# frozen_string_literal: true # Released under the MIT License. # Copyright, 2019-2024, by Samuel Williams. # Copyright, 2019, by Brian Morearty. # Copyright, 2020, by Bruno Sutic. # Copyright, 2023, by Thomas Morgan. # Copyright, 2024, by Anton Zhuravsky. require 'protocol/http/headers' require_relative 'reason' require_relative 'error' require_relative 'body/chunked' require_relative 'body/fixed' require_relative 'body/remainder' require 'protocol/http/body/head' require 'protocol/http/methods' module Protocol module HTTP1 CONTENT_LENGTH = 'content-length' TRANSFER_ENCODING = 'transfer-encoding' CHUNKED = 'chunked' CONNECTION = 'connection' CLOSE = 'close' KEEP_ALIVE = 'keep-alive' HOST = 'host' UPGRADE = 'upgrade' # HTTP/1.x request line parser: TOKEN = /[!#$%&'*+\-\.\^_`|~0-9a-zA-Z]+/.freeze REQUEST_LINE = /\A(#{TOKEN}) ([^\s]+) (HTTP\/\d.\d)\z/.freeze # HTTP/1.x header parser: FIELD_NAME = TOKEN FIELD_VALUE = /[^\000-\037]*/.freeze HEADER = /\A(#{FIELD_NAME}):\s*(#{FIELD_VALUE})\s*\z/.freeze VALID_FIELD_NAME = /\A#{FIELD_NAME}\z/.freeze VALID_FIELD_VALUE = /\A#{FIELD_VALUE}\z/.freeze class Connection CRLF = "\r\n" HTTP10 = "HTTP/1.0" HTTP11 = "HTTP/1.1" def initialize(stream, persistent = true) @stream = stream @persistent = persistent @count = 0 end attr :stream # Whether the connection is persistent. # This determines what connection headers are sent in the response and whether # the connection can be reused after the response is sent. # This setting is automatically managed according to the nature of the request # and response. # Changing to false is safe. # Changing to true from outside this class should generally be avoided and, # depending on the response semantics, may be reset to false anyway. attr_accessor :persistent # The number of requests processed. attr :count def persistent?(version, method, headers) if method == HTTP::Methods::CONNECT return false end if version == HTTP10 if connection = headers[CONNECTION] return connection.keep_alive? else return false end else if connection = headers[CONNECTION] return !connection.close? else return true end end end # Write the appropriate header for connection persistence. def write_connection_header(version) if version == HTTP10 @stream.write("connection: keep-alive\r\n") if @persistent else @stream.write("connection: close\r\n") unless @persistent end end def write_upgrade_header(upgrade) @stream.write("connection: upgrade\r\nupgrade: #{upgrade}\r\n") end # Indicates whether the connection has been hijacked meaning its # IO has been handed over and is not usable anymore. # @return [Boolean] hijack status def hijacked? @stream.nil? end # Effectively close the connection and return the underlying IO. # @return [IO] the underlying non-blocking IO. def hijack! @persistent = false stream = @stream @stream.flush @stream = nil return stream end # Close the connection and underlying stream. def close @stream&.close end def write_request(authority, method, path, version, headers) @stream.write("#{method} #{path} #{version}\r\n") @stream.write("host: #{authority}\r\n") write_headers(headers) end def write_response(version, status, headers, reason = Reason::DESCRIPTIONS[status]) # Safari WebSockets break if no reason is given: @stream.write("#{version} #{status} #{reason}\r\n") write_headers(headers) end def write_interim_response(version, status, headers, reason = Reason::DESCRIPTIONS[status]) @stream.write("#{version} #{status} #{reason}\r\n") write_headers(headers) @stream.write("\r\n") @stream.flush end def write_headers(headers) headers.each do |name, value| # Convert it to a string: name = name.to_s value = value.to_s # Validate it: unless name.match?(VALID_FIELD_NAME) raise BadHeader, "Invalid header name: #{name.inspect}" end unless value.match?(VALID_FIELD_VALUE) raise BadHeader, "Invalid header value for #{name}: #{value.inspect}" end # Write it: @stream.write("#{name}: #{value}\r\n") end end def read_line? @stream.gets(CRLF, chomp: true) end def read_line read_line? or raise EOFError end def read_request_line return unless line = read_line? if match = line.match(REQUEST_LINE) _, method, path, version = *match else raise InvalidRequest, line.inspect end return method, path, version end def read_request method, path, version = read_request_line return unless method headers = read_headers @persistent = persistent?(version, method, headers) body = read_request_body(method, headers) @count += 1 return headers.delete(HOST), method, path, version, headers, body end def read_response_line version, status, reason = read_line.split(/\s+/, 3) status = Integer(status) return version, status, reason end def read_response(method) version, status, reason = read_response_line headers = read_headers @persistent = persistent?