require 'spec_helper' describe Shutl::Resource::Rest do let(:headers) do { 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'User-Agent' => "Shutl Resource Gem v#{Shutl::Resource::VERSION}" } end let(:resource) { 'a', b: 2) } describe '#find' do context "with a singular resource" do let(:resource) { } let(:response) do { status: 200, body: '{"test_singular_resource": { "a": "a", "b": 2 }}', headers: headers } end context 'without params' do before do @request = stub_request(:get, 'http://host/test_singular_resource'). with(headers: {'Authorization'=>'Bearer some auth'}).to_return(response) end it 'queries the endpoint' do TestSingularResource.find(auth: "some auth") @request.should have_been_requested end it 'should parse the result of the body to create an object' do resource = TestSingularResource.find(auth: "some auth") resource.should_not be_nil resource.should be_kind_of TestSingularResource end it 'should assign the attributes based on the json returned' do resource = TestSingularResource.find(auth: "some auth") resource.a.should == 'a' resource.b.should == 2 end it 'always responsd to id even if there is no attribute' do be_nil end end describe 'with params' do before do @request = stub_request(:get, 'http://host/test_singular_resource?param=value'). with(headers: {'Authorization'=>'Bearer some auth'}).to_return(response) end it 'adds the params to the url' do TestSingularResource.find(param: 'value', auth: 'some auth') @request.should have_been_requested end end end context 'pagination' do let(:body) do { test_rest: { a: "a", b: 2 }, pagination: pagination }.to_json end let(:pagination) { {previous_resource: 1, next_resource: 3} } before do @request = stub_request(:get, 'http://host/test_rests/a'). to_return(status: 200, body: body, headers: headers) end context 'both present' do specify do resource = TestRest.find('a', auth: "some auth") resource.previous_resource.should == 1 resource.next_resource .should == 3 end end context 'one present' do let(:pagination) { {next_resource: 3} } specify do resource = TestRest.find('a', auth: "some auth") resource.previous_resource.should be_nil resource.next_resource .should == 3 end end context 'none present' do let(:body) do { test_rest: { a: "a", b: 2 } }.to_json end specify do resource = TestRest.find('a', auth: "some auth") resource.pagination .should be_nil resource.previous_resource.should be_nil resource.next_resource .should be_nil end end end context 'with no arguments' do let(:headers_with_auth) do headers.merge("Authorization" => "Bearer some auth") end before do @request = stub_request(:get, 'http://host/test_rests/a'). to_return(:status => 200, :body => '{"test_rest": { "a": "a", "b": 2 }}', :headers => headers_with_auth) end it 'should query the endpoint' do TestRest.find('a', auth: "some auth") @request.should have_been_requested end it 'should parse the result of the body to create an object' do resource = TestRest.find('a', auth: "some auth") resource.should_not be_nil resource.should be_kind_of TestRest end it 'should assign the attributes based on the json returned' do resource = TestRest.find('a', auth: "some auth") resource.attributes['a'].should == 'a' resource.attributes['b'].should == 2 end context "299" do specify do @default = Shutl::Resource.raise_exceptions_on_no_quotes_generated Shutl::Resource.raise_exceptions_on_no_quotes_generated = false stub_request(:get, 'http://host/test_rests/b'). to_return(status: 299, :body => '{"errors": {"base":["No quotes for you today"]}}') expect(-> { TestRest.find('b') }).not_to raise_error Shutl::NoQuotesGenerated Shutl::Resource.raise_exceptions_on_no_quotes_generated = @default end end context "422" do before { @default = Shutl::Resource.raise_exceptions_on_validation } after { Shutl::Resource.raise_exceptions_on_validation = @default } specify do Shutl::Resource.raise_exceptions_on_validation = true stub_request(:get, 'http://host/test_rests/b').to_return(status: 422) expect(-> { TestRest.find('b') }).to raise_error(Shutl::ResourceInvalid) end specify do Shutl::Resource.raise_exceptions_on_validation = false stub_request(:get, 'http://host/test_rests/b').to_return(status: 422, body: '{"errors": {"base":["No quotes for you today"]}}') resource =TestRest.find('b') resource.valid?.should be_false end end { 299 => Shutl::NoQuotesGenerated, 400 => Shutl::BadRequest, 401 => Shutl::UnauthorizedAccess, 403 => Shutl::ForbiddenAccess, 404 => Shutl::ResourceNotFound, 409 => Shutl::ResourceConflict, 410 => Shutl::ResourceGone, 503 => Shutl::ServiceUnavailable, 501..502 => Shutl::ServerError, 504..599 => Shutl::ServerError }.each do |status, exception| it "raises an #{exception} exception with a #{status}" do if status.is_a? Range status.each do |s| stub_request(:get, 'http://host/test_rests/b'). to_return(status: s.to_i) expect(-> { TestRest.find('b') }).to raise_error(exception) end else stub_request(:get, 'http://host/test_rests/b'). to_return(status: status) lambda { TestRest.find('b') }.should raise_error(exception) end end end it 'should add a id based on the resource id' do resource = TestRest.find('a') resource.attributes['id'].should == 'a' end end