var Asset = {}; Asset.Upload = Behavior.create({ onsubmit: function (e) { if (e) e.stop(); var uuid = Asset.GenerateUUID(); var ulframe = document.createElement('iframe'); ulframe.setAttribute('name', uuid); // this doesn't work on ie7: will need bodging $('upload_holders').insert(ulframe); var form = this.element; var title = form.down('input.textbox').value || form.down('input.file').value; var placeholder = Asset.AddPlaceholder(title); form.setAttribute('target', uuid); ulframe.observe('load', function (e) { if (e) e.stop(); var response = ulframe.contentDocument.body.innerHTML; if (response && response != "") { placeholder.remove(); Asset.AddToList(response); ulframe.remove(); } }); form.submit(); $('upload_asset').closePopup(); // Small delay is required here to let safari assemble the payload // form.down('input').clear().defer(); // form.down('input.file').clear().defer(); } }); // this local attachment method works and is much quicker, but it's fragile and doesn't notice radiant configuration changes // better to bounce off the server, provided it can be made responsive enough. // Asset.Attach = Behavior.create({ // onclick: function (e) { // if (e) e.stop(); // var container = this.element.up('li.asset'); // container.addClassName('waiting'); // var title = container.down('div.title').innerHTML; // var image = container.down('img'); // var uuid = Asset.GenerateUUID(); // var asset_id = this.element.getAttribute('rel').split('_').last(); // var attachment_field = document.createElement('input'); // attachment_field.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); // attachment_field.setAttribute('id', 'page_page_attachments_attributes_' + uuid + '_asset_id'); // attachment_field.setAttribute('name', 'page[page_attachments_attributes][' + uuid + '][asset_id]'); // attachment_field.value = asset_id; // var placeholder = Asset.AddPlaceholder(title, image, attachment_field); // container.removeClassName('waiting'); // placeholder.removeClassName('waiting'); // } // }); // ajax-based page attachment is a slightly slower but probably more robust option // Asset.Attach = Behavior.create({ onclick: function (e) { if (e) e.stop(); var container = this.element.up('li.asset'); var title = container.down('div.title').innerHTML; var image = container.down('img'); var placeholder = Asset.AddPlaceholder(title, image); container.addClassName('waiting'); new Ajax.Request(this.element.href, { asynchronous: true, evalScripts: false, method: 'get', onSuccess: function(transport) { container.removeClassName('waiting'); placeholder.remove(); Asset.AddToList(transport.responseText); } }); } }); Asset.Detach = Behavior.create({ onclick: function (e) { if (e) e.stop(); Asset.RemoveFromList(this.element.up('li.asset')); } }); Asset.Insert = Behavior.create({ onclick: function(e) { if (e) e.stop(); var part_name = TabControlBehavior.instances[0].controller.selected.caption; var textbox = $('part_' + part_name + '_content'); var tag_parts = this.element.getAttribute('rel').split('_'); var tag_name = tag_parts[0]; var asset_size = tag_parts[1]; var asset_id = tag_parts[2]; var radius_tag = ''; Asset.InsertAtCursor(textbox, radius_tag); } }); Asset.Sortable = Behavior.create({ initialize: function (e) { this.sorter = Asset.MakeSortable(this.element); } }); // Asset-filter and search functions are available wherever the asset_table partial is displayed Asset.DeselectFileTypes = Behavior.create({ onclick: function(e){ e.stop(); var element = this.element; if(!element.hasClassName('pressed')) { $$('a.selective').each(function(el) { el.removeClassName('pressed'); }); $$('input.selective').each(function(el) { el.removeAttribute('checked'); }); element.addClassName('pressed'); Asset.UpdateTable(true); } } }); Asset.SelectFileType = Behavior.create({ onclick: function(e){ e.stop(); var element = this.element; var type_id = element.readAttribute("rel"); var type_check = $(type_id + '-check'); if(element.hasClassName('pressed')) { element.removeClassName('pressed'); type_check.removeAttribute('checked'); if ($$('a.selective.pressed').length == 0) $('select_all').addClassName('pressed'); } else { element.addClassName('pressed'); $$('a.deselective').each(function(el) { el.removeClassName('pressed'); }); type_check.