(version, method, headers) body = read_response_body(method, status, headers) @count += 1 return version, status, reason, headers, body end def read_headers fields = [] while line = read_line # Empty line indicates end of headers: break if line.empty? if match = line.match(HEADER) fields << [match[1], match[2]] else raise BadHeader, "Could not parse header: #{line.inspect}" end end return HTTP::Headers.new(fields) end # @param protocol [String] the protocol to upgrade to. def write_upgrade_body(protocol, body = nil) # Once we upgrade the connection, it can no longer handle other requests: @persistent = false write_upgrade_header(protocol) @stream.write("\r\n") @stream.flush # Don't remove me! if body body.each do |chunk| @stream.write(chunk) @stream.flush end @stream.close_write end return @stream end def write_tunnel_body(version, body = nil) @persistent = false write_connection_header(version) @stream.write("\r\n") @stream.flush # Don't remove me! if body body.each do |chunk| @stream.write(chunk) @stream.flush end @stream.close_write end return @stream end def write_empty_body(body) @stream.write("content-length: 0\r\n\r\n") @stream.flush body&.close end def write_fixed_length_body(body, length, head) @stream.write("content-length: #{length}\r\n\r\n") if head @stream.flush body.close return end @stream.flush unless body.ready? chunk_length = 0 body.each do |chunk| chunk_length += chunk.bytesize if chunk_length > length raise ContentLengthError, "Trying to write #{chunk_length} bytes, but content length was #{length} bytes!" end @stream.write(chunk) @stream.flush unless body.ready? end @stream.flush if chunk_length != length raise ContentLengthError, "Wrote #{chunk_length} bytes, but content length was #{length} bytes!" end end def write_chunked_body(body, head, trailer = nil) @stream.write("transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n") if head @stream.flush body.close return end @stream.flush unless body.ready? body.each do |chunk| next if chunk.size == 0 @stream.write("#{chunk.bytesize.to_s(16).upcase}\r\n") @stream.write(chunk) @stream.write(CRLF) @stream.flush unless body.ready? end if trailer&.any? @stream.write("0\r\n") write_headers(trailer) @stream.write("\r\n") else @stream.write("0\r\n\r\n") end @stream.flush end def write_body_and_close(body, head) # We can't be persistent because we don't know the data length: @persistent = false @stream.write("\r\n") @stream.flush unless body.ready? if head body.close else body.each do |chunk| @stream.write(chunk) @stream.flush unless body.ready? end end @stream.flush @stream.close_write end def write_body(version, body, head = false, trailer = nil) # HTTP/1.0 cannot in any case handle trailers. if version == HTTP10 # or te: trailers was not present (strictly speaking not required.) trailer = nil end # While writing the body, we don't know if trailers will be added. We must choose a different body format depending on whether there is the chance of trailers, even if trailer.any? is currently false. # # Below you notice `and trailer.nil?`. I tried this but content-length is more important than trailers. if body.nil? write_connection_header(version) write_empty_body(body) elsif length = body.length # and trailer.nil? write_connection_header(version) write_fixed_length_body(body, length, head) elsif body.empty? # Even thought this code is the same as the first clause `body.nil?`, HEAD responses have an empty body but still carry a content length. `write_fixed_length_body` takes care of this appropriately. write_connection_header(version) write_empty_body(body) elsif version == HTTP11 write_connection_header(version) # We specifically ensure that non-persistent connections do not use chunked response, so that hijacking works as expected. write_chunked_body(body, head, trailer) else @persistent = false write_connection_header(version) write_body_and_close(body, head) end end def read_chunked_body(headers) Body::Chunked.new(@stream, headers) end def read_fixed_body(length) Body::Fixed.new(@stream, length) end def read_remainder_body @persistent = false Body::Remainder.new(@stream) end def read_head_body(length) Protocol::HTTP::Body::Head.new(length) end def read_tunnel_body read_remainder_body end def read_upgrade_body # When you have an incoming upgrade request body, we must be extremely careful not to start reading it until the upgrade has been confirmed, otherwise if the upgrade was rejected and we started forwarding the incoming request body, it would desynchronize the connection (potential security issue). # We mitigate this issue by setting @persistent to