require "meta_db/version" require "indented_io" require 'pg' require 'yaml' require 'meta_db/connection.rb' require 'meta_db/db_object.rb' module MetaDb # TODO def self.load_yaml(file) YAML.load_file(file) end def self.save_yaml(db, file, pretty: true), 'w') do |f| arg = pretty ? { :indentation => 3 } : {} f.write(YAML.dump(db, arg)) end end def self.load_marshal(file) { |f| Marshal.load(f) } end def self.save_marshal(db, file), 'w') { |f| Marshal.dump(db, f) } end # The options argument is a hash as PG::Connection options. :host, :port, # :dbname, :user, and :password are some of the most used def self.load_pg_conn(options) { |conn| load_conn(conn) } end private # Connect to the given database and return a MetaDb::Db object. If host is # nil, a socket is used to connect to the database # # The connection object should support #name and #exec def self.load_conn(conn) # TODO: Start transaction # Build database r = %( select usename::varchar from pg_database d join pg_user u on u.usesysid = d.datdba where d.datname = '#{conn.database}' ) r.size == 1 or raise "Internal error" db =, r.value) # Build schemas select schema_name::text as name, schema_owner::text as owner from information_schema.schemata where schema_name !~ '^pg_' AND schema_name <> 'information_schema' )).each_hash { |row| row[:database] = db MetaDb::Schema.init(row) } # Build tables select table_schema::text as schema, table_name::text as name, table_type::text as type, is_insertable_into = 'YES' as "insertable?", is_typed = 'YES' as "typed?" from information_schema.tables where table_schema !~ '^pg_' AND table_schema <> 'information_schema' )).each_hash { |row| row[:schema] = db.schemas[row[:schema]] klass = (row[:type] == 'VIEW' ? MetaDb::View : MetaDb::Table) klass.init(row) } # Build columns select table_schema::text as schema, table_name::text as table, column_name::text as name, ordinal_position as ordinal, data_type::text as type, column_default as default, is_identity = 'YES' as "identity?", is_generated = 'ALWAYS' as "generated?", is_nullable = 'YES' as "nullable?", is_updatable = 'YES' as "updatable?" from information_schema.columns where table_schema !~ '^pg_' AND table_schema <> 'information_schema' )).each_hash { |row| row[:table] = db.schemas[row[:schema]].tables[row[:table]] MetaDb::Column.init(row) } # Build simple constraints select c.table_schema::text as schema, c.table_name::text as table, c.constraint_type::text, c.constraint_name::text as name, cc.check_clause as expression, ( select array_agg(column_name::text) from information_schema.constraint_column_usage ccu where ccu.table_schema = c.table_schema and ccu.table_name = c.table_name and ccu.constraint_schema = c.constraint_schema and ccu.constraint_name = c.constraint_name ) as columns from information_schema.table_constraints c left join information_schema.check_constraints cc on cc.constraint_schema = c.table_schema and cc.constraint_name = c.constraint_name where c.table_schema !~ '^pg_' AND c.table_schema <> 'information_schema' and c.constraint_type in ('PRIMARY KEY', 'UNIQUE', 'CHECK') )).each_hash { |row| row[:table] = db.schemas[row[:schema]].tables[row[:table]] row[:columns] = lookup_columns(row[:table], row[:columns] || []) case row[:constraint_type] when "PRIMARY KEY"; MetaDb::PrimaryKeyConstraint.init(row) when "UNIQUE"; MetaDb::UniqueConstraint.init(row) when "CHECK"; MetaDb::CheckConstraint.init(row) else raise "Oops" end } # Build referential constraints # # Referential constraints has to be initialized after unique constraints # # The GROUP BY is necessary because we re-assign constraints from schema to # table. This requires joining key_column_usage again to get the name of # the referenced table and that yields a row for each column in the unique # key (TODO: Can this be omitted?) # select