# Popolo Rails Engine *If you are looking for the GitHub repository for the data specification, head over to the [popolo-spec](https://github.com/opennorth/popolo-spec/tree/gh-pages) repository.* [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/popolo-engine.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/popolo-engine) [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/opennorth/popolo-engine.png)](http://travis-ci.org/opennorth/popolo-engine) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/opennorth/popolo-engine.png)](https://gemnasium.com/opennorth/popolo-engine) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/opennorth/popolo/badge.png?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/opennorth/popolo) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/opennorth/popolo-engine.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/opennorth/popolo-engine) Popolo's goal is to make it easier for civic developers to create government transparency, monitoring and engagement websites. Popolo is a [Ruby on Rails engine](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/engines.html) that provides additional functionality to a [Ruby on Rails](http://rubyonrails.org/) application, so that developers can focus on what's special about the governments they want to monitor, instead of re-implementing features commonly found in open government websites. The core Popolo engine provides basic models, controllers and views for the objects found in all open government websites – people, organizations and the relationships between the two. Other engines provide additional functionality. In addition to being a Rails engine, Popolo is also a [data specification](http://popoloproject.com/specs/). This engine is up-to-date with its 2014-12-21 version, except for the updates: * 2014-12-14: Add a video property to the Speech class. * 2014-11-23: Add a Speech class. * 2014-05-09: Add a member property to the Membership class, to relate organizations to organizations. ## Getting Started Popolo uses Mongoid to connect to MongoDB. First, create your Rails application: rails new myapp --skip-active-record Add the `popolo` gem to your `Gemfile` and bundle your dependencies: gem 'popolo' bundle If you didn't run `rails new` with the `--skip-active-record` option, follow Mongoid's [installation instructions](http://mongoid.org/en/mongoid/docs/installation.html). Otherwise: rails generate mongoid:config Finally, run the `popolo` generator and create the MongoDB indexes: rails generate popolo bundle exec rake db:mongoid:create_indexes If you would like to use the [free Lumen Bootstrap theme](http://bootswatch.com/lumen/), add the following line to your application's `application.css` file: *= require popolo ## Internationalization If you are using Popolo's default views, you can translate your contact detail types and organization classifications by creating a locale file, e.g. `config/locales/en.yml`: en: popolo: contact_details: types: cell: Mobile number organizations: classifications: party: one: Political party other: Political parties You may translate model names like: en: mongoid: models: popolo/membership: one: Membership other: Memberships The `sources` property reuses the `Link` model. To translate this word: en: popolo: popolo/source: one: Source other: Sources ## Deployment A Popolo app is easy to deploy on [Heroku](http://www.heroku.com/) using either the [MongoLab](https://addons.heroku.com/mongolab) or [MongoHQ](https://addons.heroku.com/mongohq) add-ons. 1. [Sign up for Heroku](http://api.heroku.com/signup) if you don't already have an account, and install the [Heroku Toolbelt](https://toolbelt.heroku.com/). 1. Create a new Cedar app on Heroku with either MongoLab or MongoHQ: ```sh heroku apps:create -s cedar --addons mongolab:starter # OR heroku apps:create -s cedar --addons mongohq:sandbox ``` 1. If this is your first time using Heroku, read its guide, [Getting Started with Rails 3.x on Heroku](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/rails3), for next steps. We highly recommend using the [Unicorn](http://unicorn.bogomips.org/) Rack HTTP server. [This blog post](http://blog.codeship.io/2012/05/06/Unicorn-on-Heroku.html) has great instructions. You can remove the `before_fork` and `after_fork` blocks from your `config/unicorn.rb` because [Mongoid will automatically reconnect after forks](http://mongoid.org/en/mongoid/docs/rails.html). ## Bugs? Questions? This engine's main repository is on GitHub: [http://github.com/opennorth/popolo-engine](http://github.com/opennorth/popolo-engine), where your contributions, forks, bug reports, feature requests, and feedback are greatly welcomed. ## Acknowledgements This gem is developed by [Open North](http://www.opennorth.ca/) through a partnership with the [Participatory Politics Foundation](http://www.participatorypolitics.org/). Copyright (c) 2012 Open North Inc., released under the MIT license