/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010-2013 Couchbase, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "internal.h" #include "auth-priv.h" #include "connspec.h" #include "logging.h" #include "hostlist.h" #include "http/http.h" #include "bucketconfig/clconfig.h" #include #include #define LOGARGS(obj,lvl) (obj)->settings, "instance", LCB_LOG_##lvl, __FILE__, __LINE__ static volatile unsigned int lcb_instance_index = 0; using namespace lcb; LIBCOUCHBASE_API const char *lcb_get_version(lcb_uint32_t *version) { if (version != NULL) { *version = (lcb_uint32_t)LCB_VERSION; } return LCB_VERSION_STRING; } const lcb_U32 lcb_version_g = LCB_VERSION; LIBCOUCHBASE_API void lcb_set_cookie(lcb_t instance, const void *cookie) { instance->cookie = cookie; } LIBCOUCHBASE_API const void *lcb_get_cookie(lcb_t instance) { return instance->cookie; } LIBCOUCHBASE_API void lcb_set_auth(lcb_t instance, lcb_AUTHENTICATOR *auth) { /* First increase refcount in case they are the same object(!) */ lcbauth_ref(auth); lcbauth_unref(instance->settings->auth); instance->settings->auth = auth; } void lcb_st::add_bs_host(const char *host, int port, unsigned bstype) { const char *tname = NULL; lcb::Hostlist* target; if (bstype == LCB_CONFIG_TRANSPORT_CCCP) { tname = "CCCP"; target = mc_nodes; } else { tname = "HTTP"; target = ht_nodes; } lcb_log(LOGARGS(this, DEBUG), "Adding host %s:%d to initial %s bootstrap list", host, port, tname); target->add(host, port); } void lcb_st::add_bs_host(const lcb::Spechost& host, int defl_http, int defl_cccp) { if (host.isTypeless()) { add_bs_host(host.hostname.c_str(), defl_http, LCB_CONFIG_TRANSPORT_HTTP); add_bs_host(host.hostname.c_str(), defl_cccp, LCB_CONFIG_TRANSPORT_CCCP); return; } else { add_bs_host(host.hostname.c_str(), host.port, host.isAnyHttp() ? LCB_CONFIG_TRANSPORT_HTTP : LCB_CONFIG_TRANSPORT_CCCP); } } void lcb_st::populate_nodes(const Connspec& spec) { int has_ssl = settings->sslopts & LCB_SSL_ENABLED; int defl_http, defl_cccp; if (spec.default_port() == LCB_CONFIG_MCCOMPAT_PORT) { defl_http = -1; defl_cccp = LCB_CONFIG_MCCOMPAT_PORT; } else if (has_ssl) { defl_http = LCB_CONFIG_HTTP_SSL_PORT; defl_cccp = LCB_CONFIG_MCD_SSL_PORT; } else { defl_http = LCB_CONFIG_HTTP_PORT; defl_cccp = LCB_CONFIG_MCD_PORT; } for (size_t ii = 0; ii < spec.hosts().size(); ++ii) { const Spechost &dh = spec.hosts()[ii]; add_bs_host(dh, defl_http, defl_cccp); } } static lcb_error_t init_providers(lcb_t obj, const Connspec &spec) { clconfig_provider *http, *cccp, *mcraw; http = lcb_confmon_get_provider(obj->confmon, LCB_CLCONFIG_HTTP); cccp = lcb_confmon_get_provider(obj->confmon, LCB_CLCONFIG_CCCP); mcraw = lcb_confmon_get_provider(obj->confmon, LCB_CLCONFIG_MCRAW); if (spec.default_port() == LCB_CONFIG_MCCOMPAT_PORT) { lcb_confmon_set_provider_active(obj->confmon, LCB_CLCONFIG_MCRAW, 1); mcraw->configure_nodes(mcraw, obj->mc_nodes); return LCB_SUCCESS; } bool cccp_found = spec.is_bs_cccp(); bool http_found = spec.is_bs_http(); bool cccp_enabled = true, http_enabled = true; if (cccp_found || http_found || spec.is_bs_file()) { http_enabled = http_found; cccp_enabled = cccp_found; } if (lcb_getenv_boolean("LCB_NO_CCCP")) { cccp_enabled = false; } if (lcb_getenv_boolean("LCB_NO_HTTP")) { http_enabled = false; } if (spec.is_bs_file()) { cccp_found = false; http_found = false; } if (cccp_enabled == 0 && http_enabled == 0) { if (spec.is_bs_file()) { /* If the 'file_only' provider is set, just assume something else * will provide us with the config, and forget about it. */ clconfig_provider *prov = lcb_confmon_get_provider(obj->confmon, LCB_CLCONFIG_FILE); if (prov && prov->enabled) { return LCB_SUCCESS; } } return LCB_BAD_ENVIRONMENT; } if (http_enabled) { lcb_clconfig_http_enable(http); lcb_clconfig_http_set_nodes(http, obj->ht_nodes); } else { lcb_confmon_set_provider_active(obj->confmon, LCB_CLCONFIG_HTTP, 0); } if (cccp_enabled && obj->type != LCB_TYPE_CLUSTER) { lcb_clconfig_cccp_enable(cccp, obj); lcb_clconfig_cccp_set_nodes(cccp, obj->mc_nodes); } else { lcb_confmon_set_provider_active(obj->confmon, LCB_CLCONFIG_CCCP, 0); } return LCB_SUCCESS; } static lcb_error_t setup_ssl(lcb_t obj, const Connspec& params) { char optbuf[4096]; int env_policy = -1; lcb_settings *settings = obj->settings; lcb_error_t err = LCB_SUCCESS; if (lcb_getenv_nonempty("LCB_SSL_CACERT", optbuf, sizeof optbuf)) { lcb_log(LOGARGS(obj, INFO), "SSL CA certificate %s specified on environment", optbuf); settings->certpath = strdup(optbuf); } if (lcb_getenv_nonempty("LCB_SSL_MODE", optbuf, sizeof optbuf)) { if (sscanf(optbuf, "%d", &env_policy) != 1) { lcb_log(LOGARGS(obj, ERR), "Invalid value for environment LCB_SSL. (%s)", optbuf); return LCB_BAD_ENVIRONMENT; } else { lcb_log(LOGARGS(obj, INFO), "SSL modified from environment. Policy is 0x%x", env_policy); settings->sslopts = env_policy; } } if (settings->certpath == NULL && !params.certpath().empty()) { settings->certpath = strdup(params.certpath().c_str()); } if (env_policy == -1) { settings->sslopts = params.sslopts(); } if (settings->sslopts & LCB_SSL_ENABLED) { if (! (settings->sslopts & LCB_SSL_NOGLOBALINIT)) { lcbio_ssl_global_init(); } else { lcb_log(LOGARGS(obj, INFO), "ssl=no_global_init. Not initializing openssl globals"); } settings->ssl_ctx = lcbio_ssl_new(settings->certpath, settings->sslopts & LCB_SSL_NOVERIFY, &err, settings); if (!settings->ssl_ctx) { return err; } } return LCB_SUCCESS; } static lcb_error_t apply_spec_options(lcb_t obj, const Connspec& params) { lcb_error_t err; Connspec::Options::const_iterator ii = params.options().begin(); for (; ii != params.options().end(); ++ii) { lcb_log(LOGARGS(obj, DEBUG), "Applying initial cntl %s=%s", ii->first.c_str(), ii->second.c_str()); err = lcb_cntl_string(obj, ii->first.c_str(), ii->second.c_str()); if (err != LCB_SUCCESS) { return err; } } return LCB_SUCCESS; } static lcb_error_t apply_env_options(lcb_t obj) { Connspec tmpspec; const char *options = getenv("LCB_OPTIONS"); if (!options) { return LCB_SUCCESS; } std::string tmp("couchbase://?"); tmp.append(options); if (tmpspec.parse(tmp.c_str()) != LCB_SUCCESS) { return LCB_BAD_ENVIRONMENT; } return apply_spec_options(obj, tmpspec); } lcb_error_t lcb_init_providers2(lcb_t obj, const struct lcb_create_st2 *options) { Connspec params; lcb_error_t err; struct lcb_create_st cropts; cropts.version = 2; cropts.v.v2 = *options; err = params.load(cropts); if (err == LCB_SUCCESS) { err = init_providers(obj, params); } return err; } lcb_error_t lcb_reinit3(lcb_t obj, const char *connstr) { Connspec