module Sprockets # Processor engine class for the SASS/SCSS compiler. Depends on the `sass` gem. # # For more infomation see: # # # # class SassProcessor module Functions # return them path (this prefix automatically the path with current theme location) # Sample: .container{ background: #ffffff url(asset_theme_path('img/patterns/pattern1.jpg')); } def asset_theme_path(path, options = {}) asset_path("#{get_theme_prefix}/#{path.value}".gsub("//", "/")), options) end # return them path (this prefix automatically the path with current theme location) # Sample: .container{ background: #ffffff asset-theme-url('img/patterns/pattern1.jpg'); } def asset_theme_url(path, options = {}) asset_url("#{get_theme_prefix}/#{path.value}".gsub("//", "/")), options) end # return them path (this prefix automatically the path with current theme location) def asset_plugin_path(path, options = {}) asset_path("#{get_plugin_prefix}/#{path.value}"), options) end # return them path (this prefix automatically the path with current theme location) def asset_plugin_url(path, options = {}) asset_url("#{get_plugin_prefix}/#{path.value}"), options) end private # get plugin asset prefix def get_plugin_prefix file = self.options[:filename] res = "" res = "plugins/#{file.split("/plugins/").last.split("/").first}/#{"assets/" if file.include?("apps/plugins/")}" if file.include?("/plugins/") res end # get theme asset prefix def get_theme_prefix file = self.options[:filename] res = "" res = "themes/#{file.split("/themes/").last.split("/").first}/#{"assets/" if file.include?("apps/themes/")}" if file.include?("/themes/") res end end end end