module Rack class AdapterNotFound < RuntimeError; end # Mapping used to guess which adapter to use in Adapter.for. # Framework => in order they will # be tested. # +nil+ for value to never guess. # NOTE: If a framework has a file that is not unique, make sure to place # it at the end. ADAPTERS = [ [:rails, 'config/environment.rb'], [:ramaze, 'start.rb'], [:halcyon, ''], [:merb, 'config/init.rb'], [:mack, 'config/app_config/default.yml'], [:mack, 'config/configatron/default.rb'], [:file, nil] ] module Adapter # Guess which adapter to use based on the directory structure # or file content. # Returns a symbol representing the name of the adapter to use # to load the application under dir/. def self.guess(dir) ADAPTERS.each do |adapter, file| return adapter if file && ::File.exist?(::File.join(dir, file)) end raise AdapterNotFound, "No adapter found for #{dir}" end # Loads an adapter identified by +name+ using +options+ hash. def self.for(name, options={}) case name.to_sym when :rails return => options[:chdir])) when :ramaze require "#{options[:chdir]}/start" Ramaze.trait[:essentials].delete Ramaze::Adapter Ramaze.start :force => true return Ramaze::Adapter::Base when :merb require 'merb-core' Merb::Config.setup(:merb_root => options[:chdir], :environment => options[:environment]) Merb.environment = Merb::Config[:environment] Merb.root = Merb::Config[:merb_root] return when :halcyon require 'halcyon' $:.unshift(Halcyon.root/'lib') return when :mack ENV["MACK_ENV"] = options[:environment] load(::File.join(options[:chdir], "Rakefile")) require 'mack' return Mack::Utils::Server.build_app when :file return[:chdir]) else raise AdapterNotFound, "Adapter not found: #{name}" end end end end