module Sections #:nodoc: module Model ## # Model that represents a single section. # # @since 0.1 # @event before\_new\_section # @event after\_new\_section # @event before\_edit\_section # @event after\_edit\_section # @event before\_delete\_section # @event after\_delete\_section # class Section < Sequel::Model include Zen::Model::Helper ## # Array containing all the columns that can be set by the user. # # @since 2012-02-17 # COLUMNS = [ :name, :slug, :description, :comment_allow, :comment_require_account, :comment_moderate, :comment_format, :custom_field_group_pks, :category_group_pks ] one_to_many :section_entries, :class => 'Sections::Model::SectionEntry', :eager => [:custom_field_values, :section_entry_status] many_to_many :custom_field_groups, :class => 'CustomFields::Model::CustomFieldGroup' many_to_many :category_groups, :class => 'Categories::Model::CategoryGroup' plugin :sluggable, :source => :name, :freeze => false plugin :association_dependencies, :section_entries => :delete, :custom_field_groups => :nullify, :category_groups => :nullify plugin :events, :before_create => :before_new_section, :after_create => :after_new_section, :before_update => :before_edit_section, :after_update => :after_edit_section, :before_destroy => :before_delete_section, :after_destroy => :after_delete_section ## # Searches for a number of sections of which the title or description # matches the search query. # # @example #'pages') # # @since 2011-10-16 # @param [String] query The search query. # @return [Mixed] # def return filter( search_column(:name, query) | search_column(:description, query) ) end ## # Specifies all validation rules for each section. # # @since 0.1 # def validate validates_presence([ :name, :comment_allow, :comment_require_account, :comment_moderate, :comment_format ]) validates_max_length(255, [:name, :slug]) validates_type( TrueClass, [:comment_allow, :comment_require_account, :comment_moderate] ) validates_unique(:slug) end ## # Hook that is executed before creating or saving an object. # # @since 2012-01-03 # def before_save sanitize_fields([:name, :slug, :description, :comment_format]) super end end # Section end # Model end # Sections