false, which will prevent the connection from being reused, even if the upgrade fails (potential performance issue). read_remainder_body end HEAD = "HEAD" CONNECT = "CONNECT" VALID_CONTENT_LENGTH = /\A\d+\z/ def extract_content_length(headers) if content_length = headers.delete(CONTENT_LENGTH) if content_length =~ VALID_CONTENT_LENGTH yield Integer(content_length, 10) else raise BadRequest, "Invalid content length: #{content_length.inspect}" end end end def read_response_body(method, status, headers) # RFC 7230 3.3.3 # 1. Any response to a HEAD request and any response with a 1xx # (Informational), 204 (No Content), or 304 (Not Modified) status # code is always terminated by the first empty line after the # header fields, regardless of the header fields present in the # message, and thus cannot contain a message body. if method == HTTP::Methods::HEAD extract_content_length(headers) do |length| if length > 0 return read_head_body(length) else return nil end end # There is no body for a HEAD request if there is no content length: return nil end if status == 101 return read_upgrade_body end if (status >= 100 and status < 200) or status == 204 or status == 304 return nil end # 2. Any 2xx (Successful) response to a CONNECT request implies that # the connection will become a tunnel immediately after the empty # line that concludes the header fields. A client MUST ignore any # Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header fields received in # such a message. if method == HTTP::Methods::CONNECT and status == 200 return read_tunnel_body end return read_body(headers, true) end def read_request_body(method, headers) # 2. Any 2xx (Successful) response to a CONNECT request implies that # the connection will become a tunnel immediately after the empty # line that concludes the header fields. A client MUST ignore any # Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header fields received in # such a message. if method == HTTP::Methods::CONNECT return read_tunnel_body end # A successful upgrade response implies that the connection will become a tunnel immediately after the empty line that concludes the header fields. if headers[UPGRADE] return read_upgrade_body end # 6. If this is a request message and none of the above are true, then # the message body length is zero (no message body is present). return read_body(headers) end def read_body(headers, remainder = false) # 3. If a Transfer-Encoding header field is present and the chunked # transfer coding (Section 4.1) is the final encoding, the message # body length is determined by reading and decoding the chunked # data until the transfer coding indicates the data is complete. if transfer_encoding = headers.delete(TRANSFER_ENCODING) # If a message is received with both a Transfer-Encoding and a # Content-Length header field, the Transfer-Encoding overrides the # Content-Length. Such a message might indicate an attempt to # perform request smuggling (Section 9.5) or response splitting # (Section 9.4) and ought to be handled as an error. A sender MUST # remove the received Content-Length field prior to forwarding such # a message downstream. if headers[CONTENT_LENGTH] raise BadRequest, "Message contains both transfer encoding and content length!" end if transfer_encoding.last == CHUNKED return read_chunked_body(headers) else # If a Transfer-Encoding header field is present in a response and # the chunked transfer coding is not the final encoding, the # message body length is determined by reading the connection until # it is closed by the server. If a Transfer-Encoding header field # is present in a request and the chunked transfer coding is not # the final encoding, the message body length cannot be determined # reliably; the server MUST respond with the 400 (Bad Request) # status code and then close the connection. return read_remainder_body end end # 5. If a valid Content-Length header field is present without # Transfer-Encoding, its decimal value defines the expected message # body length in octets. If the sender closes the connection or # the recipient times out before the indicated number of octets are # received, the recipient MUST consider the message to be # incomplete and close the connection. extract_content_length(headers) do |length| if length > 0 return read_fixed_body(length) else return nil end end # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2068#section- if remainder # 7. Otherwise, this is a response message without a declared message # body length, so the message body length is determined by the # number of octets received prior to the server closing the # connection. return read_remainder_body end end end end end