params; lcb_error_t err; const char *errmsg = NULL; memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof params); err = params.parse(connstr, &errmsg); if (err != LCB_SUCCESS) { lcb_log(LOGARGS(obj, ERROR), "Couldn't reinit: %s", errmsg); } if (params.sslopts() != LCBT_SETTING(obj, sslopts) || !params.certpath().empty()) { lcb_log(LOGARGS(obj, WARN), "Ignoring SSL reinit options"); } /* apply the options */ err = apply_spec_options(obj, params); if (err != LCB_SUCCESS) { goto GT_DONE; } obj->populate_nodes(params); err = init_providers(obj, params); if (err != LCB_SUCCESS) { goto GT_DONE; } GT_DONE: return err; } LIBCOUCHBASE_API lcb_error_t lcb_create(lcb_t *instance, const struct lcb_create_st *options) { Connspec spec; struct lcb_io_opt_st *io_priv = NULL; lcb_type_t type = LCB_TYPE_BUCKET; lcb_t obj = NULL; lcb_error_t err; lcb_settings *settings; if (options) { io_priv = options->v.v0.io; if (options->version > 0) { type = options->v.v1.type; } err = spec.load(*options); } else { const char *errmsg; err = spec.parse("couchbase://", &errmsg); } if (err != LCB_SUCCESS) { goto GT_DONE; } if ((obj = (lcb_t)calloc(1, sizeof(*obj))) == NULL) { err = LCB_CLIENT_ENOMEM; goto GT_DONE; } if (!(settings = lcb_settings_new())) { err = LCB_CLIENT_ENOMEM; goto GT_DONE; } /* initialize the settings */ obj->type = type; obj->settings = settings; settings->bucket = strdup(spec.bucket().c_str()); if ((err = settings->auth->init(spec.username(), spec.bucket(), spec.password(), type)) != LCB_SUCCESS) { goto GT_DONE; } settings->logger = lcb_init_console_logger(); settings->iid = lcb_instance_index++; if (spec.loglevel()) { lcb_U32 val = spec.loglevel(); lcb_cntl(obj, LCB_CNTL_SET, LCB_CNTL_CONLOGGER_LEVEL, &val); } lcb_log(LOGARGS(obj, INFO), "Version=%s, Changeset=%s", lcb_get_version(NULL), LCB_VERSION_CHANGESET); lcb_log(LOGARGS(obj, INFO), "Effective connection string: %s. Bucket=%s", spec.connstr().c_str(), settings->bucket); if (io_priv == NULL) { lcb_io_opt_t ops; if ((err = lcb_create_io_ops(&ops, NULL)) != LCB_SUCCESS) { goto GT_DONE; } io_priv = ops; LCB_IOPS_BASEFLD(io_priv, need_cleanup) = 1; } obj->cmdq.cqdata = obj; obj->iotable = lcbio_table_new(io_priv); obj->memd_sockpool = lcbio_mgr_create(settings, obj->iotable); obj->http_sockpool = lcbio_mgr_create(settings, obj->iotable); obj->memd_sockpool->maxidle = 1; obj->memd_sockpool->tmoidle = 10000000; obj->http_sockpool->maxidle = 1; obj->http_sockpool->tmoidle = 10000000; obj->confmon = lcb_confmon_create(settings, obj->iotable); obj->ht_nodes = hostlist_create(); obj->mc_nodes = hostlist_create(); obj->retryq = lcb_retryq_new(&obj->cmdq, obj->iotable, obj->settings); obj->n1ql_cache = lcb_n1qlcache_create(); lcb_initialize_packet_handlers(obj); lcb_aspend_init(&obj->pendops); if ((err = setup_ssl(obj, spec)) != LCB_SUCCESS) { goto GT_DONE; } if ((err = apply_spec_options(obj, spec)) != LCB_SUCCESS) { goto GT_DONE; } if ((err = apply_env_options(obj)) != LCB_SUCCESS) { goto GT_DONE; } obj->populate_nodes(spec); err = init_providers(obj, spec); if (err != LCB_SUCCESS) { lcb_destroy(obj); return err; } obj->last_error = err; GT_DONE: if (err != LCB_SUCCESS && obj) { lcb_destroy(obj); *instance = NULL; } else { *instance = obj; } return err; } typedef struct { lcbio_pTABLE