class Erika class Video attr_accessor :image attr_reader :temp_path, :full_path def initialize image: nil, full_path: '' @image = image @full_path = full_path @temp_path = "#{Erika::Default.temp.video_dir}/#{image&.formatted_index}.mp4" end def mix(audio: length_of_video = Erika::Config.slide_duration * Erika::Config.no_of_images.to_f length_of_audio = Erika::Runner.(%Q{ffprobe -i #{} -show_format -v quiet | sed -n 's/duration=//p'}).chomp.to_f num_of_loops = (length_of_video / length_of_audio).ceil if length_of_video > length_of_audio # Generate a new audio file looped so that it can cover the video fully cmd = %Q{ffmpeg -lavfi "amovie=#{audio.full_path}:loop=#{num_of_loops }" #{Erika::Default.temp.audio_filename}} Erika::Runner.(cmd) else Erika::Runner.("cp #{audio.full_path} #{Erika::Default.temp.audio_filename}") end # ffmpeg has the promising -loop_input flag, but it doesn't support audio inputs yet. # Add Background Music to the Slideshow cmd = [ ['ffmpeg'], ['-y'], ['-i', full_path], # video file as 0th input ['-i', Erika::Default.temp.audio_filename], # audio file as 1st input [%Q{-vf "subtitles=#{Erika::Default.temp.subtitle_filename}:force_style='Fontsize=#{Erika::Config.caption.font_size},FontName=#{Erika::Config.caption.font},PrimaryColour=#{Erika::Config.caption.font_color}'"}], ['-map', '0:v'], # Selects the video from 0th input ['-map', '1:a'], # Selects the audio from 1st input ['-ac', '2'], # Audio channel manipulation ['-shortest'], # will end the output file whenever the shortest input ends. [%Q{"#{Erika::Config.output_file}"}] ].flatten.join(' ') Erika::Runner.(cmd) end def save # def _create_video_ # filename = image.split('/').last.split('.').first later_start_time = Erika::Config.slide_duration - Erika::Config.slide_animation_duration earlier_start_time = 0 if image.index == 0 # no fading in beginning, but fadeout at end transition = %Q{fade=t=out:st=#{later_start_time}:d=#{Erika::Config.slide_animation_duration}} elsif image.index == Erika::Config.no_of_images - 1 # the should be fading in beginning, but no fadeout at end transition = %Q{fade=t=in:st=#{earlier_start_time}:d=#{Erika::Config.slide_animation_duration}} else transition = %Q{fade=t=in:st=#{earlier_start_time}:d=#{Erika::Config.slide_animation_duration},fade=t=out:st=#{later_start_time}:d=#{Erika::Config.slide_animation_duration}} end filter = %Q{"#{transition}"} cmd = [ ['ffmpeg'], ['-y', ''], ['-loop', '1'], ['-i', image.temp_path], ['-vf', filter], ['-c:v', 'mpeg2video'], ['-t', Erika::Config.slide_duration], ['-q:v', '1'], ['-b:a 32k'], [%Q{"#{temp_path}"}] ].join(' ') Erika::Runner.(cmd) end class << self def merge(images) images.each do |image| cmd = %Q{echo file '#{image.formatted_index}.mp4' >> #{Erika::Default.temp.video_list}} Erika::Runner.(cmd) end cmd = %Q{ffmpeg -y -f concat -safe 0 -i #{Erika::Default.temp.video_list} -c copy #{Erika::Default.temp.filename}} Erika::Runner.(cmd) end end end end