module ChangeHealthcare module Eligibility ## # Provides basic inspection capabilities for a benefits information response. class Inspector ## # Set up an inspector for a response. # # @param response [ChangeHealthcare::Eligibility::SwaggerClient::Response] def initialize(response) @response = response end ## # Does this document certify we have coverage for a service type matching the given matcher? # `#===` on this matcher should take a string and return a boolean value. # # We use `#===` as there's a lot of service type codes, and you might want to use a `Proc`, # a `Set`, or a `Regexp` to do your matching. # # @param matcher [#===] matcher to match against, using `#===` # @return [true,false] def active_coverage?(matcher) active_coverage_information.any? do |coverage| (coverage.service_types || []).any? { |type| matcher === type } # rubocop:disable Style/CaseEquality end end ## # All benefits information records that describe a deductible. # # @return [Array] def deductible_records do |bv| == 'Deductible' end end ## # All BV records for co-insurance. # # @return [Array] def coinsurance_records do |bv| = 'Co-Insurance' end end ## # All BV records for co-payment. # # @return [Array] def copayment_records do |bv| = 'Co-Payment' end end ## # Benefits Information for active coverage # # @return [Array] def active_coverage_information do |bv| == 'Active Coverage' end end ## # A list of all benefits information. # # @return [Array] def benefits_information response.benefits_information || [] end ## # @return [ChangeHealthcare::Eligibility::SwaggerClient::Response] attr_reader :response end end end