class Admin::ContentController < Admin::BaseController def index list render_action 'list' end def list @articles_pages, @articles = with_blog_scoped_classes do paginate(:article, :per_page => 15, :order_by => "created_at DESC", :parameter => 'id') end setup_categories @article =[:article]) end def show @article = Article.find(params[:id]) setup_categories @resources = Resource.find(:all, :order => 'created_at DESC') end def new; new_or_edit; end def edit; new_or_edit; end def destroy @article = Article.find(params[:id]) if @article.destroy redirect_to :action => 'list' end end def category_add; do_add_or_remove_fu; end alias_method :category_remove, :category_add alias_method :resource_add, :category_add alias_method :resource_remove, :category_add def preview @headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=utf-8" @article =[:article]) render :layout => false end def attachment_box_add render :partial => 'admin/content/attachment', :locals => { :attachment_num => params[:id] } end def attachment_box_remove render :inline => "<%= javascript_tag 'document.getElementById(\"attachments\").removeChild(document.getElementById(\"attachment_#{params[:id]}\")); return false;' -%>" end def attachment_save(attachment) begin Resource.create(:filename => attachment.original_filename, :mime => attachment.content_type.chomp, :created_at => rescue => e nil end end protected attr_accessor :resources, :categories, :resource, :category def do_add_or_remove_fu attrib, action = params[:action].split('_') @article = Article.find(params[:id]) self.send("#{attrib}=", self.class.const_get(attrib.classify).find(params["#{attrib}_id"])) send("setup_#{attrib.pluralize}") @article.send(attrib.pluralize).send(real_action_for(action), send(attrib)) render :partial => "show_#{attrib.pluralize}" end def real_action_for(action); { 'add' => :<<, 'remove' => :delete}[action]; end def new_or_edit get_or_build_article params[:article] ||= {} @article.attributes = (params[:article]) setup_categories @selected = @article.categories.collect { |c| } if set_article_author save_attachments if set_article_categories set_the_flash redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => end end end def set_the_flash case params[:action] when 'new' flash[:notice] = 'Article was successfully created' when 'edit' flash[:notice] = 'Article was successfully updated.' else raise "I don't know how to tidy up action: #{params[:action]}" end end def set_article_author return if = session[:user].login @article.user = session[:user] end def save_attachments return if params[:attachments].nil? params[:attachments].each do |k,v| a = attachment_save(v) @article.resources << a unless a.nil? end end def set_article_categories @article.categories.clear @article.categories = Category.find(params[:categories]) if params[:categories] @selected = params[:categories] || [] end def get_or_build_article @article = case params[:action] when 'new' art = art.allow_comments = this_blog.default_allow_comments art.allow_pings = this_blog.default_allow_pings art.published = true art when 'edit' this_blog.articles.find(params[:id]) else raise "Don't know how to get article for action: #{params[:action]}" end end def setup_categories @categories = Category.find(:all, :order => 'UPPER(name)') end def setup_resources @resources = Resource.find(:all, :order => 'created_at DESC') end end