table; lcbio_pTIMER timer; int stopped; } SYNCDTOR; static void sync_dtor_cb(void *arg) { SYNCDTOR *sd = (SYNCDTOR*)arg; if (sd->table->refcount == 2) { lcbio_timer_destroy(sd->timer); IOT_STOP(sd->table); sd->stopped = 1; } } LIBCOUCHBASE_API void lcb_destroy(lcb_t instance) { #define DESTROY(fn,fld) if(instance->fld){fn(instance->fld);instance->fld=NULL;} lcb_size_t ii; hashset_t hs; lcb_ASPEND *po = &instance->pendops; DESTROY(lcb_clconfig_decref, cur_configinfo); instance->cmdq.config = NULL; lcb_bootstrap_destroy(instance); DESTROY(hostlist_destroy, ht_nodes); DESTROY(hostlist_destroy, mc_nodes); if ((hs = lcb_aspend_get(po, LCB_PENDTYPE_TIMER))) { for (ii = 0; ii < hs->capacity; ++ii) { if (hs->items[ii] > 1) { lcb__timer_destroy_nowarn(instance, (lcb_timer_t)hs->items[ii]); } } } if ((hs = lcb_aspend_get(po, LCB_PENDTYPE_DURABILITY))) { struct lcb_DURSET_st **dset_list; lcb_size_t nitems = hashset_num_items(hs); dset_list = (struct lcb_DURSET_st **)hashset_get_items(hs, NULL); if (dset_list) { for (ii = 0; ii < nitems; ii++) { lcbdur_destroy(dset_list[ii]); } free(dset_list); } } for (ii = 0; ii < LCBT_NSERVERS(instance); ++ii) { mc_SERVER *server = LCBT_GET_SERVER(instance, ii); mcserver_close(server); } if ((hs = lcb_aspend_get(po, LCB_PENDTYPE_HTTP))) { for (ii = 0; ii < hs->capacity; ++ii) { if (hs->items[ii] > 1) { lcb_http_request_t htreq = (lcb_http_request_t)hs->items[ii]; /* Prevents lcb's globals from being modified during destruction */ lcb_htreq_block_callback(htreq); lcb_htreq_finish(instance, htreq, LCB_ERROR); } } } DESTROY(lcb_retryq_destroy, retryq); DESTROY(lcb_confmon_destroy, confmon); DESTROY(lcbio_mgr_destroy, memd_sockpool); DESTROY(lcbio_mgr_destroy, http_sockpool); DESTROY(lcb_vbguess_destroy, vbguess); DESTROY(lcb_n1qlcache_destroy, n1ql_cache); mcreq_queue_cleanup(&instance->cmdq); lcb_aspend_cleanup(po); if (instance->iotable && instance->iotable->refcount > 1 && instance->settings && instance->settings->syncdtor) { /* create an async object */ SYNCDTOR sd; sd.table = instance->iotable; sd.timer = lcbio_timer_new(instance->iotable, &sd, sync_dtor_cb); sd.stopped = 0; lcbio_async_signal(sd.timer); lcb_log(LOGARGS(instance, WARN), "Running event loop to drain any pending I/O events"); do { IOT_START(instance->iotable); } while (!sd.stopped); } DESTROY(lcbio_table_unref, iotable); DESTROY(lcb_settings_unref, settings); DESTROY(lcb_histogram_destroy, kv_timings); if (instance->scratch) { delete instance->scratch; instance->scratch = NULL; } free(instance->dcpinfo); memset(instance, 0xff, sizeof(*instance)); free(instance); #undef DESTROY } static void destroy_cb(void *arg) { lcb_t instance = (lcb_t)arg; lcbio_timer_destroy(instance->dtor_timer); lcb_destroy(instance); } LIBCOUCHBASE_API void lcb_destroy_async(lcb_t instance, const void *arg) { instance->dtor_timer = lcbio_timer_new(instance->iotable, instance, destroy_cb); instance->settings->dtorarg = (void *)arg; lcbio_async_signal(instance->dtor_timer); } LIBCOUCHBASE_API lcb_error_t lcb_connect(lcb_t instance) { lcb_error_t err = lcb_bootstrap_common(instance, LCB_BS_REFRESH_INITIAL); if (err == LCB_SUCCESS) { SYNCMODE_INTERCEPT(instance); } else { return err; } } LIBCOUCHBASE_API void *lcb_mem_alloc(lcb_size_t size) { return malloc(size); } LIBCOUCHBASE_API