module type ELEMENT = sig type t val compare : t -> t -> int end module Make(El: ELEMENT) = struct (* Not terribly efficient, but good enough for this example. * * The list is kept sorted at all times. *) type t = El.t list type el = El.t let el_equal a b = a b = 0 let is_empty = function | [] -> true | _ -> false let is_member l n = List.filter (el_equal n) l |> is_empty |> not let rec is_subset x y = match (x, y) with | ([], []) -> true | ([], _) -> true | (_, []) -> false | ((x::xs), y) -> (is_member y x) && (is_subset xs y) let rec is_disjoint x y = match (x, y) with | ([], []) -> true | ([], _) -> true | (_, []) -> true | ((x::xs), y) -> (not (is_member y x)) && (is_disjoint xs y) let rec equal x y = match (x, y) with | ([], []) -> true | ([], _) -> false | (_, []) -> false | ((x::xs), (y::ys)) -> el_equal x y && equal xs ys let of_list = List.sort_uniq let add l x = let rec go acc = function | h :: t -> let r = x h in if r = 0 then l (* element already in the set *) else if r < 0 then List.rev_append acc (x :: h :: t) else go (h::acc) t | [] -> List.rev (x::acc) in go [] l type status = [ | `OnlyA | `OnlyB | `Both ] let diff_filter (f : status -> bool) l1 l2 = let rec go acc = function | [], [] -> List.rev acc | (h1::t1), [] -> go (if f `OnlyA then h1::acc else acc) (t1, []) | [], (h2::t2) -> go (if f `OnlyB then h2::acc else acc) ([], t2) | (h1::t1), (h2::t2) -> let r = h1 h2 in if r = 0 then go (if f `Both then h1::acc else acc) (t1, t2) else if r < 0 then go (if f `OnlyA then h1::acc else acc) (t1, h2::t2) else go (if f `OnlyB then h2::acc else acc) (h1::t1, t2) in go [] (l1, l2) let difference = diff_filter (function `OnlyA -> true | _ -> false) let intersect = diff_filter (function `Both -> true | _ -> false) let union = diff_filter (fun _ -> true) end