rc.constraint_schema::text as schema, rc.constraint_name::text as name, cu_refing.table_schema::text as "referencing_schema", cu_refing.table_name::text as "referencing_table", ( select array_agg(column_name::text order by ordinal_position) from information_schema.key_column_usage kcu where kcu.constraint_name = rc.constraint_name ) as "referencing_columns", cu_refed.table_schema::text as referenced_schema, cu_refed.table_name::text as referenced_table, cu_refed.constraint_name::text as referenced_constraint from information_schema.referential_constraints rc join information_schema.key_column_usage cu_refing on cu_refing.constraint_schema = rc.constraint_schema and cu_refing.constraint_name = rc.constraint_name join information_schema.key_column_usage cu_refed on cu_refed.constraint_schema = rc.unique_constraint_schema and cu_refed.constraint_name = rc.unique_constraint_name where cu_refing.table_schema !~ '^pg_' AND cu_refing.table_schema <> 'information_schema' group by rc.constraint_schema, rc.constraint_name, cu_refing.table_schema, cu_refing.table_name, cu_refed.table_schema, cu_refed.table_name, cu_refed.constraint_name )).each_hash { |row| row[:schema] = db.schemas[row[:schema]] row[:referencing_table] = row[:schema].tables[row[:referencing_table]] row[:referencing_columns] = lookup_columns(row[:referencing_table], row[:referencing_columns]) row[:referenced_constraint] = db.schemas[row[:referenced_schema]] \ .tables[row[:referenced_table]] \ .constraints[row[:referenced_constraint]] MetaDb::ReferentialConstraint.init(row) } # Build functions and procedures select s.nspname::text as "schema", pg_get_userbyid(p.proowner)::text as "owner", format('%I(%s)', p.proname, oidvectortypes(p.proargtypes)) || ': ' || format_type(p.prorettype, null) as "name", case format_type(p.prorettype, null) when 'void' then 'procedure' else 'function' end as "kind", case when prosecdef then 'definer' else 'invoker' end as "security" from pg_proc p join pg_namespace s on (p.pronamespace = s.oid) where s.nspname !~ '^pg_' AND s.nspname <> 'information_schema' )).each_hash { |row| row[:schema] = db.schemas[row[:schema]] klass = (row[:kind] == 'function' ? MetaDb::Function : MetaDb::Procedure) klass.init(row) } # Build user-defined triggers select n.nspname::text as "schema", c.relname::text as "table", t.tgname::text as "name", fn.nspname::text as "function_schema", format('%I(%s)', p.proname::text, oidvectortypes(p.proargtypes)) || ': ' || format_type(p.prorettype, null) as "function_name", case when (tgtype::int::bit(7) & b'0000001')::int = 0 then 'stmt' else 'row' end as "level", coalesce( case when (tgtype::int::bit(7) & b'0000010')::int = 0 then null else 'before' end, case when (tgtype::int::bit(7) & b'0000010')::int = 0 then 'after' else null end, case when (tgtype::int::bit(7) & b'1000000')::int = 0 then null else 'instead' end, '' )::text as "timing", (case when (tgtype::int::bit(7) & b'0000100')::int = 0 then '' else ' insert' end) || (case when (tgtype::int::bit(7) & b'0001000')::int = 0 then '' else ' delete' end) || (case when (tgtype::int::bit(7) & b'0010000')::int = 0 then '' else ' update' end) || (case when (tgtype::int::bit(7) & b'0100000')::int = 0 then '' else ' truncate' end) as "events" from pg_trigger t join pg_proc p on t.tgfoid = p.oid join pg_class c on c.oid = t.tgrelid join pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace join pg_namespace fn on fn.oid = p.pronamespace where not t.tgisinternal )).each_hash { |row| schema = db.schemas[row[:schema]] row[:table] = schema.tables[row[:table]] function_schema = db.schemas[row[:function_schema]] row[:function] = function_schema.functions[row[:function_name]] MetaDb::Trigger.init(row) } # Return database object db end def self.lookup_columns(table, column_names) { |n| table.columns[n] } end end