void lcb_mem_free(void *ptr) { free(ptr); } LCB_INTERNAL_API void lcb_run_loop(lcb_t instance) { IOT_START(instance->iotable); } LCB_INTERNAL_API void lcb_stop_loop(lcb_t instance) { IOT_STOP(instance->iotable); } void lcb_aspend_init(lcb_ASPEND *ops) { unsigned ii; for (ii = 0; ii < LCB_PENDTYPE_MAX; ++ii) { ops->items[ii] = hashset_create(); } ops->count = 0; } void lcb_aspend_add(lcb_ASPEND *ops, lcb_ASPENDTYPE type, const void *item) { ops->count++; if (type == LCB_PENDTYPE_COUNTER) { return; } hashset_add(ops->items[type], (void *)item); } void lcb_aspend_del(lcb_ASPEND *ops, lcb_ASPENDTYPE type, const void *item) { if (type == LCB_PENDTYPE_COUNTER) { ops->count--; return; } if (hashset_remove(ops->items[type], (void *)item)) { ops->count--; } } void lcb_aspend_cleanup(lcb_ASPEND *ops) { unsigned ii; for (ii = 0; ii < LCB_PENDTYPE_MAX; ii++) { hashset_destroy(ops->items[ii]); } } LIBCOUCHBASE_API void lcb_sched_enter(lcb_t instance) { mcreq_sched_enter(&instance->cmdq); } LIBCOUCHBASE_API void lcb_sched_leave(lcb_t instance) { mcreq_sched_leave(&instance->cmdq, LCBT_SETTING(instance, sched_implicit_flush)); } LIBCOUCHBASE_API void lcb_sched_fail(lcb_t instance) { mcreq_sched_fail(&instance->cmdq); } LIBCOUCHBASE_API int lcb_supports_feature(int n) { if (n == LCB_SUPPORTS_SNAPPY) { #ifdef LCB_NO_SNAPPY return 0; #else return 1; #endif } if (n == LCB_SUPPORTS_SSL) { return lcbio_ssl_supported(); } else { return 0; } } LCB_INTERNAL_API void lcb_loop_ref(lcb_t instance) { lcb_aspend_add(&instance->pendops, LCB_PENDTYPE_COUNTER, NULL); } LCB_INTERNAL_API void lcb_loop_unref(lcb_t instance) { lcb_aspend_del(&instance->pendops, LCB_PENDTYPE_COUNTER, NULL); lcb_maybe_breakout(instance); } LIBCOUCHBASE_API lcb_error_t lcb_enable_timings(lcb_t instance) { if (instance->kv_timings != NULL) { return LCB_KEY_EEXISTS; } instance->kv_timings = lcb_histogram_create(); return instance->kv_timings == NULL ? LCB_CLIENT_ENOMEM : LCB_SUCCESS; } LIBCOUCHBASE_API lcb_error_t lcb_disable_timings(lcb_t instance) { if (instance->kv_timings == NULL) { return LCB_KEY_ENOENT; } lcb_histogram_destroy(instance->kv_timings); instance->kv_timings = NULL; return LCB_SUCCESS; } typedef struct { lcb_t instance; const void *real_cookie; lcb_timings_callback real_cb; } timings_wrapper; static void timings_wrapper_callback(const void *cookie, lcb_timeunit_t unit, lcb_U32 start, lcb_U32 end, lcb_U32 val, lcb_U32 max) { const timings_wrapper *wrap = (const timings_wrapper*)cookie; wrap->real_cb(wrap->instance, wrap->real_cookie, unit, start, end, val, max); } LIBCOUCHBASE_API lcb_error_t lcb_get_timings(lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, lcb_timings_callback cb) { timings_wrapper wrap; wrap.instance = instance; wrap.real_cookie = cookie; wrap.real_cb = cb; if (!instance->kv_timings) { return LCB_KEY_ENOENT; } lcb_histogram_read(instance->kv_timings, &wrap, timings_wrapper_callback); return LCB_SUCCESS; } LIBCOUCHBASE_API const char *lcb_strerror(lcb_t instance, lcb_error_t error) { #define X(c, v, t, s) if (error == c) { return s; } LCB_XERR(X) #undef X (void)instance; return "Unknown error"; } LIBCOUCHBASE_API int lcb_get_errtype(lcb_error_t err) { #define X(c, v, t, s) if (err == c) { return t; } LCB_XERR(X) #undef X return -1; }