require 'erb' require 'singleton' module ThinkingSphinx # This class both keeps track of the configuration settings for Sphinx and # also generates the resulting file for Sphinx to use. # # Here are the default settings, relative to RAILS_ROOT where relevant: # # config file:: config/#{environment}.sphinx.conf # searchd log file:: log/searchd.log # query log file:: log/searchd.query.log # pid file:: log/searchd.#{environment}.pid # searchd files:: db/sphinx/#{environment}/ # address:: # port:: 3312 # allow star:: false # min prefix length:: 1 # min infix length:: 1 # mem limit:: 64M # max matches:: 1000 # morphology:: nil # charset type:: utf-8 # charset table:: nil # ignore chars:: nil # html strip:: false # html remove elements:: '' # searchd_binary_name:: searchd # indexer_binary_name:: indexer # # If you want to change these settings, create a YAML file at # config/sphinx.yml with settings for each environment, in a similar # fashion to database.yml - using the following keys: config_file, # searchd_log_file, query_log_file, pid_file, searchd_file_path, port, # allow_star, enable_star, min_prefix_len, min_infix_len, mem_limit, # max_matches, morphology, charset_type, charset_table, ignore_chars, # html_strip, html_remove_elements, delayed_job_priority, # searchd_binary_name, indexer_binary_name. # # I think you've got the idea. # # Each setting in the YAML file is optional - so only put in the ones you # want to change. # # Keep in mind, if for some particular reason you're using a version of # Sphinx older than 0.9.8 r871 (that's prior to the proper 0.9.8 release), # don't set allow_star to true. # class Configuration include Singleton SourceOptions = %w( mysql_connect_flags mysql_ssl_cert mysql_ssl_key mysql_ssl_ca sql_range_step sql_query_pre sql_query_post sql_query_killlist sql_ranged_throttle sql_query_post_index unpack_zlib unpack_mysqlcompress unpack_mysqlcompress_maxsize ) IndexOptions = %w( charset_table charset_type charset_dictpath docinfo enable_star exceptions html_index_attrs html_remove_elements html_strip index_exact_words ignore_chars inplace_docinfo_gap inplace_enable inplace_hit_gap inplace_reloc_factor inplace_write_factor min_infix_len min_prefix_len min_stemming_len min_word_len mlock morphology ngram_chars ngram_len ondisk_dict overshort_step phrase_boundary phrase_boundary_step preopen stopwords stopwords_step wordforms ) CustomOptions = %w( disable_range ) attr_accessor :config_file, :searchd_log_file, :query_log_file, :pid_file, :searchd_file_path, :address, :port, :allow_star, :database_yml_file, :app_root, :bin_path, :model_directories, :delayed_job_priority, :searchd_binary_name, :indexer_binary_name attr_accessor :source_options, :index_options attr_reader :environment, :configuration # Load in the configuration settings - this will look for config/sphinx.yml # and parse it according to the current environment. # def initialize(app_root = Dir.pwd) self.reset end def self.configure(&block) yield instance instance.reset(instance.app_root) end def reset(custom_app_root=nil) if custom_app_root self.app_root = custom_app_root else self.app_root = RAILS_ROOT if defined?(RAILS_ROOT) self.app_root = Merb.root if defined?(Merb) self.app_root ||= app_root end @configuration = @configuration.searchd.address = "" @configuration.searchd.port = 3312 @configuration.searchd.pid_file = "#{self.app_root}/log/searchd.#{environment}.pid" @configuration.searchd.log = "#{self.app_root}/log/searchd.log" @configuration.searchd.query_log = "#{self.app_root}/log/searchd.query.log" self.database_yml_file = "#{self.app_root}/config/database.yml" self.config_file = "#{self.app_root}/config/#{environment}.sphinx.conf" self.searchd_file_path = "#{self.app_root}/db/sphinx/#{environment}" self.allow_star = false self.bin_path = "" self.model_directories = ["#{app_root}/app/models/"] + Dir.glob("#{app_root}/vendor/plugins/*/app/models/") self.delayed_job_priority = 0 self.source_options = {} self.index_options = { :charset_type => "utf-8" } self.searchd_binary_name = "searchd" self.indexer_binary_name = "indexer" parse_config self end def self.environment Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_environment] ||= ( defined?(Merb) ? Merb.environment : ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ) || "development" end def environment self.class.environment end def controller @controller ||=, self.config_file) end # Generate the config file for Sphinx by using all the settings defined and # looping through all the models with indexes to build the relevant # indexer and searchd configuration, and sources and indexes details. # def build(file_path=nil) file_path ||= "#{self.config_file}" @configuration.indexes.clear ThinkingSphinx.context.indexed_models.each do |model| model = model.constantize model.define_indexes @configuration.indexes.concat model.to_riddle end open(file_path, "w") do |file| file.write @configuration.render end end def address @configuration.searchd.address end def address=(address) @configuration.searchd.address = address end def port @configuration.searchd.port end def port=(port) @configuration.searchd.port = port end def pid_file @configuration.searchd.pid_file end def pid_file=(pid_file) @configuration.searchd.pid_file = pid_file end def searchd_log_file @configuration.searchd.log end def searchd_log_file=(file) @configuration.searchd.log = file end def query_log_file @configuration.searchd.query_log end def query_log_file=(file) @configuration.searchd.query_log = file end def client client = address, port client.max_matches = configuration.searchd.max_matches || 1000 client end def models_by_crc @models_by_crc ||= begin ThinkingSphinx.context.indexed_models.inject({}) do |hash, model| hash[model.constantize.to_crc32] = model Object.subclasses_of(model.constantize).each { |subclass| hash[subclass.to_crc32] = } hash end end end private # Parse the config/sphinx.yml file - if it exists - then use the attribute # accessors to set the appropriate values. Nothing too clever. # def parse_config path = "#{app_root}/config/sphinx.yml" return unless File.exists?(path) conf = YAML::load([environment] conf.each do |key,value| self.send("#{key}=", value) if self.respond_to?("#{key}=") set_sphinx_setting self.source_options, key, value, SourceOptions set_sphinx_setting self.index_options, key, value, IndexOptions set_sphinx_setting self.index_options, key, value, CustomOptions set_sphinx_setting @configuration.searchd, key, value set_sphinx_setting @configuration.indexer, key, value end unless conf.nil? self.bin_path += '/' unless self.bin_path.blank? if self.allow_star self.index_options[:enable_star] = true self.index_options[:min_prefix_len] = 1 end end def set_sphinx_setting(object, key, value, allowed = {}) if object.is_a?(Hash) object[key.to_sym] = value if allowed.include?(key.to_s) else object.send("#{key}=", value) if object.respond_to?("#{key}") send("#{key}=", value) if self.respond_to?("#{key}") end end end end