; this.scope = scope; this.file = file; this.blockPath = blockPath; this.block = blockPath.node; this.outsideLetReferences = (0, _helpersObject2["default"])(); this.hasLetReferences = false; this.letReferences = this.block._letReferences = (0, _helpersObject2["default"])(); this.body = []; if (loopPath) { this.loopParent = loopPath.parent; this.loopLabel = t.isLabeledStatement(this.loopParent) && this.loopParent.label; this.loopPath = loopPath; this.loop = loopPath.node; } } /** * Start the ball rolling. */ BlockScoping.prototype.run = function run() { var block = this.block; if (block._letDone) return; block._letDone = true; var needsClosure = this.getLetReferences(); // this is a block within a `Function/Program` so we can safely leave it be if (t.isFunction(this.parent) || t.isProgram(this.block)) return; // we can skip everything if (!this.hasLetReferences) return; if (needsClosure) { this.wrapClosure(); } else { this.remap(); } if (this.loopLabel && !t.isLabeledStatement(this.loopParent)) { return t.labeledStatement(this.loopLabel, this.loop); } }; /** * Description */ BlockScoping.prototype.remap = function remap() { var hasRemaps = false; var letRefs = this.letReferences; var scope = this.scope; // alright, so since we aren't wrapping this block in a closure // we have to check if any of our let variables collide with // those in upper scopes and then if they do, generate a uid // for them and replace all references with it var remaps = (0, _helpersObject2["default"])(); for (var key in letRefs) { // just an Identifier node we collected in `getLetReferences` // this is the defining identifier of a declaration var ref = letRefs[key]; // todo: could skip this if the colliding binding is in another function if (scope.parentHasBinding(key) || scope.hasGlobal(key)) { var uid = scope.generateUidIdentifier(ref.name).name; ref.name = uid; hasRemaps = true; remaps[key] = remaps[uid] = { binding: ref, uid: uid }; } } if (!hasRemaps) return; // var loop = this.loop; if (loop) { traverseReplace(loop.right, loop, scope, remaps); traverseReplace(loop.test, loop, scope, remaps); traverseReplace(loop.update, loop, scope, remaps); } this.blockPath.traverse(replaceVisitor, remaps); }; /** * Description */ BlockScoping.prototype.wrapClosure = function wrapClosure() { var block = this.block; var outsideRefs = this.outsideLetReferences; // remap loop heads with colliding variables if (this.loop) { for (var name in outsideRefs) { var id = outsideRefs[name]; if (this.scope.hasGlobal(id.name) || this.scope.parentHasBinding(id.name)) { delete outsideRefs[id.name]; delete this.letReferences[id.name]; this.scope.rename(id.name); this.letReferences[id.name] = id; outsideRefs[id.name] = id; } } } // if we're inside of a for loop then we search to see if there are any // `break`s, `continue`s, `return`s etc this.has = this.checkLoop(); // hoist var references to retain scope this.hoistVarDeclarations(); // turn outsideLetReferences into an array var params = (0, _lodashObjectValues2["default"])(outsideRefs); var args = (0, _lodashObjectValues2["default"])(outsideRefs); // build the closure that we're going to wrap the block with var fn = t.functionExpression(null, params, t.blockStatement(block.body)); fn.shadow = true; // continuation this.addContinuations(fn); // replace the current block body with the one we're going to build block.body = this.body; var ref = fn; if (this.loop) { ref = this.scope.generateUidIdentifier("loop"); this.loopPath.insertBefore(t.variableDeclaration("var", [t.variableDeclarator(ref, fn)])); } // build a call and a unique id that we can assign the return value to var call = t.callExpression(ref, args); var ret = this.scope.generateUidIdentifier("ret"); // handle generators var hasYield = _traversal2["default"].hasType(fn.body, this.scope, "YieldExpression", t.FUNCTION_TYPES); if (hasYield) { fn.generator = true; call = t.yieldExpression(call, true); } // handlers async functions var hasAsync = _traversal2["default"].hasType(fn.body, this.scope, "AwaitExpression", t.FUNCTION_TYPES); if (hasAsync) { fn.async = true; call = t.awaitExpression(call); } this.buildClosure(ret, call); }; /** * Push the closure to the body. */ BlockScoping.prototype.buildClosure = function buildClosure(ret, call) { var has = this.has; if (has.hasReturn || has.hasBreakContinue) { this.buildHas(ret, call); } else { this.body.push(t.expressionStatement(call)); } }; /** * If any of the outer let variables are reassigned then we need to rename them in * the closure so we can get direct access to the outer variable to continue the * iteration with bindings