module Cutter class Inspection class << self def quiet! @quiet = true end def loud! @quiet = nil end def quiet? @quiet end end end end class Object # #inspect! may be called inside any method as 'inspect! {}' or more rigorous: 'inspect!(binding)' # Binding is a Ruby class: def inspect! *options, &block return true if Cutter::Inspection.quiet? # Getting binding _binding = options.first if options.first.class == Binding raise ArgumentError, "Try inspect(binding) or inspect! {}", caller if (!block_given? && !_binding) _binding ||= block.binding # Want caller methods chain to be traced? - pass option :level to inspect! options = options.extract_options! level = options[:level] _caller = caller self_inspection = eval('self.inspect', _binding) if options[:inspect] # Basic info puts %|\nmethod: `#{eval('__method__', _binding)}'| puts %| called from class: #{eval('self.class', _binding)}| lvb = eval('local_variables',_binding) puts %| variables: #{"[]" if lvb.empty?}| do |lv| puts %| #{lv}: #{eval(lv.to_s, _binding)}| end if lvb # Self inspection begin puts %| self inspection:| puts %| #{self_inspection}| end if self_inspection # Caller methods chain begin puts %| caller methods: | 0.upto(level).each {|index| puts %| #{_caller[index]}| } end if level puts "\n" # Yield mysterious things if they exist in block. yield if block_given? end def caller_method_name(level = 1) caller[level][/`([^']*)'/,1].to_sym end end