require 'pathname' require 'erb' require 'find' require 'pp' require 'optparse' require 'yaml' require 'bitclust' require 'bitclust/subcommand' module BitClust module Subcommands class SetupCommand < Subcommand REPOSITORY_PATH = "" def initialize super @prepare = nil @cleanup = nil @purge = nil @versions = ["2.1.0", "2.2.0", "2.3.0"] @update = true @parser.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0, '.*')} setup [options]" @parser.on('--prepare', 'Prepare config file and checkout repository. Do not create database.') { @prepare = true } @parser.on('--cleanup', 'Cleanup datebase before create database.') { @cleanup = true } @parser.on('--purge', 'Purge all downloaded and generated files and exit.') { @purge = true } @parser.on('--versions=V1,V2,...', "Specify versions. [#{@versions.join(',')}]") {|versions| @versions = versions.split(",") } @parser.on('--no-update', 'Do not update document repository') { @update = false } end def exec(argv, options) purge if @purge prepare return if @prepare @config[:versions].each do |version| puts "Generating database for Ruby#{version}..." prefix = "#{@config[:database_prefix]}-#{version}" FileUtils.rm_rf(prefix) if @cleanup init_argv = ["version=#{version}", "encoding=#{@config[:encoding]}"] init_options = { :prefix => prefix }, init_options) update_method_database(prefix, ["--stdlibtree=#{@config[:stdlibtree]}"]) update_argv = Pathname(@config[:capi_src]){|v| v.realpath.to_s } update_function_database(prefix, update_argv) end end private def purge home_directory = Pathname(ENV["HOME"]) config_dir = home_directory + ".bitclust" print "Remove all generated files..." FileUtils.rm_rf(config_dir.to_s) puts "done!" exit 0 end def prepare home_directory = Pathname(ENV["HOME"]).expand_path config_dir = home_directory + ".bitclust" config_dir.mkpath config_path = config_dir + "config" rubydoc_dir = config_dir + "rubydoc" @config = { :database_prefix => (config_dir + "db").to_s, :encoding => "utf-8", :versions => @versions, :default_version => @versions.max, :stdlibtree => (rubydoc_dir + "refm/api/src").to_s, :capi_src => (rubydoc_dir + "refm/capi/src/").to_s, :baseurl => "http://localhost:10080", :port => "10080", :pid_file => "/tmp/", } if config_path.exist? @config = YAML.load_file(config_path) unless @config[:versions].sort == @versions.sort print("overwrite config file? > [y/N]") if /\Ay\z/i =~ $stdin.gets.chomp @config[:versions] = @versions @config[:default_version] = @versions.max generate_config(config_path, @config) end end else generate_config(config_path, @config) end checkout(rubydoc_dir) end def generate_config(path, config)"w+", 0644) do |file| file.puts config.to_yaml end end def checkout(rubydoc_dir) if (rubydoc_dir + ".svn").exist? warn "Remove old repository data." warn "Use --purge option." help exit 1 end succeeded = false if (rubydoc_dir + ".git").exist? return unless @update Dir.chdir(rubydoc_dir) do succeeded = system("git", "pull", "--rebase") end else succeeded = system("git", "clone", "--depth", "10", REPOSITORY_PATH, rubydoc_dir.to_s) end unless succeeded warn "git command failed. Please install Git or check your PATH." exit 1 end end def update_method_database(prefix, argv) options = { :prefix => prefix, :capi => false, } cmd = cmd.parse(argv) cmd.exec(argv, options) end def update_function_database(prefix, argv) options = { :prefix => prefix, :capi => true, } cmd = cmd.parse(argv) cmd.exec(argv, options) end end end end