Basic Text Extraction
For basic text extraction, make use of
org.apache.poi.hslf.extractor.PowerPointExtractor. It accepts a file or an input
stream. The getText() method can be used to get the text from the slides, and the getNotes() method can be used to get the text
from the notes. Finally, getText(true,true) will get the text
from both.
Specific Text Extraction
To get specific bits of text, first create a org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.SlideShow
(from a org.apache.poi.hslf.HSLFSlideShow, which accepts a file or an input
stream). Use getSlides() and getNotes() to get the slides and notes.
These can be queried to get their page ID (though they should be returned
in the right order).
You can then call getTextRuns() on these, to get
their blocks of text. (One TextRun normally holds all the text in a
given area of the page, eg in the title bar, or in a box).
From the TextRun, you can extract the text, and check
what type of text it is (eg Body, Title). You can allso call
getRichTextRuns(), which will return the
RichTextRuns that make up the TextRun. A
RichTextRun is made up of a sequence of text, all having the
same character and paragraph formatting.
Poor Quality Text Extraction
If speed is the most important thing for you, you don't care
about getting duplicate blocks of text, you don't care about
getting text from master sheets, and you don't care about getting
old text, then
might be of use.
QuickButCruddyTextExtractor doesn't use the normal record
parsing code, instead it uses a tree structure blind search
method to get all text holding records. You will get all the text,
including lots of text you normally wouldn't ever want. However,
you will get it back very very fast!
There are two ways of getting the text back.
getTextAsString() will return a single string with all
the text in it. getTextAsVector() will return a
vector of strings, one for each text record found in the file.
Changing Text
It is possible to change the text via
TextRun.setText(String) or
RichTextRun.setText(String). It is not yet possible
to add additional TextRuns or RichTextRuns.
When calling TextRun.setText(String), all
the text will end up with the same formatting. When calling
RichTextRun.setText(String), the text will retain
the old formatting of that RichTextRun.
Adding Slides
You may add new slides by calling
SlideShow.createSlide(), which will add a new slide
to the end of the SlideShow. It is not currently possible to
re-order slides, nor to add new text to slides (currently only
adding Escher objects to new slides is supported).
Guide to key classes
Handles reading in and writing out files. Calls
org.apache.poi.hslf.record.record to build a tree
of all the records in the file, which it allows access to.
Base class of all records. Also provides the main record generation
code, which will build up a tree of records for a file.
Builds up model entries from the records, and presents a user facing
view of the file
A user facing view of a Slide in a slidesow. Allows you to get at the
Text of the slide, and at any drawing objects on it.
Holds all the Text in a given area of the Slide, and will
contain one or more RichTextRuns.
Holds a run of text, all having the same character and
paragraph stylings. It is possible to modify text, and/or text stylings.
Uses the model code to allow extraction of text from files
Uses the record code to extract all the text from files very fast,
but including deleted text (and other bits of Crud).
by Nick Burch