require 'digest/md5' module RETS4R class Auth # This is the primary method that would normally be used, and while it def Auth.authenticate(response, username, password, uri, method, requestId, useragent, nc = 0) authHeader = Auth.parse_header(response['www-authenticate']) cnonce = cnonce(useragent, password, requestId, authHeader['nonce']) authHash = calculate_digest(username, password, authHeader['realm'], authHeader['nonce'], method, uri, authHeader['qop'], cnonce, nc) header = '' header << "Digest username=\"#{username}\", " header << "realm=\"#{authHeader['realm']}\", " header << "qop=\"#{authHeader['qop']}\", " header << "uri=\"#{uri}\", " header << "nonce=\"#{authHeader['nonce']}\", " header << "nc=#{('%08x' % nc)}, " header << "cnonce=\"#{cnonce}\", " header << "response=\"#{authHash}\", " header << "opaque=\"#{authHeader['opaque']}\"" return header end def Auth.calculate_digest(username, password, realm, nonce, method, uri, qop = false, cnonce = false, nc = 0) a1 = "#{username}:#{realm}:#{password}" a2 = "#{method}:#{uri}" response = ''; requestId = Auth.request_id unless requestId if (qop) throw ArgumentException, 'qop requires a cnonce to be provided.' unless cnonce response = Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(a1)}:#{nonce}:#{('%08x' % nc)}:#{cnonce}:#{qop}:#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(a2)}") else response = Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(a1)}:#{nonce}:#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(a2)}") end return response end def Auth.parse_header(header) type = header[0, header.index(' ')] args = header[header.index(' '), header.length].strip.split(',').map {|x| x.strip} parts = {'type' => type} args.each do |arg| name, value = arg.split('=') parts[name.downcase] ='"', '') end return parts end def Auth.request_id Digest::MD5.hexdigest( end def Auth.cnonce(useragent, password, requestId, nonce) Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{useragent}:#{password}:#{requestId}:#{nonce}") end end end