require 'puppet/network/format_handler' Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create_serialized_formats(:msgpack, :weight => 20, :mime => "application/x-msgpack", :required_methods => [:render_method, :intern_method], :intern_method => :from_data_hash) do confine :feature => :msgpack def intern(klass, text) data = MessagePack.unpack(text) return data if data.is_a?(klass) klass.from_data_hash(data) end def intern_multiple(klass, text) MessagePack.unpack(text).collect do |data| klass.from_data_hash(data) end end def render_multiple(instances) instances.to_msgpack end end Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create_serialized_formats(:yaml) do def intern(klass, text) data = YAML.load(text, :safe => true, :deserialize_symbols => true) data_to_instance(klass, data) end def intern_multiple(klass, text) data = YAML.load(text, :safe => true, :deserialize_symbols => true) unless data.respond_to?(:collect) raise Puppet::Network::FormatHandler::FormatError, "Serialized YAML did not contain a collection of instances when calling intern_multiple" end data.collect do |datum| data_to_instance(klass, datum) end end def data_to_instance(klass, data) return data if data.is_a?(klass) unless data.is_a? Hash raise Puppet::Network::FormatHandler::FormatError, "Serialized YAML did not contain a valid instance of #{klass}" end klass.from_data_hash(data) end def render(instance) instance.to_yaml end # Yaml monkey-patches Array, so this works. def render_multiple(instances) instances.to_yaml end def supported?(klass) true end end # This is a "special" format which is used for the moment only when sending facts # as REST GET parameters (see Puppet::Configurer::FactHandler). # This format combines a yaml serialization, then zlib compression and base64 encoding. Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create_serialized_formats(:b64_zlib_yaml) do require 'base64' def use_zlib? Puppet.features.zlib? && Puppet[:zlib] end def requiring_zlib if use_zlib? yield else raise Puppet::Error, "the zlib library is not installed or is disabled." end end def intern(klass, text) requiring_zlib do Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.format(:yaml).intern(klass, decode(text)) end end def intern_multiple(klass, text) requiring_zlib do Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.format(:yaml).intern_multiple(klass, decode(text)) end end def render(instance) encode(instance.to_yaml) end def render_multiple(instances) encode(instances.to_yaml) end def supported?(klass) true end def decode(data) Zlib::Inflate.inflate(Base64.decode64(data)) end def encode(text) requiring_zlib do Base64.encode64(Zlib::Deflate.deflate(text, Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION)) end end end Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create(:s, :mime => "text/plain", :extension => "txt") # A very low-weight format so it'll never get chosen automatically. Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create(:raw, :mime => "application/x-raw", :weight => 1) do def intern_multiple(klass, text) raise NotImplementedError end def render_multiple(instances) raise NotImplementedError end # LAK:NOTE The format system isn't currently flexible enough to handle # what I need to support raw formats just for individual instances (rather # than both individual and collections), but we don't yet have enough data # to make a "correct" design. # So, we hack it so it works for singular but fail if someone tries it # on plurals. def supported?(klass) true end end Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create_serialized_formats(:pson, :weight => 10, :required_methods => [:render_method, :intern_method], :intern_method => :from_data_hash) do def intern(klass, text) data_to_instance(klass, PSON.parse(text)) end def intern_multiple(klass, text) PSON.parse(text).collect do |data| data_to_instance(klass, data) end end # PSON monkey-patches Array, so this works. def render_multiple(instances) instances.to_pson end # If they pass class information, we want to ignore it. By default, # we'll include class information but we won't rely on it - we don't # want class names to be required because we then can't change our # internal class names, which is bad. def data_to_instance(klass, data) if data.is_a?(Hash) and d = data['data'] data = d end return data if data.is_a?(klass) klass.from_data_hash(data) end end # This is really only ever going to be used for Catalogs. Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create_serialized_formats(:dot, :required_methods => [:render_method]) Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create(:console, :mime => 'text/x-console-text', :weight => 0) do def json @json ||= Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.format(:pson) end def render(datum) # String to String return datum if datum.is_a? String return datum if datum.is_a? Numeric # Simple hash to table if datum.is_a? Hash and datum.keys.all? { |x| x.is_a? String or x.is_a? Numeric } output = '' column_a = datum.empty? ? 2 :{ |k,v| k.to_s.length }.max + 2 datum.sort_by { |k,v| k.to_s } .each do |key, value| output << key.to_s.ljust(column_a) output << json.render(value). chomp.gsub(/\n */) { |x| x + (' ' * column_a) } output << "\n" end return output end # Print one item per line for arrays if datum.is_a? Array output = '' datum.each do |item| output << item.to_s output << "\n" end return output end # ...or pretty-print the inspect outcome. return json.render(datum) end def render_multiple(data) data.collect(&:render).join("\n") end end