grepg === `grepg` (pronounced Grep G) is a ruby client for [GrepPage]( It allows you to access your cheat sheets without leaving the terminal. #Installation To install `grepg` run ``` gem install grepg ``` #Usage ``` $ grepg --help Usage: grepg -u user_name -t topic_name [-s search_term] Options: -u, --user=<s> username -t, --topic=<s> topic -s, --search=<s> text to search -c, --colorize, --no-colorize colorize output (default: true) -v, --version Print version and exit -h, --help Show this message Examples: grepg -u evidanary -t css greppg -u evidanary -t css -s color Defaults: To set default user, create a file in ~/.grepg.yml with default_user: test ``` For example, to get all cheats for the `git` topic for user `kdavis` ``` $ grepg -u evidanary -t git User: evidanary, Topic: git push tags to remote / Github git push --tags remove delete tag git tag -d v0.0.8 ... ``` Search for a specific string ``` $ grepg -u kdavis -t git -s stash User: kdavis, Topic: git, Search-Term: stash TO apply your changes git stash --apply To list the stash git stash list Git stash git stash ``` #Defaults File Setup defaults in `~/.grepg.yml` ``` user: evidanary colorize: true ``` Now, you can access client with ``` $ grepg -t bootstrap User: evidanary, Topic: bootstrap ... ``` ##Development To execute tests run ```bundle exec rake spec```. To install the gem locally, first build it using ```bundle exec rake build```. Then install the gem ```gem install pkg/grepg-0.0.1.gem``` ##License grepg is under the [MIT License](