module Startback module Web class MagicAssets # # Plugin for MagicAssets that compiles .html angular templates in the # assets structure to javascript files filling angular's template cache. # # Heavily inspired, yet over-simplified version, of angular-rails-templates # See, licensed under MIT # # Example: # # use Startback::Web::MagicAssets, { # plugins: [] # } # class NgHtmlTransformer DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :path => '/assets', :ng_module => 'templates', :mime_type => 'text/ng-html', :extensions => [".html"] } def initialize(options = {}) @options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options) end attr_reader :options def install(sprockets) sprockets.register_mime_type options[:mime_type], extensions: options[:extensions] sprockets.register_transformer options[:mime_type], 'application/javascript', self end TPL = <<-EOF angular.module("<%= ng_module %>").run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("<%= angular_template_name %>", <%= html %>) }]); EOF # inspired by Rails' action_view/helpers/javascript_helper.rb JS_ESCAPE_MAP = { '\\' => '\\\\', "\r\n" => '\n', "\n" => '\n', "\r" => '\n', '"' => '\\"', "'" => "\\'" } # We want to deliver the shortist valid javascript escaped string # Count the number of " vs ' # If more ', escape " # If more ", escape ' # If equal, prefer to escape " def escape_javascript(raw) if raw quote = raw.count(%{'}) >= raw.count(%{"}) ? %{"} : %{'} escaped = raw.gsub(/(\\|\r\n|[\n\r#{quote}])/u) {|match| JS_ESCAPE_MAP[match] } "#{quote}#{escaped}#{quote}" else '""' end end def call(input) file_path = input[:filename] angular_template_name = "#{options[:path]}/#{input[:name]}.html" source_file = file_path ng_module = options[:ng_module] html = escape_javascript(input[:data].chomp) end end # class NgHtmlTransformer end # class MagicAssets end # module Web end # module Startback