/*global describe, beforeEach, module, inject, it, spyOn, expect, $, angular, afterEach, runs, waits */ describe('uiTinymce', function () { 'use strict'; var scope, $compile, element, text = '
'; beforeEach(module('ui')); beforeEach(function () { // throw some garbage in the tinymce cfg to be sure it's getting thru to the directive angular.module('ui.config').value('ui.config', {tinymce: {bar: 'baz'}}); }); beforeEach(inject(function (_$rootScope_, _$compile_) { scope = _$rootScope_.$new(); $compile = _$compile_; })); afterEach(function () { angular.module('ui.config').value('ui.config', {}); // cleanup }); /** * Asynchronously runs the compilation. */ function compile() { runs(function () { element = $compile('')(scope); }); waits(1); } describe('compiling this directive', function () { it('should include the passed options', function () { spyOn($.fn, 'tinymce'); compile(); runs(function () { expect($.fn.tinymce).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect($.fn.tinymce.mostRecentCall.args[0].foo).toEqual('bar'); }); }); it('should include the default options', function () { spyOn($.fn, 'tinymce'); compile(); runs(function () { expect($.fn.tinymce).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect($.fn.tinymce.mostRecentCall.args[0].bar).toEqual('baz'); }); }); }); /* describe('setting a value to the model', function () { it('should update the editor', function() { compile(); runs(function () { scope.$apply(function() { scope.foo = text; }); expect(element.find('textarea').tinymce().getContent()).toEqual(text); }); }); it('should handle undefined gracefully', function() { compile(); runs(function () { scope.$apply(function() { scope.foo = undefined; }); expect(element.find('textarea').tinymce().getContent()).toEqual(''); }); }); it('should handle null gracefully', function() { compile(); runs(function () { scope.$apply(function() { scope.foo = null; }); expect(element.find('textarea').tinymce().getContent()).toEqual(''); }); }); }); describe('using the editor', function () { it('should update the model', function() { compile(); runs(function () { element.find('textarea').tinymce().setContent(text); expect($rootScope.x).toEqual(text); }); }); }); */ });