# Chef Metal Changelog ## 0.11.beta.2 (5/27/2014) - Bring in cheffish-0.5.beta.2 ## 0.11.beta (5/23/2014) - New Driver interface (see docs/ and blogs/ directories for documentation) ## 0.10.2 (5/2/2014) - Fix crash with add_provisioner_options when provisioner_options is not yet set ## 0.10.1 (5/2/2014) - Fix a crash when uploading files in a machine batch ## 0.10 (5/1/2014) - Parallelism! - All machines by default will be created in parallel just before the first "machine" definition. They will attempt to run all the way to converge. If they fail, add "with_machine_batch 'mybatch', :setup" - Use "with_machine_batch 'mybatch'" before any machines if you want tighter control. Actions include :delete, :acquire, :setup, and :converge. - Parallelizableness: chef-metal now stores data in the run_context instead of globally, so that it can be run multiple times in parallel. This capability is not yet being used. ## 0.9.4 (4/23/2014) - Preserve provisioner_output in machine resource (don't destroy it!!) ## 0.9.3 (4/13/2014) - SSH: Treat EHOSTUNREACH as "machine not yet available" (helps with AWS) ## 0.9.2 (4/13/2014) - Timeout stability fixes (makes EC2 a little stabler for some AMIs) ## 0.9.1 (4/11/2014) - Make write_file and upload_file create parent directory ## 0.9 (4/9/2014) - Add `files` and `file` attributes to the `machine` resource - Fix `machine_execute` resource (@irvingpop) - Fix `machine :converge` action (thanks @double-z) - Make chef-client timeout longer by default (2 hours) - Make chef_client_timeout a configurable option for all convergence strategies and provisioner_options - Add `metal cp` command ## 0.8.2 (4/9/2014) - Add timeout support to execute - Fix machine_file resource - Add ohai_hints DSL to machine resource (@xorl) ## 0.8.1 (4/9/2014) - Bug: error! was not raising an error in the SSH and WinRM transports - Transports: stream output automatically when in debug - Support the :read_only execute hint (for Docker) - Add more metal command lines (converge, update, delete) - Add ChefMetal.connect_to_machine(machine_name) method to get Machine object for a node name ## 0.8 (4/8/2014) - New machine_execute resource! (irving@getchef.com) - Experimental "metal" command line: metal execute NODENAME COMMAND ARGS - Transport: Add ability to stream execute() for better nested chef-client debugging ## 0.7 (4/5/2014) - Change transport interface: add ability to rewrite URL instead of forwarding ports ## 0.6 (4/4/2014) - Vagrant and Fog provisioners moved to their own gems (chef-metal-vagrant and chef-metal-fog) - Support for Hosted and Enterprise Chef (https://github.com/dafyddcrosby) ## 0.5 (4/3/2014) * Provisioner interface changes designed to allow provisioners to be used outside of Chef (doubt@getchef.com) * All Provisioner and Machine methods now take "action_handler" instead of "driver." It uses the ActionHandler interface described in action_handler.rb. In short: - driver.run_context -> action_handler.recipe_context - driver.updated_by_last_action(true) -> action_handler.updated! - driver.converge_by -> action_handler.perform_action - driver.cookbook_name -> driver.debug_name * Convergence strategy: delete_chef_objects() -> cleanup_convergence() * Ability to get back to a machine from a node (another Provisioner interface change) (doubt@getchef.com): * Provisioners must create a file named `chef_metal/provisioner_init/_init.rb`. It will be required when a node is encountered with that scheme. It should call ChefMetal.add_registered_provisioner_class(, ). For the provisioner_url `fog:AWS:21348723432`, the scheme is "fog" and the file is `chef_metalprovisioner_init/fog_init.rb`. It should call `ChefMetal.add_registered_provisioner_class('fog', ChefMetal::Provisioner::FogProvisioner)`. * Provisioner classes must implement the class method `inflate(node)`, which should create a Provisioner instance appropriate to the given `node` (generally by looking at `node['normal']['provisioner_output']`) * New `NoConverge` convergence strategy that creates a node but does not install Chef or converge. * Support for machine_file `group`, `owner` and `mode` attributes (@irvingpop) * SSH transport (ryan@segv.net): try to enable pty when possible (increases chance of successful connection). Set options[:ssh_pty_enable] to `false` to turn this off. Set `true` to force it (and fail if we can't get it) ## 0.4 (3/29/2014) * EC2: Make it possible for multiple IAM users to converge chef-metal on the same account * Openstack: Openstack support via the Fog driver! (@cstewart87) * EC2: Add :use_private_ip_for_ssh option, and use private ip by default if public IP does not exist. (@xorl, @dafyddcrosby) * RHEL/Centos: fix platform detection and installation