it 'should encode the url to support spaces' do request = stub_request(:get, 'http://host/test_rests/new%20resource'). to_return(:status => 200, :body => '{"test_rest": {}}', :headers => headers) TestRest.find('new resource') request.should have_been_requested end context 'with url arguments' do before do @request = stub_request(:get, 'http://host/test_rests/a?arg1=val1&arg2=val2'). to_return(:status => 200, :body => '{"test_rest": { "a": "a", "b": 2 }}', :headers => headers) end it 'should query the endpoint with the parameters' do TestRest.find('a', arg1: 'val1', arg2: 'val2') @request.should have_been_requested end end context 'with returned error' do before do @request = stub_request(:get, 'http://host/test_rests/a?arg1=val1&arg2=val2'). to_return(:status => 200, :body => '{"errors": { "base":["Bing::DistanceLookupError"] } }', :headers => headers) end it 'should contain the errors' do resource = TestRest.find('a', arg1: 'val1', arg2: 'val2') resource.errors.should == { 'base' => ["Bing::DistanceLookupError"]} end end end describe '#all' do context 'with no arguments' do let(:body) do '{ "test_rests": [{ "a": "a", "b": 2 }], "pagination":{"page": 0,"items_on_page": 1,"total_count": 3, "number_of_pages": 3} }' end before do @request = stub_request(:get, 'http://host/test_rests'). to_return(:status => 200, :body => body, :headers => headers) end it 'should query the endpoint' do TestRest.all @request.should have_been_requested end it 'should parse the result of the body to create an array' do resource = TestRest.all resource.should have(1).item end it 'should assign the attributes based on the json returned' do resource = TestRest.all resource.first.attributes['a'].should == 'a' resource.first.attributes['b'].should == 2 end it 'should provide accessor to pagination' do resource = TestRest.all == 0 resource.pagination.items_on_page.should == 1 resource.pagination.total_count.should == 3 resource.pagination.number_of_pages.should == 3 end it 'should raise an error of the request fails' do stub_request(:get, 'http://host/test_rests'). to_return(:status => 403) lambda { TestRest.all }.should raise_error(Shutl::ForbiddenAccess) end context 'ordering the collection' do let(:body) do '{ "test_rests": [{ "name": "D" }, {"name": "e"}, {"name": "a"}], "pagination":{"page": 0,"items_on_page": 1,"total_count": 3, "number_of_pages": 3} }' end before do TestRest.order_collection_by :name end after do TestRest.instance_variable_set(:@order_collection_by, nil) end it 're-orders the result' do == %w(a D e) end end end context 'with no arguments' do before do @request = stub_request(:get, 'http://host/test_rests?arg1=val1&arg2=val2'). to_return(:status => 200, :body => '{"test_rests": [{ "a": "a", "b": 2 }]}', :headers => headers) end it 'should query the endpoint' do TestRest.all(arg1: 'val1', arg2: 'val2') @request.should have_been_requested end end describe 'response attributes' do before do stub_request(:get, "http://host/test_rests"). with(:headers => { 'Authorization'=>'Bearer TOKEN', 'Accept'=>'application/json', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3', 'Content-Type'=>'application/json', 'User-Agent'=>"Shutl Resource Gem v#{Shutl::Resource::VERSION}"}). to_return(:status => 200, :body => '{"test_rests": [{ "a": "a", "b": 2 }]}', :headers => {}) end let(:result) do TestRest.all( auth: 'TOKEN', 'auth' => 'TOKEN', headers: {some: 'headers'}, 'headers' => {some: 'headers'}, from: '', 'from' => '') end it 'should not have auth token' do result.first.attributes.should_not have_key('auth') result.first.attributes.should_not have_key(:auth) end it 'should not have headers' do result.first.attributes.should_not have_key('headers') result.first.attributes.should_not have_key(:headers) end it 'should not have from email' do result.first.attributes.should_not have_key('from') result.first.attributes.should_not have_key(:from) end end end describe '.create' do context "With the setting to not raise exceptions" do before do Shutl::Resource.raise_exceptions_on_validation = false end after do Shutl::Resource.raise_exceptions_on_validation = true end specify do errors = { "base" => "invalid", "some_field" => "some field is invalid" } body = { "errors" => errors }.to_json @request = stub_request(:post, 'http://host/test_rests'). to_return(:status => 422, body: body, :headers => headers) expect { @instance = TestRest.create }.to_not raise_error Shutl::ResourceInvalid @request.should have_been_requested @instance.should_not be_valid @instance.errors.should == errors end end it 'should send a post request to the endpoint' do request = stub_post 200 TestRest.create request.should have_been_requested end def stub_post status stub_request(:post, 'http://host/test_rests'). to_return(:status => status, :body => '{}', :headers => headers) end it 'should raise error if the remote server returns an error' do request = stub_post 403 expect(-> { TestRest.create }).to raise_error Shutl::ForbiddenAccess request.should have_been_requested end it 'should post the header content-type: json' do request = stub_request(:post, 'http://host/test_rests'). with(:body => '{"test_rest":{}}', :headers => headers) TestRest.create request.should have_been_requested end it 'should raise an exception if the create is called with the ! and it fails' do request = stub_request(:post, 'http://host/test_rests'). to_return(:status => 400) expect(-> { TestRest.create }).to raise_error(Shutl::BadRequest) end it 'shoud create a new ressource with the attributes' do request = stub_request(:post, "http://host/test_rests"). with(body: '{"test_rest":{"a":"a","b":"b"}}', headers: headers) TestRest.create(a: 'a', b: 'b') request.should have_been_requested end context "send user email address for Audit" do let(:user_email) { '' } before do Shutl::Resource::RestClassMethods.from_user = user_email end it "should override the email with 'from' option" do request = stub_request(:post, 'http://host/test_rests').with(headers: headers.merge(from: '')).to_return(:status => 200) TestRest.create({}, from: '') request.should have_been_requested end it "should be thread-safe" do t1 = do sleep 0.5 Shutl::Resource::RestClassMethods.from_user = 'thread1 user' stub_request(:post, 'http://host/test_rests').with(headers: headers.merge(from: 'thread1 user')).to_return(:status => 200) TestRest.create end t2 = do Shutl::Resource::RestClassMethods.from_user = 'thread2 user' sleep 1 stub_request(:post, 'http://host/test_rests').with(headers: headers.merge(from: 'thread2 user')).to_return(:status => 200) TestRest.create end t1.join; t2.join Thread.current[:user_email].should be user_email end end end describe '#destroy' do it 'should send a delete query to the endpoint' do request = stub_request(:delete, 'http://host/test_rests/a') TestRest.destroy id: 'a' request.should have_been_requested end it 'should return true if the request succeeds' do stub_request(:delete, 'http://host/test_rests/a'). to_return(status: 204) TestRest.destroy(id: 'a').should eq(true) end it 'should return false if the request fails' do stub_request(:delete, 'http://host/test_rests/a'). to_return(status: 400) expect(-> { TestRest.destroy(id: 'a') }).to raise_error Shutl::BadRequest end end describe '#save' do it 'should send a delete query to the endpoint' do request = stub_request(:put, 'http://host/test_rests/a') request.should have_been_requested end it 'should return true if the request succeeds' do stub_request(:put, 'http://host/test_rests/a'). to_return(status: 204) eq(true) end it 'should return false if the request fails' do stub_request(:put, 'http://host/test_rests/a'). to_return(status: 400) -> { }.should raise_error Shutl::BadRequest end it 'should post in the body the json serialized resource' do Hash.any_instance.stub(:to_json).and_return('JSON') request = stub_request(:put, 'http://host/test_rests/a'). with(:body => 'JSON', headers: headers) request.should have_been_requested end it 'should raise an error if the update is called with the ! and it fails' do stub_request(:put, 'http://host/test_rests/a'). to_return(status: 400) expect(-> { }).to raise_error(Shutl::BadRequest) end end describe '#update!' do it 'should post the new json representation' do request = stub_request(:put, "http://host/test_rests/a"). with(:body => { test_rest: { a: "a", b: "b", id: "a" } }, :headers => { 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }). to_return(:status => 200, :body => "", :headers => {}) test_resource = test_resource.update!(a: 'a', b: 'b') request.should have_been_requested end it 'should convert new_id to id in attributes' do request = stub_request(:put, "http://host/test_rests/a"). with(:body => { test_rest: { a: "a", b: "b", id: "xxx" } }, :headers => { 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }). to_return(:status => 200, :body => "", :headers => {}) test_resource = test_resource.update!(a: 'a', b: 'b', new_id: 'xxx') request.should have_been_requested end context "send user email address for Audit" do let(:user_email) { '' } before do Shutl::Resource::RestClassMethods.from_user = user_email end it "should override the email with 'from' option" do request = stub_request(:put, 'http://host/test_rests/a').with(body: anything, headers: headers.merge(from: '')).to_return(:status => 200) test_resource = test_resource.update!({a: 'a', b: 'b'}, {from: ''}) request.should have_been_requested end it "should be thread-safe" do t1 = do sleep 0.5 Shutl::Resource::RestClassMethods.from_user = 'thread1 user' stub_request(:put, 'http://host/test_rests/a').with(body: anything, headers: headers.merge(from: 'thread1 user')).to_return(:status => 200) test_resource = test_resource.update!(a: 'a', b: 'b') end t2 = do Shutl::Resource::RestClassMethods.from_user = 'thread2 user' sleep 1 stub_request(:put, 'http://host/test_rests/a').with(body: anything, headers: headers.merge(from: 'thread2 user')).to_return(:status => 200) test_resource = test_resource.update!(a: 'a', b: 'b') end t1.join; t2.join Thread.current[:user_email].should be user_email end end end describe '#respond_to?' do subject { a:1, b:2 } it 'responds to a getter if it has an attribute' do subject.respond_to?(:a).should be_true end it 'does not responsd to a getter if there is no attributes' do subject.respond_to?(:foo).should be_false end end end