require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe Amp::Core::RepositoryLoading do describe "#has_repo" do before do @class_with = do has_repo end @class_without = do end end it "includes the module in a Command when it called" do @class_with.included_modules.should include(Amp::Core::RepositoryLoading) end it "doesn't include the module in a Command when not called" do @class_without.included_modules.should_not include(Amp::Core::RepositoryLoading) end it "extends the new class with ClassMethods when called" do (class << @class_with; self; end).included_modules.should include(Amp::Core::RepositoryLoading::ClassMethods) end it "doesn't extend the new class with ClassMethods when not called" do (class << @class_without; self; end).included_modules.should_not include(Amp::Core::RepositoryLoading::ClassMethods) end it "includes the new class with InstanceMethods when called" do @class_with.included_modules.should include(Amp::Core::RepositoryLoading::InstanceMethods) end it "doesn't include the new class with InstanceMethods when not called" do @class_without.included_modules.should_not include(Amp::Core::RepositoryLoading::InstanceMethods) end it "doesn't ever modify Amp::Command::Base" do Amp::Command::Base.included_modules.should_not include(Amp::Core::RepositoryLoading) Amp::Command::Base.included_modules.should_not include(Amp::Core::RepositoryLoading::InstanceMethods) (class << Amp::Command::Base; self; end).included_modules.should_not include(Amp::Core::RepositoryLoading::ClassMethods) end it "adds a :repository option when called" do opts = @class_with.options repo_opt = opts.find {|name, desc, config| name == :repository } repo_opt.should_not be_nil end it "lacks a :repository option when not called" do opts = @class_without.options repo_opt = opts.find {|name, desc, config| name == :repository } repo_opt.should be_nil end end end