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); } Asset.UpdateTable(true); } }); Asset.SearchForm = Behavior.create({ initialize: function () { = new Form.Element.Observer(this.element.down(''), 2, Asset.UpdateTable); }, onsubmit: function (e) { if (e) e.stop(); Asset.UpdateTable(true); } }); Asset.Pagination = Behavior.create({ onclick: function (e) { if (e) e.stop(); var url = this.element.readAttribute('href'); var pagination = url.toQueryParams(); var search_form = $('filesearchform'); search_form.down('#p').value = pagination['p']; Asset.UpdateTable(false); } }); Asset.MakeSortable = function (element) { var sorter = Sortable.create(element, { overlap: 'horizontal', constraint: false, handle: 'title', onChange: function (e) { Asset.SetPositions(); Asset.Notify('Assets reordered. Save page to commit changes.'); } }); element.addClassName('sortable'); Asset.SetPositions(); return sorter; } Asset.SetPositions = function () { $('attachment_fields').select('input.pos').each(function (input, index) { input.value = index; }); } // originally taken from phpMyAdmin Asset.InsertAtCursor = function(field, insertion) { if (document.selection) { // ie field.focus(); var sel = document.selection.createRange(); sel.text = insertion; } else if (field.selectionStart || field.selectionStart == '0') { // moz var startPos = field.selectionStart; var endPos = field.selectionEnd; field.value = field.value.substring(0, startPos) + insertion + field.value.substring(endPos, field.value.length); field.selectionStart = field.selectionEnd = startPos + insertion.length; } else { field.value += value; } } Asset.GenerateUUID = function () { // var s = []; var hexDigits = "0123456789ABCDEF"; for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) { s[i] = hexDigits.substr(Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x10), 1); } s[12] = "4"; // bits 12-15 of the time_hi_and_version field to 0010 s[16] = hexDigits.substr((s[16] & 0x3) | 0x8, 1); // bits 6-7 of the clock_seq_hi_and_reserved to 01 return s.join(''); }; Asset.UpdateTable = function (depaginate) { var search_form = $('filesearchform'); if (depaginate && search_form.down('#p')) search_form.down('#p').value = 1; Asset.AllWaiting(); new Ajax.Updater('assets_table', search_form.action, { asynchronous: true, evalScripts: false, parameters: Form.serialize(search_form), method: 'get' }); } Asset.AddToList = function (html) { var list = $('attachment_fields'); list.insert(html); Asset.ShowListIfHidden(); Asset.Notify('Save page to commit changes'); Event.addBehavior.reload(); // #TODO something a bit more specific would be nice here Asset.MakeSortable(list); } Asset.RemoveFromList = function (container) { var el = null; if (!!(el = container.down('input.attacher'))) el.remove(); if (!!(el = container.down('input.pos'))) el.remove(); if (!!(el = container.down('input.destroyer'))) el.value = 1; container.dropOut({afterFinish: Asset.HideListIfEmpty}); container.addClassName('detached'); } Asset.AddPlaceholder = function (title, image, contents) { var placeholder = document.createElement('li').addClassName('asset').addClassName('waiting'); if (contents) placeholder.insert(contents); var front = document.createElement('div').addClassName('front'); if (image) front.insert(document.createElement('div').addClassName('thumbnail').insert(image.clone())); placeholder.insert(front); if (!title) title = 'please wait'; var back = document.createElement('div').addClassName('back').insert(document.createElement('div').addClassName('title').update(title)); placeholder.insert(back); $('attachment_fields').insert(placeholder); Asset.ShowListIfHidden(); return placeholder; } Asset.AllWaiting = function (container) { if (!container) container = $('assets_table');'li.asset').each(function (el) { el.addClassName('waiting'); }); } Asset.Notify = function (message) { $('attachment_list').down('span.message').update(message).addClassName('important'); } Asset.ShowListIfHidden = function () { var list = $('attachment_fields'); if (list.hasClassName('empty')) { list.removeClassName('empty'); // list.slideDown(); } } Asset.HideListIfEmpty = function () { var list = $('attachment_fields'); if (!list.down('li.asset:not(.detached)')) { list.addClassName('empty'); // list.slideUp(); Asset.Notify('All assets detached. Save page to commit changes'); } else { Asset.Notify('Assets detached. Save page to commit changes'); } } Event.addBehavior({ 'ul#attachment_fields': Asset.Sortable, 'form.upload_asset': Asset.Upload, 'a.attach_asset': Asset.Attach, 'a.detach_asset': Asset.Detach, 'a.insert_asset': Asset.Insert, 'a.deselective': Asset.DeselectFileTypes, 'a.selective': Asset.SelectFileType, '': Asset.SearchForm, '#assets_table .pagination a': Asset.Pagination });