module Hobo module Model # FIXME: should be FindByBelongsTo maybe module FindFor def self.included(base) base.alias_method_chain :method_missing, :find_for end def method_missing_with_find_for(name, *args, &block) if name.to_s =~ /(.*)_by_(.*)/ # name matches the general form collection_name = $1.to_sym anchor_association_name = $2.to_sym if (refl = self.class.reflections[collection_name]) && refl.macro == :has_many # the association name matches (e.g. comment_for_...) if (anchor_refl = refl.klass.reflections[anchor_association_name]) && anchor_refl.macro == :belongs_to # the whole thing matches (e.g. comment_for_user) #self.class.class_eval %{ # def #{name}(anchor) # result = if #{collection_name}.loaded? # #{collection_name}.detect { |x| x.#{anchor_association_name}_is?(anchor) } # else # #{collection_name}.#{anchor_association_name}_is(anchor).first # end # result ||= #{collection_name}.new(:#{anchor_association_name} => anchor) # result.origin = self # result.origin_attribute = "#{name}.'#{anchor_id_expr}'" # result # end #} self.class.class_eval %{ def #{name}, '#{name}', :#{collection_name}, :#{anchor_association_name}) end } return send(name, *args) end end end method_missing_without_find_for(name, *args, &block) end class Finder def initialize(owner, name, collection, anchor_association) @association = owner.send(collection) @anchor_reflection = @association.member_class.reflections[anchor_association] @name = name end def origin @association.proxy_owner end def origin_attribute @name end def [](anchor_or_id) anchor = if anchor_or_id.is_a?(String) id, klass = anchor_or_id.split(':') (klass.constantize || @anchor_reflection.klass).find(id) else anchor_or_id end result = if @association.loaded? @association.detect { |x| x.send("#{}_is?", anchor) } else @association.send("#{}_is", anchor).first end result ||= => anchor) result.origin = self result.origin_attribute = if @anchor_reflection.options[:polymorphic] "#{}:#{}" else "#{}" end result end end end end end