require_relative '../../../spec_helper' require 'fileutils' require Arachni::Options.dir['lib'] + 'rpc/client/dispatcher' require Arachni::Options.dir['lib'] + 'rpc/server/dispatcher' describe Arachni::RPC::Server::Dispatcher do before( :all ) do @opts = Arachni::Options.instance @opts.pool_size = 1 @opts.rpc_port = random_port @opts.pipe_id = '#1' @opts.weight = 4 @opts.nickname = 'blah' @opts.cost = 12 FileUtils.cp( "#{fixtures_path}rpcd_handlers/echo.rb", Arachni::Options.dir['rpcd_handlers'] ) fork_em { @opts ) } sleep 1 @url = "#{@opts.rpc_address}:#{@opts.rpc_port}" @dispatcher = @opts, @url ) @job_info_keys = %w(token pid port url owner birthdate starttime helpers currtime age runtime proc) @node_info = { "url" => "#{@opts.rpc_address}:#{@opts.rpc_port}", "pipe_id" => @opts.pipe_id, "weight" => @opts.weight, "nickname" => @opts.nickname, "cost" => @opts.cost } end after( :all ) do FileUtils.rm( "#{Arachni::Options.dir['rpcd_handlers']}echo.rb" ) @dispatcher.stats['consumed_pids'].each { |p| pids << p } end describe '#alive?' do it 'returns true' do @dispatcher.alive?.should == true end end describe '#handlers' do it 'returns an array of loaded handlers' do @dispatcher.handlers.include?( 'echo' ).should be_true end end describe '#dispatch' do it 'returns valid Instance info' do info = @dispatcher.dispatch %w(token pid port url owner birthdate starttime helpers).each do |k| info[k].should be_true end instance = @opts, info['url'], info['token'] ) instance.service.alive?.should be_true end it 'assigns an optional owner' do owner = 'blah' info = @dispatcher.dispatch( owner ) info['owner'].should == owner end it 'replenishes the pool' do 10.times { info = @dispatcher.dispatch info['pid'].should be_true } end end describe '#job' do it 'returns proc info by PID' do job = @dispatcher.dispatch info = @dispatcher.job( job['pid'] ) @job_info_keys.each do |k| info[k].should be_true end end end describe '#jobs' do it 'returns proc info by PID for all jobs' do do |job| @job_info_keys.each do |k| job[k].should be_true end end end end describe '#running_jobs' do it 'returns proc info for running jobs' do @dispatcher.running_jobs.size.should == { |job| job['proc'].empty? }.size end end describe '#finished_jobs' do it 'returns proc info for finished jobs' do @dispatcher.finished_jobs.size.should == { |job| job['proc'].empty? }.size end end describe '#workload_score' do it 'returns a float signifying the amount of workload' do @dispatcher.workload_score.should == ((@dispatcher.running_jobs.size + 1) * @opts.weight).to_f end end describe '#stats' do it 'returns general statistics' do jobs = Process.kill( 'KILL', jobs.first['pid'] ) stats = @dispatcher.stats %w(running_jobs finished_jobs init_pool_size node consumed_pids neighbours).each do |k| stats[k].should be_true end finished = stats['finished_jobs'] finished.size.should == 1 stats['neighbours'].is_a?( Array ).should be_true stats['node'].delete( 'score' ).should == @dispatcher.workload_score stats['node'].should == @node_info end end describe '#log' do it 'returns the contents of the log file' do @dispatcher.log.should be_true end end describe '#proc_info' do it 'returns the proc info of the dispatcher' do info = @dispatcher.proc_info info.should be_true info['node'].should == @node_info end end end