based on each iteration. * * Reference: https://github.com/babel/babel/issues/1078 */ BlockScoping.prototype.addContinuations = function addContinuations(fn) { var state = { reassignments: {}, outsideReferences: this.outsideLetReferences }; this.scope.traverse(fn, continuationVisitor, state); for (var i = 0; i < fn.params.length; i++) { var param = fn.params[i]; if (!state.reassignments[param.name]) continue; var newParam = this.scope.generateUidIdentifier(param.name); fn.params[i] = newParam; this.scope.rename(param.name, newParam.name, fn); // assign outer reference as it's been modified internally and needs to be retained fn.body.body.push(t.expressionStatement(t.assignmentExpression("=", param, newParam))); } }; /** * Description */ BlockScoping.prototype.getLetReferences = function getLetReferences() { var block = this.block; var declarators = block._letDeclarators || []; // for (var i = 0; i < declarators.length; i++) { var declar = declarators[i]; (0, _lodashObjectExtend2["default"])(this.outsideLetReferences, t.getBindingIdentifiers(declar)); } // if (block.body) { for (var i = 0; i < block.body.length; i++) { var declar = block.body[i]; if (isLet(declar, block)) { declarators = declarators.concat(declar.declarations); } } } // for (var i = 0; i < declarators.length; i++) { var declar = declarators[i]; var keys = t.getBindingIdentifiers(declar); (0, _lodashObjectExtend2["default"])(this.letReferences, keys); this.hasLetReferences = true; } // no let references so we can just quit if (!this.hasLetReferences) return; // set let references to plain var references standardizeLets(declarators); var state = { letReferences: this.letReferences, closurify: false }; // traverse through this block, stopping on functions and checking if they // contain any local let references this.blockPath.traverse(letReferenceBlockVisitor, state); return state.closurify; }; /** * If we're inside of a loop then traverse it and check if it has one of * the following node types `ReturnStatement`, `BreakStatement`, * `ContinueStatement` and replace it with a return value that we can track * later on. * * @returns {Object} */ BlockScoping.prototype.checkLoop = function checkLoop() { var state = { hasBreakContinue: false, ignoreLabeless: false, inSwitchCase: false, innerLabels: [], hasReturn: false, isLoop: !!this.loop, map: {} }; this.blockPath.traverse(loopLabelVisitor, state); this.blockPath.traverse(loopVisitor, state); return state; }; /** * Hoist all var declarations in this block to before it so they retain scope * once we wrap everything in a closure. */ BlockScoping.prototype.hoistVarDeclarations = function hoistVarDeclarations() { this.blockPath.traverse(hoistVarDeclarationsVisitor, this); }; /** * Turn a `VariableDeclaration` into an array of `AssignmentExpressions` with * their declarations hoisted to before the closure wrapper. */ BlockScoping.prototype.pushDeclar = function pushDeclar(node) { var declars = []; var names = t.getBindingIdentifiers(node); for (var name in names) { declars.push(t.variableDeclarator(names[name])); } this.body.push(t.variableDeclaration(node.kind, declars)); var replace = []; for (var i = 0; i < node.declarations.length; i++) { var declar = node.declarations[i]; if (!declar.init) continue; var expr = t.assignmentExpression("=", declar.id, declar.init); replace.push(t.inherits(expr, declar)); } return replace; }; /** * Description */ BlockScoping.prototype.buildHas = function buildHas(ret, call) { var body = this.body; body.push(t.variableDeclaration("var", [t.variableDeclarator(ret, call)])); var retCheck; var has = this.has; var cases = []; if (has.hasReturn) { // typeof ret === "object" retCheck = util.template("let-scoping-return", { RETURN: ret }); } if (has.hasBreakContinue) { for (var key in has.map) { cases.push(t.switchCase(t.literal(key), [has.map[key]])); } if (has.hasReturn) { cases.push(t.switchCase(null, [retCheck])); } if (cases.length === 1) { var single = cases[0]; body.push(this.file.attachAuxiliaryComment(t.ifStatement(t.binaryExpression("===", ret, single.test), single.consequent[0]))); } else { // https://github.com/babel/babel/issues/998 for (var i = 0; i < cases.length; i++) { var caseConsequent = cases[i].consequent[0]; if (t.isBreakStatement(caseConsequent) && !caseConsequent.label) { caseConsequent.label = this.loopLabel = this.loopLabel || this.file.scope.generateUidIdentifier("loop"); } } body.push(this.file.attachAuxiliaryComment(t.switchStatement(ret, cases))); } } else { if (has.hasReturn) { body.push(this.file.attachAuxiliaryComment(retCheck)); } } }; return BlockScoping; })();