# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 SUSE LLC # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, contact SUSE LLC. # # To contact SUSE about this file by physical or electronic mail, # you may find current contact information at www.suse.com class Autoyast < Exporter attr_accessor :name def initialize(description) @name = "autoyast" @chroot_scripts = [] @system_description = description @system_description.assert_scopes( "repositories", "packages" ) if !description.users Machinery::Ui.puts( "\nWarning: Exporting a description without the scope 'users' as AutoYaST" \ " profile will result in a root account without a password which prevents" \ " logging in.\n" \ "So either inspect or add the scope 'users' before the export or" \ " add a section for the root user to the AutoYaST profile." ) end end def write(output_dir) FileUtils.cp( File.join(Machinery::ROOT, "export_helpers/unmanaged_files_#{@name}_excludes"), output_dir ) FileUtils.chmod(0600, File.join(output_dir, "unmanaged_files_#{@name}_excludes")) FileUtils.cp( File.join(Machinery::ROOT, "export_helpers/autoyast_export_readme.md"), File.join(output_dir, "README.md") ) Dir["#{@system_description.description_path}/*"].each do |content| FileUtils.cp_r(content, output_dir, preserve: true) end File.write(File.join(output_dir, "autoinst.xml"), profile) FileUtils.chmod(0600, File.join(output_dir, "autoinst.xml")) Machinery::Ui.puts( "Note: The permssions of the AutoYaST directory are restricted to be" \ " only accessible by the current user. Further instructions are" \ " provided by the README.md in the exported directory." ) end def export_name "#{@system_description.name}-autoyast" end def profile builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml| xml.doc.create_internal_subset("profile", nil, nil) xml.profile( "xmlns" => "http://www.suse.com/1.0/yast2ns", "xmlns:config" => "http://www.suse.com/1.0/configns" ) do apply_non_interactive_mode(xml) apply_basic_network(xml) apply_repositories(xml) xml.software do apply_software_settings(xml) apply_packages(xml) apply_patterns(xml) end apply_users(xml) apply_groups(xml) apply_services(xml) apply_changed_files("config_files") apply_changed_files("changed_managed_files") apply_unmanaged_files xml.scripts do apply_url_extraction(xml) xml.send("chroot-scripts", "config:type" => "list") do xml.script do xml.source do xml.cdata @chroot_scripts.join("\n") end end end end end end builder.to_xml end private def apply_software_settings(xml) xml.install_recommended "false", "config:type" => "boolean" end def apply_non_interactive_mode(xml) xml.general do xml.mode do xml.confirm "false", "config:type" => "boolean" end end end def apply_basic_network(xml) xml.networking do xml.keep_install_network "true", "config:type" => "boolean" end end def apply_repositories(xml) return if !@system_description.repositories xml.send("add-on") do xml.add_on_products("config:type" => "list") do @system_description.repositories.each do |repository| if repository.enabled && !repository.external_medium? xml.listentry do xml.media_url repository.url xml.name repository.alias end end end end end @system_description.repositories.each do |repository| # Disabled repositories or external media can't be added by AutoYaST so we add them manually if !repository.enabled || repository.external_medium? zypper_ar = "zypper -n ar --name='#{repository.name}'" zypper_ar << " --type='#{repository.type}'" if repository.type zypper_ar << " --disable" if !repository.enabled zypper_ar << " '#{repository.url}' '#{repository.alias}'" @chroot_scripts << zypper_ar.strip end zypper_mr = "zypper -n mr --priority=#{repository.priority} '#{repository.alias}'" zypper_mr << " --name='#{repository.name}'" if repository.autorefresh zypper_mr << " --refresh" else zypper_mr << " --no-refresh" end @chroot_scripts << zypper_mr.strip end end def apply_packages(xml) return if !@system_description.packages xml.packages("config:type" => "list") do @system_description.packages.each do |package| xml.package package.name end end end def apply_patterns(xml) return if !@system_description.patterns xml.patterns("config:type" => "list") do @system_description.patterns.each do |pattern| xml.pattern pattern.name end end end def apply_users(xml) return if !@system_description.users xml.users("config:type" => "list") do @system_description.users.each do |user| xml.user do xml.username user.name xml.user_password user.encrypted_password xml.encrypted "true", "config:type" => "boolean" xml.uid user.uid xml.gid user.gid xml.home user.home xml.shell user.shell xml.fullname user.comment xml.password_settings do xml.min user.min_days xml.max user.max_days xml.warn user.warn_days xml.inact user.disable_days xml.expire user.disabled_date end end end end end def apply_groups(xml) return if !@system_description.groups xml.groups("config:type" => "list") do @system_description.groups.each do |group| xml.group do xml.encrypted "true", "config:type" => "boolean" xml.gid group.gid xml.groupname group.name xml.group_password group.password xml.userlist group.users.join(",") end end end end def apply_services(xml) return if !@system_description.services xml.send("services-manager") do xml.services("config:type" => "list") do @system_description.services.services.each do |service| name = service.name if @system_description.services.init_system == "systemd" # Yast can only handle services right now next if !(name =~ /\.service$/) name = name.gsub(/\.service$/, "") end # systemd service states like "masked" and "static" are # not supported by Autoyast if service.enabled? xml.service do xml.service_name name xml.service_status "enable" end end if service.disabled? xml.service do xml.service_name name xml.service_status "disable" end end end end end end def apply_url_extraction(xml) xml.send("pre-scripts", "config:type" => "list") do xml.script do xml.source do xml.cdata 'sed -n \'/.*autoyast2\?=\([^ ]*\)\/.*[^\s]*/s//\1/p\'' \ ' /proc/cmdline > /tmp/description_url' end end end end def apply_changed_files(scope) return if !@system_description.scope_extracted?(scope) @system_description[scope].files.each do |file| if file.deleted? @chroot_scripts << "rm -rf '#{quote(file.name)}'" elsif file.directory? @chroot_scripts << <